Search Results
Journal Article
Reducing unemployment: current issues and policy options: a summary of the Bank's 1994 symposium
Higgins, Bryon
Reducing unemployment has become a top priority for economic policy in most industrialized nations. While unemployment will ebb somewhat as countries recover from the recent global recession, millions are likely to remain jobless for a variety of structural reasons. Moreover, there is a disturbing trend in many industrialized countries toward long-term unemployment, especially among low-skilled workers. This trend has had less effect on measured unemployment in the United States than in Europe in part because U.S. workers have greater incentives to accept low-wage jobs. Nonetheless, virtually ...
Economic Review
, Volume 79
, Issue Q IV
, Pages 45-58
Working Paper
Labor Market Tightness during WWI and the Postwar Recession of 1920-1921
Anderson, Haelim; Chang, Jin-Wook
The U.S. economy entered the 1920s with a robust job market and high inflation but fell into a recession following the Federal Reserve's discount rate hikes to tame inflation. Using a newly constructed data set, we study labor market dynamics during this period. We find that labor markets were tight when the Federal Reserve began tightening monetary policy, but they became loose following the tightening as the recession deepened. The demand-supply imbalance in the labor market was driven by a sharp decline in the number of job openings. We also show that the recession had an uneven effect on ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 2022-049
Housing Markets in a Time of Crisis: A Historical Perspective
Fishback, Price; Snowden, Kenneth A.; Rose, Jonathan D.
As the coronavirus (Covid-19) public health crisis unfolds, a second crisis in the economy is developing as well. One economic concern, among many, is the debt burden of households. Early reports point to a surge in unemployment claims during March 2020, raising the prospect that widespread unemployment is likely to impair the ability of households to make payments on their home mortgages and other loans in the months ahead. This represents a potential crisis in mortgage markets, as borrowers who are temporarily unemployed—but for an unknown period—may face default on their mortgages.
Chicago Fed Letter
, Issue 433
Working Paper
Worker flows and job flows: a quantitative investigation
Fujita, Shigeru; Nakajima, Makoto
This paper studies the quantitative properties of a multiple-worker firm matching model with on-the-job search where heterogeneous firms operate decreasing-returns-to-scale production technology. We focus on the model's ability to replicate the business cycle features of job flows, worker flows between employment and unemployment, and job-to-job transitions. The calibrated model successfully replicates (i) countercyclical worker flows between employment and unemployment, (ii) procyclical job-to-job transitions, and (iii) opposite movements of job creation and destruction rates over the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 13-09
Working Paper
Space and time in macroeconomic panel data: young workers and state-level unemployment revisited
Foote, Christopher L.
A provocative paper by Shimer (2001) finds that state-level youth shares and unemployment rates are negatively correlated, in contrast to conventional assumptions about demographic effects on labor markets. This paper updates Shimer's regressions and shows that this surprising correlation essentially disappears when the end of the sample period is extended from 1996 to 2005. This shift does not occur because of a change in the underlying economy during the past decade. Rather, the presence of a cross-sectional (that is, spatial) correlation in the state-level data sharply reduces the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 07-10
Working Paper
Doves for the Rich, Hawks for the Poor? Distributional Consequences of Systematic Monetary Policy
Gornemann, Nils; Kuester, Keith; Nakajima, Makoto
We build a New Keynesian business-cycle model with rich household heterogeneity. In the model, systematic monetary stabilization policy affects the distribution of income, income risks, and the demand for funds and supply of assets: the demand, because matching frictions render idiosyncratic labor-market risk endogenous; the supply, because markups, adjustment costs, and the tax system mean that the average profitability of firms is endogenous. Disagreement about systematic monetary stabilization policy is pronounced. The wealth-rich or retired tend to favor inflation targeting. The ...
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers
, Paper 50
COVID-19, School Closings and Labor Market Impacts COVID-19, School Closings and Labor Market Impacts
Ebsim, Mahdi; Gascon, Charles S.
