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Working Paper
Does getting a mortgage affect credit card use?
Stavins, Joanna; Fulford, Scott L.
Buying a house changes a household?s balance sheet by simultaneously reducing liquidity and introducing mortgage payments, which may leave the household more exposed to other shocks. We find that this change affects credit card use in two ways: A debt effect increases credit card spending, while a credit effect leads to higher credit limits. In the short run, a new mortgage acquisition has a robust and statistically significant positive effect on credit card utilization ? the fraction of a consumer?s credit card limit that is used ? of approximately 11 percentage points. Before the 2008 ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-8
The 2017 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
Greene, Claire; Stavins, Joanna
This paper describes key results from the 2017 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC), the fourth in a series of diary surveys that measure payment behavior through the daily recording of U.S. consumers' spending. The DCPC is the only diary survey of U.S. consumer payments available free to the public. In October 2017, consumers paid mostly with cash (30.3 percent of payments), debit cards (26.2 percent), and credit cards (21.0 percent). These instruments accounted for three-quarters of the number of payments, but only about 40 percent of the total value of payments, because they tend to be ...
Consumer Payments Research Data Reports
, Paper 2018-5
Discussion Paper
Balances Are on the Rise—So Who Is Taking on More Credit Card Debt?
Haughwout, Andrew F.; Lee, Donghoon; Mangrum, Daniel; Scally, Joelle; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
Total household debt balances continued their upward climb in the third quarter of 2022 with an increase of $351 billion, the largest nominal quarterly increase since 2007. This rise was driven by a $282 billion increase in mortgage balances, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt & Credit from the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data. Mortgages, historically the largest form of household debt, now comprise 71 percent of outstanding household debt balances, up from 69 percent in the fourth quarter of 2019. An increase in credit card balances was also a boost to ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20221115b
Discussion Paper
The Role of Educational Attainment in Household Debt and Delinquency Disparities
Chakrabarti, Rajashri; Chatterji-Len, Kasey; Avtar, Ruchi
This post concludes a three-part series exploring the gender, racial, and educational disparities of debt outcomes of college students. In the previous two posts, we examined how debt holding and delinquency behaviors vary among students of different race and gender, breaking up our analyses by level of degree pursued by the student. We found that Black and Hispanic students were less likely than white students to take on credit card debt, auto loans, and mortgage debt, but experienced higher rates of delinquency in each of these debt areas by the age of 30. In contrast, Black students were ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20211117c
Discussion Paper
Credit Card Balance Declines Are Largest Among Older, Wealthier Borrowers
Haughwout, Andrew F.; Lee, Donghoon; Scally, Joelle; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
Total household debt rose by $85 billion in the first quarter of 2021, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit from the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data. Since the start of the pandemic, household debt balances have increased in every quarter but one—the second quarter of 2020, when lockdowns were in full effect. The Quarterly Report and this analysis are based on the New York Fed's Consumer Credit Panel, which is drawn from anonymized Equifax credit data.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20210512
Working Paper
Managing Risk in Cards Portfolios: Risk Appetite and Limits
Eder, Tiffany; Labonne, Claire; O'Loughlin, Caitlin; Sharma, Krish
We describe an important risk management tool at financial institutions, risk appetite frameworks. We observe those frameworks for credit cards portfolios at four large banks and analyze when and why banks adjust them. The risk appetite frameworks for these banks monitor 40 to 150 metrics. We focus on metrics related to outstanding balances of which we identified 79. Overall, we find that these frameworks are sticky. Most adjustments occur during scheduled annual reviews and are relatively limited. Limit breaches are rare. Thresholds are often changed the month after a breach or after the ...
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers
, Paper 24-01
Which U.S. Households Have Credit Card Debt?
Chiang, Yu-Ting; Dueholm, Mick
Households carrying credit card balances tend to be middle income, but the ratio of credit card debt to income is highest among those who earn the least.
