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Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 

Journal Article
Points to consider when financing REITs

Emerging Issues , Issue Jun

Financial Accounting Standard no. 133--the reprieve

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Jul

How much of the decline in unemployment is due to the exhaustion of unemployment benefits?

Prior studies have examined the impact of extended unemployment insurance (UI) benefits on the rise in the unemployment rate in this recession and early recovery. We use real-time microdata from the Bureau of Labor Statistics? Current Population Survey (CPS) to examine whether there has been a reverse effect recently as benefits have been exhausted. We find that if UI benefits had lasted indefinitely, the unemployment rate would have been cumulatively about 0.1 to 0.3 percentage points higher between October 2009 and January 2011, which represents about 10% to 25% of the decline in the actual ...
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue July

Journal Article
From pathways to policy: an overview of green collar jobs advocacy

The term "Green Collar Job" for many of those who use it, represents more than a label describing environmentally friendly occupations. In particular, the expression tends to evoke a hopeful vision of economic development that combines inclusive prosperity and environmental stewardship in complementary ways. Yet even supporters who admire the term's ability to inspire acknowledge its ambiquity and unwieldiness from a technical perspective. Others have even wondered whether the phrase is anything more than a "trendy term for politicians and others to bandy about."
Profitwise , Issue Sep , Pages 2-8

Does public capital crowd out private capital?

Staff Memoranda , Paper 88-10

Bank of Korea International Conference Panel Comments

Remarks for the Bank of Korea International Conference 2010, June 1, 2010 Seoul, Korea
Speech , Paper 41

Working Paper
Risk overhang and loan portfolio decisions

Despite operating under substantial regulatory constraints, we find that commercial banks manage their investments largely consistent with the predictions of portfolio choice models with capital market imperfections. Based on 1990-2002 data for small (assets less than $1 billion) U.S. commercial banks, net new lending to the business, real estate, and consumer sectors increased with expected sector profitability, tended to decrease with the illiquidity of existing (overhanging) loan stocks, and was responsive to correlations in cross-sector returns. Small banks are most appropriate for this ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-05-04

Journal Article
Seasonal monetary policy

Economic Perspectives , Volume 29 , Issue Q III , Pages 49-68

Working Paper
Financial distress and the role of capital contributions by the owner manager

This paper examines the implications of bankruptcy law for owner managed firms. These firms are typically (i) smaller, (ii) their value is closely tied to the skills of the owner manager, and (iii) the owner manager represents a feasible source of capital contributions if the firm is in financial distress. The terms of such capital infusions, codified as the new value exception (NVE) to the absolute priority rule (APR), has been the source of considerable controversy, both in terms of its existence, and the economic benefit, if any, that it provides. We show that when the owner manager cannot ...
Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation , Paper WP-96-22

Reforming financial regulation - a conference summary

The Chicago Fed?s 45th annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, which took place May 6?8, 2009, brought together industry personnel, regulators, and academics to discuss the recent financial crisis and financial regulatory reform, among other issues.
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Mar



FILTER BY Content Type

Conference Paper 1178 items

Working Paper 937 items

Journal Article 792 items

Newsletter 729 items

Speech 48 items

Report 31 items

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Testa, William A. 88 items

Mattoon, Richard H. 86 items

anonymous 76 items

Aaronson, Daniel 72 items

Klier, Thomas H. 71 items

Strauss, William A. 71 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E52 43 items

G21 30 items

E32 29 items

G12 28 items

E31 27 items

E44 26 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Bank supervision 165 items

Risk 149 items

Bank loans 133 items

Banks and banking 125 items

Payment systems 119 items

Business cycles 117 items