With schools closed due to COVID-19, many full-time workers may drop out of the labor force to take care of their children. Which groups of workers might be most affected?
On the Economy
Journal Article
The shadow labor supply and its implications for the unemployment rate
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose; Davig, Troy A.
In the wake of the Great Recession there has been a sharp rise in the number of people who indicate they want a job, but are not actively seeking one. This group, on the periphery of the labor market, may be viewed as a "shadow labor supply." Since they are not actively seeking work, they are not counted by the government as unemployed and not considered part of the labor force. But if many start seeking jobs as the economy recovers, the unemployment rate could rise or at least slow its descent. Davig and Mustre-del-Ro analyze possible flow rates from this group and other non-employed ...
Economic Review
, Issue Q III
, Pages 5-29
Journal Article
How much do expansions reduce the black-white employment gap?
Bradbury, Katharine L.
Regional Review
, Volume 10
, Issue Q3
, Pages 5-7
Working Paper
Unemployment insurance fraud and optimal monitoring
Fuller, David L.; Ravikumar, B.; Zhang, Yuzhe
The most prevalent incentive problem in the U.S. unemployment insurance system is that individuals collect unemployment benefits while being gainfully employed. We show how the unemployment insurance authority can efficiently use a combination of tax/subsidy and monitoring to prevent such fraud. The optimal policy monitors the unemployed at fixed intervals. Employment tax is nonmonotonic: it increases between verifications but decreases after a verification. Unemployment benefits are relatively flat between verifications but decrease sharply after a verification.
Working Papers
, Paper 2012-024
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 103 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 76 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 59 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 55 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 50 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 44 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 39 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 37 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 34 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 30 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 21 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 13 items
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Working Papers 66 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 61 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 41 items
Economic Review 36 items
Working Paper Series 30 items
Speech 29 items
Economic Perspectives 21 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 18 items
Chicago Fed Letter 16 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 15 items
Review 15 items
Business Review 12 items
Economic Commentary 12 items
Economic Synopses 12 items
New England Economic Review 10 items
The Regional Economist 10 items
Research Working Paper 9 items
Working Paper 9 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 9 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 8 items
National Economic Trends 8 items
Econ Focus 7 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 6 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 6 items
Southwest Economy 6 items
Staff Report 6 items
Staff Reports 6 items
Economic Bulletin 5 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 5 items
