Search Results
Working Paper
Capital Buffers in a Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics
Corbae, Dean; D'Erasmo, Pablo
We develop a model of banking industry dynamics to study the quantitative impact of regulatory policies on bank risk taking and market structure. Since our model is matched to U.S. data, we propose a market structure where big banks with market power interact with small, competitive fringe banks as well as non-bank lenders. Banks face idiosyncratic funding shocks in addition to aggregate shocks which affect the fraction of performing loans in their portfolio. A nontrivial bank size distribution arises out of endogenous entry and exit, as well as banks' buffer stock of capital. We show the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 779
Working Paper
Relative Price Dispersion: Evidence and Theory
Menzio, Guido; Rudanko, Leena; Kaplan, Greg; Trachter, Nicholas
We use a large dataset on retail pricing to document that a sizable portion of the cross-sectional variation in the price at which the same good trades in the same period and in the same market is due to the fact that stores that are, on average, equally expensive set persistently different prices for the same good. We refer to this phenomenon as relative price dispersion. We argue that relative price dispersion stems from sellers? attempts to discriminate between high-valuation buyers who need to make all of their purchases in the same store and low-valuation buyers who are willing to ...
Working Paper
, Paper 16-2
Journal Article
New information on lending to small businesses and small farms: the 1996 CRA data
Canner, Glenn B.; Bostic, Raphael W.
As a consequence of recent revisions to the regulations that implement the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), new information is now publicly available on the geographic distribution of small loans to businesses and farms and on community development lending. Because small businesses and small farms are more likely than larger ones to borrow small amounts, the CRA data on small loans are likely to provide a reasonable measure of the extension of credit to such businesses. Thus, the CRA data provide new opportunities to gauge the flow of credit to communities with differing economic and ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Volume 84
, Issue Jan
, Pages 1-21
Working Paper
Customer Capital, Markup Cyclicality, and Amplification
Hong, Sungki
This paper studies the importance of firm-level price markup dynamics for business cycle fluctuations. Using state-of-the-art IO techniques to measure the behavior of markups over the business cycle at the firm level, I find that markups are countercyclical with an average elasticity of -1.1 with respect to real GDP. Importantly, I find substantial heterogeneity in markup cyclicality across firms, with small firms having significantly more counter-cyclical markups than large firms. Then, I develop a general equilibrium model by embedding customer capital (due to deep habits as in Ravn, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-33
The time-varying price of financial intermediation in the mortgage market
Lo, Stephanie; Willen, Paul S.; Fuster, Andreas
The U.S. mortgage market links homeowners with savers all over the world. In this paper, we ask how much of the flow of money from savers to borrowers goes to the intermediaries that facilitate these transactions. Based on a new methodology and a new administrative data set, we find that the price of intermediation, measured as a fraction of the loan amount at origination, is large?142 basis points on average over the 2008-14 period. At daily frequencies, intermediaries pass on price changes in the secondary market to borrowers in the primary market almost completely. At monthly frequencies, ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 805
Journal Article
Accounting for the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks on Exchange Rates through Markup Dynamics
Lee, Hyungsuk; Lee, Junsang
This study investigates how fiscal policy shocks affect the external sector through markup dynamics in advanced and developing economies. We focus on the role of markup dynamics as a channel through which fiscal policy has a distinct effect on real exchange rates. Using panel data from 32 countries, we employ a local projection to evaluate the impact of expansionary fiscal policy shocks on real exchange rates, markups, and current accounts. Our empirical findings show distinct responses to the shocks among advanced and developing countries regarding the real exchange rate, due to different ...
