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Keywords:Discrimination in housing 

Journal Article
Testing for housing discrimination: findings from a HUD study of real estate agents

Working with a real-estate agent is typically one of the first steps people take when looking to rent an apartment or buy a home. To determine whether people of certain races and ethnicities are treated differently during this process, HUD sponsored a nationwide Housing Discrimination Study. Julia Reade highlights findings.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 10-15

Journal Article
Immigrant experience: the relation between skin color and pay

There is considerable evidence of discriminatory treatment of immigrants in employment and access to housing, and the author?s research suggests that factors such as height and darkness of skin may influence how immigrants are treated.
Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 18-19

Discussion Paper
Subprime lending over time: the role of race

Analyzes the racial gap in subprime mortgages over time. The study estimates a portion of the gap that cannot be attributed to such characteristics as income, credit score, loan amount, degree of documentation, denial rate, residence in a minority tract, and debt-to-income ratio. It concludes that the unexplained portion suggests that bias in mortgage lending cannot be ruled out.
Community Affairs Discussion Paper , Paper 10-02

Conference Paper
A pioneer's perspective on the spatial mismatch literature

Proceedings , Paper 908


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