Proceedings 5 items
Public Policy Brief 5 items
Regional Matters 5 items
Economic Quarterly 4 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 4 items
Macroblog 4 items
On the Economy 4 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 4 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 3 items
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics 3 items
Liberty Street Economics 3 items
Macro Bulletin 3 items
Research Paper 3 items
Annual Report 2 items
Cascade 2 items
Chicago Fed Insights 2 items
Community Investments 2 items
Economic Letter 2 items
Economics Update 2 items
Fedgazette 2 items
Houston Business 2 items
Public Policy Discussion Paper 2 items
Quarterly Review 2 items
Regional Review 2 items
Regional Update 2 items
Research Rap Special Report 2 items
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 2 items
Central Banker 1 items
Communities and Banking 1 items
Cross Sections 1 items
Economic Insights 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Forefront 1 items
Midwest Economy Blog 1 items
Profitwise 1 items
Staff Memoranda 1 items
Staff Papers 1 items
Supervisory Policy Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
TEN 1 items
The Region 1 items
Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 263 items
Working Paper 188 items
Conference Paper 38 items
Speech 29 items
Report 18 items
Newsletter 16 items
Discussion Paper 14 items
Briefing 11 items
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Valletta, Robert G. 20 items
Dudley, William 17 items
Hobijn, Bart 15 items
Birinci, Serdar 12 items
Fujita, Shigeru 11 items
Sahin, Aysegul 11 items
Aaronson, Daniel 9 items
Daly, Mary C. 9 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 9 items
McElhattan, Rose 9 items
See, Kurt 9 items
Tasci, Murat 9 items
Faberman, R. Jason 8 items
Trehan, Bharat 8 items
anonymous 8 items
Figura, Andrew 7 items
Loungani, Prakash 7 items
Sullivan, Daniel G. 7 items
Weiner, Stuart E. 7 items
Barnichon, Regis 6 items
Hornstein, Andreas 6 items
Kuester, Keith 6 items
Nakajima, Makoto 6 items
Rissman, Ellen R. 6 items
Wall, Howard J. 6 items
Wee, Shu Lin 6 items
Williams, John C. 6 items
Ait Lahcen, Mohammed 5 items
Baughman, Garth 5 items
Bernstein, Joshua 5 items
Butler, Larry 5 items
Hall, Robert E. 5 items
Lubik, Thomas A. 5 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 5 items
Nie, Jun 5 items
Owyang, Michael T. 5 items
Richter, Alexander W. 5 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 5 items
Veracierto, Marcelo 5 items
Walsh, Carl E. 5 items
van Buggenum, Hugo 5 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 4 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 4 items
Herkenhoff, Kyle F. 4 items
Judd, John P. 4 items
Kuang, Katherine 4 items
Moorthy, Vivek 4 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 4 items
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas 4 items
Ramey, Garey 4 items
Runyon, Herbert 4 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 4 items
Barnes, Michelle L. 3 items
Barrow, Lisa 3 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 3 items
Bullard, James B. 3 items
Cajner, Tomaz 3 items
Carlstrom, Charles T. 3 items
Chen, Mingyu 3 items
DeFina, Robert H. 3 items
Estrella, Arturo 3 items
Fuller, David L. 3 items
Gascon, Charles S. 3 items
Groshen, Erica L. 3 items
Hallock, Kevin F. 3 items
Karahan, Fatih 3 items
Keeley, Michael C. 3 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 3 items
Koenig, Evan F. 3 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 3 items
Liu, Zheng 3 items
Mercan, Yusuf 3 items
Motley, Brian 3 items
