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How Do Firms Differ in Rich and Poor Countries?

Firms in countries with high GDP per capita tend to have larger and more highly educated workforces and to be organized differently than firms in poor countries.
On the Economy

An Economic Outlook

Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker gave an economic outlook and focused on skills and the workforce to the Jewish Business Network in Philadelphia. Harker said that employers struggle to fill high-skilled jobs, which are less likely to be automated. ?The reality of the tight labor market means that employers have to start thinking creatively and long term about how they?re going to address the gap between the skills they want and need and those available in the labor pool,? he said.
Speech , Paper 157

Creating a Vibrant, Inclusive Economy: Remarks at the Community College of Rhode Island

First, I want to highlight why I wanted to prioritize speaking at a community college like CCRI; and why community colleges, and all of you engaged with them, are so important to our economy and society. Then, I’ll talk briefly about the range of things we do at the Federal Reserve, to advance our mission. And finally, I’ll share some of the lessons I’ve learned from my own career path, in case my experiences may be helpful to you.

All Eyes on Texas: Community colleges focus on preparing the workforce of tomorrow

This report examines how Texas community colleges can fulfill their unique mission through measures including additional funding, greater outreach with business and recognition that many students seek specific skills training.

Discussion Paper
Rural Spotlight: Resuscitating the Health Care Workforce Pipeline in the Valleys

Regional Matters

Healthy Workforce, Healthy Economy

Remarks at Combating Food Insecurity: What’s Working – and What’s Scalable? (delivered via videoconference.

Investing in America’s Workforce

Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker spoke at the Fed?s Investing in America?s Workforce conference in Austin, TX. His presentation covered the findings of a new Fed report on workforce development.
Speech , Paper 142

Journal Article
From Classroom to Career: An Overview of Current Workforce Development Trends, Issues and Initiatives

Earlier this year, Community Development and Policy Studies (CDPS) staff at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago released a report on its Industrial Cities Initiative (ICI).[1] The report features a quantitative assessment of ten Midwestern “industrial cities” that is augmented by more than 175 interviews with city leadership. The report explores whether – and to what extent – these cities have been able to withstand a decline in manufacturing employment since the 1960s. Workforce development was the most common and ...
Profitwise , Issue Fall , Pages 1-37

Journal Article
Spotlight on Research: Early Labor Experiences of Young Men: Underlying Factors and Later Consequences

Unemployment has deleterious effects on the overall health of the economy. Also, unemployment is debilitating to those experiencing it. For young entrants into the labor force, their early employment/unemployment experiences may be especially critical to their later labor market success. Thus, the initial transition-to-work period may foretell future employment status and wages/income. This is a particularly crucial juncture for young minority males who generally experience high rates of unemployment. Conventional wisdom suggests that higher educational attainment plays a prominent role in ...
Cascade , Volume 1

Journal Article
Investing in Healthy Communities: Ideas to Action for Healthy People, Places, and Planet - A Conference Summary

The Wisconsin Rapids event was the third in a Wisconsin series and built on earlier events in Milwaukee (December 2014)2 and Platteville (July 2015)3. Co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and local leaders, the earlier conferences highlighted the connections between health, community development, and economic development in urban and rural communities, as well as the opportunities for these fields to improve outcomes by working together. This third conference focused on the role of investing to build healthy communities, including how financial investments by banks and socially ...
Profitwise , Issue 2 , Pages 8-27



Speech 4 items

Econ Focus 2 items

Profitwise 2 items

Cascade 1 items

Monograph 1 items

On the Economy 1 items

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