, Volume 106
, Issue 2
, Pages 129-145
Working Paper
Variety, globalization, and social efficiency
Ruffin, Roy J.; Cox, W. Michael
This paper puts recent work on the benefits of variety into the context of a more complete quantitative analysis of the Dixit-Stiglitz-Krugman model of monopolistic competition. We show how the gains from globalization are reflected in the increase in variety and the exploitation of economies of scale, and that the social efficiency question is quantitatively insignificant. These results follow from examining a Bertrand-Nash equilibrium that allows for a finite number of varieties to affect the elasticity of demand facing each firm. We develop a precise expression for per capita real income ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 15
Working Paper
Effects of Credit Supply on Unemployment and Inequality
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu; Dinopoulos , Elias; Unel, Bulent
The Great Recession, which was preceded by the financial crisis, resulted in higher unemployment and inequality. We propose a simple model where firms producing varieties face labor-market frictions and credit constraints. In the model, tighter credit leads to lower output, lower number of vacancies, and higher directed-search unemployment. Where workers are more productive at higher levels of firm output, lower credit supply increases firm capital intensity, raises inequality by increasing the rental of capital relative to the wage, and has an ambiguous effect on welfare. At initial high ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2016-13
Working Paper
Where Are All the New Banks? The Role of Regulatory Burden in New Charter Creation
Adams, Robert M.; Gramlich, Jacob P.
New bank formation in the U.S. has declined dramatically since the financial crisis, from well over 100 new banks per year to less than 1. Many have suggested that this is due to newly-instituted regulation, but the current weak economy and low interest rates (which both depress banking profits) could also have played a role. We estimate a model of bank entry decisions on data from 1976 to 2013 which indicates that at least 75% of the decline in new bank formation would have occurred without any regulatory change. The standalone effect of regulation is more difficult to quantify.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2014-113
Journal Article
Effects of Credit Supply on Unemployment and Income Inequality
Dinopoulos , Elias; Unel, Bulent; Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu
The Great Recession, which was preceded by the Financial Crisis, resulted in higher unemployment and income inequality. We propose a simple model where firms producing varieties face labor-market frictions and credit constraints. In the model, tighter credit leads to lower output, a lower number of vacancies, and higher directed-search unemployment. If workers are more productive at higher levels of firm output, then a lower credit supply increases firm capital intensity, raises income inequality by increasing the rental of capital relative to the wage, and has an ambiguous effect on welfare. ...
, Volume 100
, Issue 4
, Pages 345-362
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 1 items
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Working Papers 25 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 8 items
Staff Reports 6 items
Staff Report 5 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 4 items
Review 4 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 3 items
Working Paper Series 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 2 items
Working Paper 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
D'Erasmo, Pablo 5 items
Chan, Mons 3 items
Corbae, Dean 3 items
Hong, Guangbin 3 items
Hubmer, Joachim 3 items
Luttmer, Erzo G. J. 3 items
Ozkan, Serdar 3 items
Rudanko, Leena 3 items
Salgado, Sergio 3 items
Trachter, Nicholas 3 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 2 items
Bernstein, Joshua 2 items
Bostic, Raphael W. 2 items
Bräuning, Falk 2 items
Canner, Glenn B. 2 items
Decker, Ryan A. 2 items
Dinopoulos , Elias 2 items
Fillat, José 2 items
Fuster, Andreas 2 items
Garratt, Rod 2 items
Haltiwanger, John 2 items
Joaquim, Gustavo 2 items
Kaplan, Greg 2 items