Olivei, Giovanni P. 3 items
Plosser, Charles I. 3 items
Ravikumar, B. 3 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 3 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 3 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 3 items
Saving, Jason L. 3 items
Seater, John J. 3 items
Stock, James H. 3 items
Tuzemen, Didem 3 items
Ullrich, Laura Dawson 3 items
Watson, Mark W. 3 items
Weinberg, John A. 3 items
Wen, Yi 3 items
Wiczer, David 3 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 3 items
Zoega, Gylfi 3 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 3 items
Altig, David E. 2 items
Amaral, Pedro S. 2 items
Barlevy, Gadi 2 items
Bisignano, Joseph 2 items
Blanchard, Olivier Jean 2 items
Bleakley, Hoyt 2 items
Brash, Donald T. 2 items
Brave, Scott A. 2 items
Browne, Lynn E. 2 items
CairĂł, Isabel 2 items
Canon, Maria E. 2 items
Carlson, Keith M. 2 items
Chari, V. V. 2 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 2 items
Couch, Kenneth A. 2 items
Cox, W. Michael 2 items
Crump, Richard K. 2 items
Cullison, William E. 2 items
Davig, Troy A. 2 items
Davis, Jonathan 2 items
Dickens, William T. 2 items
Doh, Taeyoung 2 items
Du, Qingyuan 2 items
Duca, John V. 2 items
Eberts, Randall W. 2 items
Elsby, Michael 2 items
Fitzgerald, Terry J. 2 items
Foote, Christopher L. 2 items
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. 2 items
Gavin, William T. 2 items
Ghayad, Rand 2 items
Gilmer, Robert W. 2 items
Glover, Andrew 2 items
Goernemann, Nils 2 items
Gregory, Victoria 2 items
Gumbau-Brisa, Fabia 2 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 2 items
Hodges, Jaclyn 2 items
Hu, Luojia 2 items
Jung, Philip 2 items
Keane, Michael P. 2 items
Kiley, Michael T. 2 items
Kodrzycki, Yolanda 2 items
Krolikowski, Pawel 2 items
Krugman, Paul R. 2 items
Krusell, Per 2 items
Kwok, Joyce 2 items
Leduc, Sylvain 2 items
Liborio, Constanza S. 2 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 2 items
Menzio, Guido 2 items
Meyer, Brent 2 items
Moyon, Lucas 2 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 2 items
Otoo, Maria Ward 2 items
Pollard, Emily 2 items
Pollard, Patricia S. 2 items
Potter, Simon M. 2 items
Price, Brendan M. 2 items
Price, David A. 2 items
Ratner, David 2 items
Robertson, John C. 2 items
Rocheteau, Guillaume 2 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 2 items
Rupert, Peter 2 items
Rush, Mark 2 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 2 items
Santoni, G. J. 2 items
Schechter, Shani 2 items
Smets, Frank 2 items
Song, Joseph 2 items
Throop, Adrian W. 2 items
Tootell, Geoffrey M. B. 2 items
Tracy, Joseph 2 items
Traub, Paul 2 items
Wascher, William L. 2 items
Wei, Shang-Jin 2 items
Wheeler, Christopher H. 2 items
Wieland, Volker W. 2 items
Wirtz, Ronald A. 2 items
Aaronson, Stephanie 1 items
Adrian, Tobias 1 items
Ahn, Hie Joo 1 items
Akerlof, George A. 1 items
Alm, Richard 1 items
Alvarez, Fernando 1 items
Anderson, Haelim 1 items
Andolfatto, David 1 items
Andriessen, Frans 1 items
Aoki, Masanao 1 items
Arbex, Marcelo 1 items
Aristizabal-Ramirez, Maria 1 items
Armen, Alan 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Atkinson, Tyler 1 items
Balke, Nathan S. 1 items
Ball, Laurence 1 items
Bamber, Edward N. 1 items
Banerjee, Piu 1 items
Bean, Charles R. 1 items
Bencivenga, Valerie R. 1 items
Benedetto, John 1 items
Bi, Huixin 1 items
Blanco, Andres 1 items
Bodenstein, Martin 1 items
Bognar, Levi 1 items
Braxton, John Carter 1 items
Bronfenbrenner, Martin 1 items
Bryant, John 1 items
Burke, William 1 items
Canals-Cerda, Jose J. 1 items
Cantor, Richard 1 items
Carpenter, Surekha 1 items