On the Economy
The Financial Consequences of Undiagnosed Memory Disorders
Gresenz, Carole Roan; Mitchell, Jean M; Rodriguez, Belicia; Turner, R. Scott; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
We examine the effect of undiagnosed memory disorders on credit outcomes using nationally representative credit reporting data merged with Medicare data. Years prior to eventual diagnosis, average credit scores begin to weaken and payment delinquency begins to increase, overall and for mortgage and credit card accounts specifically. Credit outcomes consistently deteriorate over the quarters leading up to diagnosis. The harmful financial effects of undiagnosed memory disorders exacerbate the already substantial financial pressure households face upon diagnosis of a memory disorder. Our ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 1106
Discussion Paper
Contactless Payment Cards: Trends and Barriers to Consumer Adoption in the U.S.
Akana, Tom; Ke, Wei
Since 2017, the payment cards industry has undertaken a concerted effort to bring contactless “tap-and-pay” credit and debit card products to consumers. Payment networks, card issuers, and banks have worked to ensure that contactless cards, which communicate payment information wirelessly to point-of-sale terminals through Near Field Communication technology, are at the forefront of consumers’ minds when they make a purchase. Missing from the discussion of contactless payments, however, is an understanding of consumer interest in the technology; indeed, the current activities are a ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
, Paper DP 20-03
Working Paper
The Conundrum of Zero APR: An Analytical Framework
Drozd, Lukasz A.; Kowalik, Michal
We document the prevalence of promotional pricing of credit card debt in the U.S. and develop an analytic framework to study how interest rates on multiperiod credit line contracts should be set when debt is unsecured and defaultable. We show that according to the basic theory of unsecured credit — suitably extended to allow for promotions — interest rates should price in the expected default risk on a period-by-period basis. The inspection of our model’s mechanism implies that time-consistent consumption behavior is crucial for this result; accordingly, modeling time-inconsistent ...
Working Papers
, Paper 23-06
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
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Working Papers 15 items
Liberty Street Economics 13 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 8 items
Research Data Report 7 items
Consumer Payments Research Data Reports 3 items
Chicago Fed Letter 2 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 2 items
Page One Economics Newsletter 2 items
Staff Reports 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief 1 items
On the Economy 1 items
Payments System Research Briefing 1 items
Profitwise 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Discussion Paper 21 items
Working Paper 18 items
Report 13 items
Newsletter 4 items
Briefing 2 items
Journal Article 1 items
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Stavins, Joanna 12 items
Greene, Claire 9 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 8 items
Scally, Joelle 7 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 6 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 6 items
Lee, Donghoon 6 items
Schuh, Scott 5 items
Akana, Tom 3 items
Avtar, Ruchi 3 items
Fulford, Scott L. 3 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 3 items
Blascak, Nathan 2 items
Chatterji-Len, Kasey 2 items
Drozd, Lukasz A. 2 items
Fedaseyeu, Viktar 2 items
Hunt, Robert M. 2 items
Jagtiani, Julapa 2 items
Mangrum, Daniel 2 items
Topa, Giorgio 2 items
Tranfaglia, Anna 2 items
Agarwal, Sumit 1 items
An, Xudong 1 items
Armantier, Olivier 1 items
Bennett, Jeannette N. 1 items
Bradford, Terri 1 items
Brown, Meta 1 items
Calem, Paul S. 1 items
Campbell, Graham 1 items
Chiang, Yu-Ting 1 items
Cole, Allison 1 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 1 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 1 items
DiMaggio, Marco 1 items
Dolson, Erik 1 items
Dou, Yiwei 1 items
Dueholm, Mick 1 items
Eder, Tiffany 1 items
Felt, Marie-Hélène 1 items
Foster, Kevin 1 items
Ge, Shan 1 items
George, Taz 1 items
Gresenz, Carole Roan 1 items
Haddix, Maddie 1 items
Han, Song 1 items
Hartley, Daniel 1 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 1 items
Heise, Sebastian 1 items
Ionescu, Felicia 1 items
Ionescu, Marius 1 items
Johnson, Stephanie 1 items
Ke, Wei 1 items
Kermani, Amir 1 items
Keys, Benjamin J. 1 items
