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From Academia to the Federal Reserve
For Paula Tkac, associate director of research at the Atlanta Fed, breaking the rules is about looking outside the box and seeing how things can be done differently.
In the Trenches during the 2007-09 Financial Crisis
Working on the Fed’s stress test was a key focus for Beverly Hirtle, an economist and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's head of research.
Ensuring That Your Voice Is Heard
Amanda Michaud, an economist and research officer at the St. Louis Fed, talks about life as an economist and her research on criminal justice policies and labor markets.
Making Progress on Diversity in the Economics Profession
Three prominent economists discuss their efforts as American Economic Association leaders to help diversify their profession.
The Public Policy Impact of Economics
Heidi Hartmann, founder of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, talks about the concept of “comparable worth” and what attracted her to the field of economics.
Economic Forecasting during a Pandemic
Kathleen Navin’s job as an economic forecaster got even harder with the onset of COVID-19.
Observations of a Trust-Busting Economist
Nancy Rose, an economics professor at MIT, talks about her experience as deputy assistant attorney general for economic analysis in the antitrust division at DOJ.
The Center for Advancing Women in Economics: A Conference Recap
Economists from the Richmond Fed, research universities and other institutions met in Richmond for the Center for Advancing Women in Economics (AWE) conference in November. Women researchers presented papers on a variety of topics, including unconventional monetary and fiscal policy, global inflation patterns, worker responses to labor shocks, capital flows and risk, changes in U.S. supply chains, and the dynamics of official lending.The conference concluded with a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities for academic research to inform policy. AWE Director Marina Azzimonti served ...
Investigating the Role of Geography in Economics
Hannah Rubinton, an economist at the St. Louis Fed, explores how geography might affect one’s college attainment.
Seeking and Giving Advice
When she entered college, Senior Economist Oksana Leukhina aspired to become an international diplomat. Her plans changed after she received a piece of timely advice.