Carroll, Christopher D. 1 items
Castaneda, Ana 1 items
Chahrour, Ryan 1 items
Challenger, John A. 1 items
Chang, Jin-Wook 1 items
Chang, Roberto 1 items
Charney, Marc 1 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 1 items
Chehal, Puneet 1 items
Chen, Zinzhu 1 items
Chiodo, Abbigail J. 1 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 1 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 1 items
Christoffel, Kai 1 items
Clark, Todd E. 1 items
Cleary, Aisling 1 items
Clement, Douglas 1 items
Coate, Patrick 1 items
Coglianese, John M. 1 items
Cole, Harold L. 1 items
Cole, Ross 1 items
Collins, Susan M. 1 items
Contessi, Silvio 1 items
Cook, Thomas R. 1 items
Cooper, Russell W. 1 items
Corbae, Dean 1 items
Courtois, Renee 1 items
Crane, Leland D. 1 items
Crust, Erin E. 1 items
Cunningham, Chris 1 items
Cunningham, Thomas J. 1 items
Cytron, Naomi 1 items
CĂłrdoba, Juan C. 1 items
Davis, Donald R. 1 items
DeLong, J. Bradford 1 items
Dennett, Julia 1 items
Dennis, Richard 1 items
DiCecio, Riccardo 1 items
Diamond, Peter A. 1 items
Diaz-Gimenez, Javier 1 items
Dotsey, Michael 1 items
Douglas, Stratford 1 items
Drenik, Andres 1 items
Dueker, Michael J. 1 items
Dupor, Bill 1 items
Duygan-Bump, Burcu 1 items
Dynan, Karen E. 1 items
Ebsim, Mahdi 1 items
Edmiston, Kelly D. 1 items
Elias, Early 1 items
Engelhardt, Bryan 1 items
Eyigungor, Burcu 1 items
Faccini, Renato 1 items
Fair, Ray C. 1 items
Fang, Lei 1 items
Farber, Henry S. 1 items
Fawley, Brett W. 1 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 1 items
Ferris, Ann E. 1 items
Fischer, Stanley 1 items
Fishback, Price 1 items
Flaaen, Aaron 1 items
Foster, Taft 1 items
Friedberg, Leora 1 items
Fugita, Shigeru 1 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 1 items
Gandelman, Nestor 1 items
Garcia-Cabo, Joaquin 1 items
Gardiner, Colin 1 items
Garriga, Carlos 1 items
Gartner, Hermann 1 items
Gavazza, Alessandro 1 items
Gavin, Michael K. 1 items
Genay, Hesna 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 1 items
Gomme, Paul 1 items
Gorham, Michael 1 items
Gornemann, Nils 1 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Gruben, William C. 1 items
Gulati, Chaitri 1 items
Guler, Bulent 1 items
Guo, Hui 1 items
Guvenen, Fatih 1 items
Haltiwanger, John 1 items
Hamilton, James D. 1 items
Heim, Bradley T. 1 items
Henderson, Dale W. 1 items
Hernandez Martinez, Victor 1 items
Higgins, Bryon 1 items
Hill, John K. 1 items
Hoenig, Thomas M. 1 items
Hoff, David 1 items
Holter, Hans 1 items
Huang, Junfeng 1 items
Hurst, Erik 1 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 1 items
Isojärvi, Anni T. 1 items
Jacobson, Louis S. 1 items
Jarosch, Gregor 1 items
Jones, Larry E. 1 items
JordĂ , Ă’scar 1 items
Juhn, Chinhui 1 items
Jump, Robert Calvert 1 items
Juvenal, Luciana 1 items
Kahn, George A. 1 items
Kamber, Gunes 1 items
Kannan, Prakash 1 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 1 items
Katz, Lawrence F. 1 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 1 items
Kepner, Elizabeth 1 items
Kessler, Marla L. 1 items
Keys, Benjamin J. 1 items
King, Robert G. 1 items
King, Thomas B. 1 items
Kitao, Sagiri 1 items
Klein, Michael W. 1 items
Kletzer, Lori G. 1 items
Koech, Janet 1 items
Kohn, Donald L. 1 items
Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 1 items
Koo, Jahyeong 1 items
Korenman, Sanders 1 items
Kozicki, Sharon 1 items
Krane, Spencer D. 1 items
Krieger, Reva 1 items
Krikelas, Andrew C. 1 items
Kuhn, Moritz 1 items
Kumar, Vikram 1 items
LaGuardia, Emma 1 items
LaLonde, Robert J. 1 items
Lang, David 1 items
Lang, William W. 1 items
Lansing, Kevin J. 1 items