Kowalik, Michal 1 items
Labonne, Claire 1 items
Lanning, Jonathan 1 items
Li, Geng 1 items
Maingi, Ramain Quinn 1 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 1 items
Melcangi, Davide 1 items
Mitchell, Jean M 1 items
Morgan, Donald P. 1 items
Newberger, Robin G. 1 items
Nober, William 1 items
O'Dell, Mark 1 items
O'Loughlin, Caitlin 1 items
Peate, Mary Clare 1 items
Psathas, Peter 1 items
Rajan, Aastha 1 items
Ramasamy, Chellappan 1 items
Ramcharan, Rodney 1 items
Rodriguez, Belicia 1 items
Roman, Raluca 1 items
Ronen, Joshua 1 items
Rose, Jonathan D. 1 items
Santucci, Larry 1 items
Santucci, Lawrence 1 items
Serrano-Padial, Ricardo 1 items
Severino, Felipe 1 items
Sharma, Krish 1 items
Smith, Kyle 1 items
Turner, R. Scott 1 items
Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan 1 items
Wang, Jenna 1 items
Welte, Angelika 1 items
Wilshusen, Stephanie M. 1 items
Yu, Edison 1 items
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D14 30 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
credit cards 60 items
checking accounts 9 items
debit cards 9 items
cash 8 items
checks 8 items
electronic payments 8 items
payment preferences 8 items
prepaid cards 8 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 6 items
mortgage 6 items
consumer credit 6 items
household finances 5 items
student loans 5 items
CARD Act 4 items
COVID-19 4 items
Diary of Consumer Payment Choice 4 items
unbanked 4 items
credit 3 items
debt 3 items
delinquency 3 items
mortgages 3 items
debt collection 3 items
CCP 2 items
CUNY 2 items
account graduation 2 items
auto 2 items
auto loans 2 items
consumer behavior 2 items
consumer credit markets 2 items
consumer credit panel 2 items
consumer spending 2 items
contract enforcement 2 items
credit card debt 2 items
credit limits 2 items
debit card 2 items
decomposition 2 items
gender 2 items
household debt 2 items
inequality 2 items
regulation of credit markets 2 items
secured credit cards 2 items
student debt 2 items
unemployment 2 items
Credit supply 2 items
Bankruptcy reform 1 items
Ch. 13 1 items
Ch. 7 1 items
Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) 1 items
Consumer debt 1 items
Consumer payment choice 1 items
Consumer payments 1 items
Debt repayment 1 items
Default 1 items
FDCPA 1 items
Fair Debt Collections Practices Act 1 items
Great Recession 1 items
HELOC 1 items
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P2P 1 items
P2P lending 1 items
Target 1 items
ability to pay 1 items
alternative credit 1 items
auto lenders 1 items
auto loan 1 items
bank reputation 1 items
bank stress tests 1 items
banking supervision 1 items
bankruptcy 1 items
buffer stock 1 items
census tract 1 items
climate change 1 items
consumer credit access 1 items
consumer debts 1 items
consumer preferences 1 items
consumption 1 items
contactless 1 items
cost of credit 1 items
costly state verification 1 items
credit access 1 items
credit card utilization 1 items
credit offers 1 items
credit performance 1 items
credit scores 1 items
credit usage 1 items
data breach 1 items
default risk 1 items
delinquency and default 1 items
fintech 1 items
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household finance 1 items
household saving and borrowing 1 items
households 1 items
income 1 items
informal bankruptcy 1 items
information asymmetry 1 items
information technology 1 items
insurance 1 items
interchange fees 1 items
lending practices 1 items
life cycle 1 items
longer maturities 1 items
longer-term borrowings 1 items
mail solicitation 1 items
memory disorders 1 items
mobile payments 1 items
moral hazard 1 items
mortgage forbearance 1 items
mortgage lending 1 items
observable characteristics 1 items
online community 1 items
online lending 1 items
origination vintages 1 items
pandemic 1 items
panel 1 items
participation inequality 1 items
pass-through entities 1 items
payment card security 1 items
payment cards 1 items
payment deferral 1 items
payment pause 1 items
personal bankruptcy 1 items
personal finance 1 items
personal lending 1 items
point-of-sale payments 1 items
precaution 1 items
prepayment 1 items
promotional introductory offers 1 items
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regressive effects 1 items
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revolving credit 1 items
rewards 1 items
risk appetite framework 1 items
risk limits 1 items
risk management 1 items
saving 1 items
savings accounts 1 items
secured 1 items
subprime mortgages 1 items
tap-and-pay 1 items
unsecured credit 1 items
unsecured debt 1 items
zero APR 1 items
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