Kaymak, Barış 2 items
Knotek, Edward S. 2 items
Lee, Hyungsuk 2 items
Lee, Junsang 2 items
Lo, Stephanie 2 items
Menzio, Guido 2 items
Moscoso Boedo, Herman J. 2 items
Richter, Alexander W. 2 items
Schott, Immo 2 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 2 items
Unel, Bulent 2 items
Willen, Paul S. 2 items
Adams, Robert M. 1 items
Amiti, Mary 1 items
Anderson, Eric 1 items
Atalay, Enghin 1 items
Avery, Robert B. 1 items
Bastos, Paulo 1 items
Berentsen, Aleksander 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 1 items
Breu, Mariana Rojas 1 items
Calem, Paul S. 1 items
Chien, YiLi 1 items
Choi, Joonkyu 1 items
Cole, Rebel A. 1 items
Copeland, Adam 1 items
Cox, W. Michael 1 items
Demirer, Mert 1 items
Dennis, Patrick 1 items
Di, Wenhua 1 items
Dias, Daniel A. 1 items
Dunne, Timothy 1 items
Firooz, Hamid 1 items
Frost, Erika 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 1 items
Goldschlag, Nathan 1 items
Gramlich, Jacob P. 1 items
Heise, Sebastian 1 items
Hirtle, Beverly 1 items
Hong, Sungki 1 items
Jarmin, Ron S. 1 items
Jimenez-Hernandez, Diego 1 items
Kim, J. Daniel 1 items
Kim, Minho 1 items
Klimek, Shawn D. 1 items
Koijen, Ralph S. J. 1 items
Kondo, Illenin O. 1 items
Kurtzman, Robert J. 1 items
Lee, Michael Junho 1 items
Lewis, Logan T. 1 items
Li, Dean 1 items
Liu, Zheng 1 items
Malin, Benjamin A. 1 items
Marto, Ricardo 1 items
Migueis, Marco 1 items
Minton, Robert 1 items
Miranda, Javier 1 items
Mongey, Simon 1 items
Mulligan, Casey B. 1 items
Nakamura, Emi 1 items
Oh, Jiyoon 1 items
Pattison, Nathaniel 1 items
Pearce, Jeremy 1 items
Peng, Sida 1 items
Roberts, Mark J. 1 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 1 items
Ruffin, Roy J. 1 items
Sara-Zaror, Francisca 1 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 1 items
Sayag, Doron 1 items
Schenone, Carola 1 items
Schoenle, Raphael 1 items
Senkal, Asli 1 items
Shin, Yongseok 1 items
Simester, Duncan 1 items
Smith, David C. 1 items
Snir, Avichai 1 items
Sorensen, Alan 1 items
Steinsson, Jon 1 items
Stella, Andrea 1 items
Suher, Michael 1 items
Sullivan, Christopher 1 items
Timoshenko, Olga A. 1 items
Villa, Alessandro 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Wang, Yajie 1 items
Weinberger, Ariel 1 items
Wheelock, David C. 1 items
Wilson, Paul W. 1 items
Wolken, John D. 1 items
Woodburn, R. Louise 1 items
Wu, Liangjie 1 items
Xu, Daniel Yi 1 items
Xu, Jessie 1 items
Yogo, Motohiro 1 items
Zeke, David 1 items
Zhu, Wanjia 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 16 items
E31 9 items
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E32 7 items
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E30 6 items
E44 6 items
L13 5 items
D22 4 items
D24 4 items
D40 4 items
G28 4 items
L16 4 items
L25 4 items
O47 4 items
D83 3 items
E22 3 items
E23 3 items
E52 3 items
F12 3 items
F14 3 items
H32 3 items
J63 3 items
L51 3 items
L60 3 items
D12 2 items
D21 2 items
E25 2 items
E37 2 items
E42 2 items
E51 2 items
J31 2 items
J64 2 items
O33 2 items
O41 2 items
C12 1 items
C13 1 items
C14 1 items
C15 1 items
C21 1 items
D11 1 items
D41 1 items
D60 1 items
E21 1 items
E26 1 items
E3 1 items
E39 1 items
E50 1 items
F23 1 items
F41 1 items
F43 1 items
F60 1 items
G01 1 items
G12 1 items
G20 1 items
G22 1 items
G23 1 items
G32 1 items
G33 1 items
G34 1 items
G38 1 items
G50 1 items
I30 1 items
J15 1 items
J24 1 items
L15 1 items
L22 1 items
L26 1 items
L41 1 items
L81 1 items
L84 1 items
L86 1 items
L89 1 items
L97 1 items
M30 1 items
M31 1 items
O14 1 items
O16 1 items
O17 1 items
O30 1 items
O31 1 items
O32 1 items
O34 1 items
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R12 1 items
R23 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Firm Dynamics 6 items
Firm size distribution 4 items
returns to scale 4 items
Business cycles 4 items
Productivity 4 items
misallocation 4 items
Zipf's law 3 items
market concentration 3 items
production function heterogeneity 3 items
inflation 3 items
Banks and banking 2 items
Nonlinear 2 items
Skewness 2 items
Slow recoveries 2 items
Small business 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
competition 2 items
cost-price pass-through 2 items
financial intermediation 2 items
industry concentration 2 items
market structure 2 items
markups 2 items
monetary policy transmission 2 items