Laubach, Thomas 1 items
Lazear, Edward P. 1 items
Lecznar, Jonathan 1 items
Levkov, Alexey 1 items
Li, Haoran 1 items
Li, Li 1 items
Lipton, Avi 1 items
Liu, Haoming 1 items
Liu, Yang 1 items
Lockhart, Dennis P. 1 items
Lovati, Jean M. 1 items
Luechinger, Simon 1 items
Lynch, Lisa M. 1 items
Ma, Chang 1 items
Macheras, Ann 1 items
Mackowiak, Bartosz 1 items
Madera, Rocio 1 items
Manovskii, Iourii 1 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 1 items
Marifian, Elise 1 items
Marquez, Jaime R. 1 items
Marquis, Milton H. 1 items
Martin, John P. 1 items
Martinek, Christopher J. 1 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 1 items
Mather, Ryan 1 items
Matschke, Johannes 1 items
McAndrews, James J. 1 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 1 items
McCracken, Michael W. 1 items
McGranahan, Leslie 1 items
Meier, Stephan 1 items
Melosi, Leonardo 1 items
Merline, John 1 items
Meyer, Laurence H. 1 items
Midrigan, Virgiliu 1 items
Miles, Russell 1 items
Mishkin, Frederic S. 1 items
Modestino, Alicia Sasser 1 items
Mongey, Simon 1 items
Montgomery, Edward 1 items
Montoriol-Garriga, Judit 1 items
Morales-Jimenez, Camilo 1 items
Morin, Norman J. 1 items
Morley, James 1 items
Mortensen, Dale T. 1 items
Moscarini, Giuseppe 1 items
Moser, Christian 1 items
Mukoyama, Toshihiko 1 items
Nakata, Taisuke 1 items
Neely, Christopher J. 1 items
Nekarda, Christopher J. 1 items
Neumark, David 1 items
Nicholson, Michael 1 items
Norton, John 1 items
O'Dea, Dennis 1 items
Okun, Barbara 1 items
Ono, Yukako 1 items
Orr, James A. 1 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 1 items
Ortiz, Julio L. 1 items
Pagan, Adrian R. 1 items
Park, Kyung-Hong 1 items
Parker, Nicholas B. 1 items
Pastorino, Elena 1 items
Patel, Elena 1 items
Peek, Joe 1 items
Peralta-Alva, Adrian 1 items
Petersen, D'Ann M. 1 items
Phillips, Gordon 1 items
Phillips, Keith R. 1 items
Pierce, Justin R. 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Pilossoph, Laura 1 items
Pinheiro, Roberto 1 items
Pissarides, Christopher A. 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Prevo, Clara 1 items
Price, Cynthia 1 items
Qiu, Xincheng 1 items
Rabinovich, Stanislav 1 items
Radler, Tyler 1 items
Rajan, Aastha 1 items
Ramnath, Shanthi 1 items
Rao, Vilas 1 items
Redfield, Steven 1 items
Reeve, Trevor A. 1 items
Reid, Carolina 1 items
Rhodes, Karl 1 items
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor 1 items
Roberts, John M. 1 items
Robinson, Kenneth J. 1 items
Rodean, Allison K. 1 items
Rodriguez-Clare, Andres 1 items
Rodriguez-Planas, Nuria 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Rogerson, Richard 1 items
Rose, Andrew K. 1 items
Rose, Jonathan D. 1 items
Rosenblum, Harvey 1 items
Rotemberg, Julio J. 1 items
Rothbaum, Jonathan 1 items
Ruder, Alexander 1 items
Ryan, Richard W. 1 items
Sablik, Timothy 1 items
Sainz, Robert 1 items
Samuelson, Paul A. 1 items
Santos, Cezar 1 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 1 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 1 items
Sass, Steven A. 1 items
Scavette, Adam 1 items
Schiller, Timothy G. 1 items
Schmidt, Lawrence 1 items
Schott, Peter K. 1 items
Schuh, Scott 1 items
Schwab, Stewart 1 items
Schwartz, Kenneth D. 1 items
Schwartzman, Felipe 1 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 1 items
Sekhposyan, Tatevik 1 items
Shapiro, Matthew D. 1 items
Shi, Shouyong 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Shultz, George 1 items
Sigalla, Fiona 1 items
Sill, Keith 1 items
Simpson, Nicole B. 1 items
Sims, Christopher A. 1 items
Sinclair, Tara M. 1 items
Smalter Hall, Aaron 1 items
Smith, Bruce D. 1 items
Smith, Marvin M. 1 items
Sniderman, Mark S. 1 items
Snowden, Kenneth A. 1 items
Sola, Martin 1 items
Sonn, Yang-Hoon 1 items
Sorkin, Isaac 1 items
Spencer, Roger W. 1 items
Spletzer, James R. 1 items
Sporn, John 1 items
Spring, William J. 1 items
Stark, Tom 1 items
Steeves, Brye 1 items
Stutzer, Alois 1 items
Sullivan, James 1 items
Swanson, Eric T. 1 items
Tang, Gaoyan 1 items
Tarullo, Daniel K. 1 items
Tatom, John A. 1 items
Tave, William 1 items
Taylor, John B. 1 items
Thoenissen, C. 1 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 1 items
Tinsley, Peter A. 1 items
Tompkins, Jonathan 1 items
Torres, Alejandra 1 items
Tran, Thao 1 items
Treanor, Caitlin 1 items
Triest, Robert K. 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E24 51 items
J64 44 items
E32 31 items
J63 27 items
E52 14 items
E31 7 items
E37 7 items
J23 7 items
J60 6 items
J65 6 items
E62 5 items
J31 5 items
E12 4 items
E21 4 items
J20 4 items
F41 3 items
H31 3 items
J00 3 items
J08 3 items
J15 3 items
J30 3 items
R11 3 items
E30 2 items
E44 2 items
E47 2 items
F44 2 items
I38 2 items
J22 2 items
J24 2 items
J6 2 items
J62 2 items
J70 2 items
L11 2 items
O40 2 items
C11 1 items
C13 1 items
C22 1 items
C53 1 items
D10 1 items
D31 1 items
D33 1 items
D83 1 items
D85 1 items
E2 1 items
E20 1 items
E23 1 items
E26 1 items
E27 1 items
E40 1 items
E43 1 items
E50 1 items
E51 1 items
E60 1 items
E61 1 items
F10 1 items
F16 1 items
F40 1 items
F42 1 items
F66 1 items
G01 1 items
G12 1 items
G33 1 items
H53 1 items
I10 1 items
I13 1 items
I18 1 items
J01 1 items
J16 1 items
J21 1 items
J26 1 items
J46 1 items
J50 1 items
J69 1 items
J7 1 items
O54 1 items
R13 1 items
R23 1 items
R53 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Unemployment 588 items
Labor market 127 items
Inflation (Finance) 88 items
Monetary policy 44 items
Employment 39 items
Business cycles 37 items
Wages 35 items
Phillips curve 33 items
Recessions 32 items
Labor supply 28 items
COVID-19 28 items
Employment (Economic theory) 26 items
Economic conditions 21 items
Unemployment insurance 20 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 14 items
Fiscal policy 14 items
Gross domestic product 13 items
Inflation 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 11 items
Housing - Prices 11 items
Credit 10 items
Econometric models 10 items
Interest rates 10 items
Displaced workers 9 items
Federal Open Market Committee 9 items
Households - Economic aspects 9 items
Discrimination 8 items
Housing - Finance 8 items
Human capital 8 items
Labor productivity 8 items
Foreclosure 7 items
Full employment policies 7 items
Poverty 7 items
Vacancies 7 items
Business cycle 7 items
Job Search 7 items
Consumption (Economics) 6 items
Costly Information 6 items
Inflows 6 items
Multiple Applications 6 items
Outflows 6 items
Productivity 6 items
Racial inequality 6 items
Regional economics 6 items
Saving and investment 6 items
Welfare 6 items
Beveridge curve 5 items
Coronavirus 5 items
Economic development 5 items
Economic indicators 5 items
Inventories 5 items
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Monetary policy - United States 5 items
Pandemic 5 items
Recession 5 items
economic conditions - United States 5 items
Labor Markets 5 items
Consumer behavior 4 items
Debt 4 items
Demography 4 items
Economic conditions - New York (State) 4 items
Economic forecasting 4 items
Financial crises 4 items
Job hunting 4 items
Job security 4 items
Labor turnover 4 items
Manufactures 4 items
Petroleum products - Prices 4 items
Prices 4 items
Recovery 4 items
Education 4 items
International trade 4 items