mortgage finance 2 items
nine-ending prices 2 items
reallocation 2 items
supply shock identification 2 items
Heterogeneous Firms 2 items
Macroprudential policy 2 items
Menu costs 2 items
Price Rigidity 2 items
Privacy 2 items
Accounting Decomposition 1 items
Agricultural credit 1 items
Airbnb 1 items
Bank Competition 1 items
Bank concentration 1 items
Bank entry 1 items
Bank fees; Deposit accounts; LMI; Majority-minority 1 items
Bank loans 1 items
Bank size distribution 1 items
Banking competition 1 items
Banking industry dynamics 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Business Cycle 1 items
Business Dynamism 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Capital regulation 1 items
Cloud computing 1 items
Consumer search 1 items
Corporate taxation 1 items
Credit access 1 items
Customer Base 1 items
Customer Capital 1 items
Data 1 items
Difference-in-differences 1 items
Distance 1 items
Dynamic Financial Oligopoly 1 items
Endogenous Financial Markups 1 items
Endogenous growth 1 items
Endogenous idiosyncratic risk 1 items
Entrepreneurship 1 items
Entry and Exit 1 items
Equilibrium product market search 1 items
Financial Structure 1 items
Fintech 1 items
Goods 1 items
Granularity 1 items
High-Growth Firms 1 items
Human Capital 1 items
Imperfect competition 1 items
Industry dynamics 1 items
Industry dynamics with imperfect competition 1 items
Informal Sector 1 items
International finance 1 items
Job reallocation 1 items
Labor Search 1 items
Labor share of income 1 items
Labor supply and demand 1 items
Learning about demand 1 items
Life insurance industry 1 items
Lognormal 1 items
Market exposure 1 items
Markup Cyclicality 1 items
Mergers & acquisitions 1 items
Micro-Funded Financial Frictions 1 items
Microdata 1 items
Monetary policy 1 items
Monopolistic competition 1 items
Nonbank financial institutions 1 items
Oligopoly 1 items
Organizational Growth 1 items
Pareto 1 items
Policy Distortions 1 items
Price Posting 1 items
Price discrimination 1 items
Price dispersion 1 items
Prices 1 items
Product Market Search 1 items
Product quality 1 items
Production Function 1 items
Publicly Available Dataset 1 items
Quality standards 1 items
Ratings 1 items
Regular retail prices 1 items
Regulation 1 items
Regulatory arbitrage 1 items
Reinsurance 1 items
Retail pricing 1 items
Retail sales 1 items
Sales 1 items
Savings and loan associations 1 items
Size distribution of firms 1 items
Small business lending 1 items
Special purpose vehicles 1 items
Specialization 1 items
Spillovers 1 items
TFP distribution 1 items
Tail Risk 1 items
Teasers 1 items
Technology 1 items
Technology diffusion 1 items
Trade deals 1 items
Trademarks 1 items
Treatment effects 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
Welfare 1 items
aggregate markup 1 items
airline prices 1 items
automation 1 items
bank size distributions 1 items
banking 1 items
banks 1 items
branch 1 items
brands 1 items
common ownership 1 items
credit constraints 1 items
credit expansion 1 items
customer data 1 items
demand estimation 1 items
deposits 1 items
digital cash 1 items
endogenous markups 1 items
entry 1 items
exit 1 items
favored price endings 1 items
firm-size distribution 1 items
fiscal policy 1 items
fiscal policy shocks 1 items
functional inequality 1 items
import competition 1 items
income elasticity of demand 1 items
industry dynamics with imperfect competition. 1 items
institutional ownership 1 items
intangible assets 1 items
international trade 1 items
labor share 1 items
local concentration 1 items
manufacturing 1 items
marginal versus average pricing 1 items
markup 1 items
markup dispersion 1 items
markup dynamics 1 items
national product-market concentration 1 items
non-homothetic preferences 1 items
nonlinear pricing 1 items
nonparametric 1 items
online experiment 1 items
pass-through entities 1 items
payments 1 items
price elasticity of demand 1 items
price points 1 items
product innovation 1 items
real exchange rates 1 items
regression. 1 items
scale economies 1 items
search unemployment 1 items
service industry 1 items
services 1 items
skill premium 1 items
sticky prices 1 items
structural change 1 items
survey 1 items
technological progress 1 items
zero-ending prices 1 items
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