Search and matching 4 items
Bank loans 3 items
Bankruptcy 3 items
Construction industry 3 items
Consumer credit 3 items
Education - Economic aspects 3 items
Exports 3 items
Finance, Public 3 items
Financial services industry 3 items
Fiscal Policy and Household Behavior 3 items
Government spending policy 3 items
Industrial capacity 3 items
Inequality 3 items
Insurance 3 items
Job creation 3 items
Job loss 3 items
Labor 3 items
Labor policy 3 items
Layoffs 3 items
Macroeconomics 3 items
Minimum wage 3 items
Mortgages 3 items
Nonlinear 3 items
Property tax 3 items
Search frictions 3 items
Structural unemployment 3 items
Technology 3 items
Uncertainty 3 items
time series analysis 3 items
Firm Dynamics 3 items
Heterogeneous agents 3 items
Matching Function 3 items
Automobile industry and trade 2 items
Banks and banking 2 items
Banks and banking, Central 2 items
Budget 2 items
Business and education 2 items
Canada 2 items
Crowding out (Economics) 2 items
Deflation (Finance) 2 items
Depressions 2 items
Developing Countries 2 items
Economic policy 2 items
Economics 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 5th 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 9th 2 items
Federal Reserve System 2 items
Federal funds rate 2 items
Financial Openness 2 items
Financial markets 2 items
Foreign exchange rates 2 items
Germany 2 items
Great Recession 2 items
Hours of labor 2 items
Housing policy 2 items
Income 2 items
International liquidity 2 items
Japan 2 items
Job openings 2 items
Labor Force Participation 2 items
Labor Market Conditions Indicators (FRB Kansas City LMCI) 2 items
Labor Market Rigidity 2 items
Labor market - United States 2 items
Labor unions 2 items
Manufacturing industries 2 items
Matching Elasticity 2 items
Monetary theory 2 items
Power resources - Prices 2 items
Racial Disparities 2 items
Risk 2 items
Search 2 items
Skewness 2 items
Stock market 2 items
Supply and demand 2 items
Treasury bonds 2 items
Veterans 2 items
capital account liberalization 2 items
real estate investments 2 items
General Equilibrium 2 items
Job acceptance 2 items
Labor Force 2 items
Wage Rigidity 2 items
Aggregate matching efficiency 1 items
American Reinvestment and Recovery Act 1 items
Bank supervision 1 items
Bank underwriting 1 items
Bayesian analysis 1 items
Books - Reviews 1 items
Boston (Mass.) 1 items
Business Inflation Expectations 1 items
Business cycles - Econometric models 1 items
Business enterprises - Finance 1 items
Business forecasting 1 items
CARES Act 1 items
China 1 items
College graduates 1 items
Commercial loans 1 items
Commitment 1 items
Commodity exchanges 1 items
Commodity prices 1 items
Competition 1 items
Construction workers 1 items
Consumption Risk 1 items
Continuous-time methods 1 items
Contracting out 1 items
Corporations - Finance 1 items
Crime 1 items
Decomposition 1 items
Default (Finance) 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Detroit Economic Activity Index 1 items
Detroit Economic Activity Index (DEAI) 1 items
Devaluation of currency 1 items
Developed countries 1 items
Directed search 1 items
Discount Factor Shocks 1 items
Downsizing of organizations 1 items
Dual mandate 1 items
Duration dependence 1 items
Earned income tax credit 1 items
Earnings Loss 1 items
Earnings losses 1 items
Earnings risk 1 items
Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) 1 items
Economic conditions - Puerto Rico 1 items
Economic forecasting - United States 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
Economic stabilization 1 items
Emergency unemployment benefits 1 items
Employent 1 items
Employment Act of 1946 1 items
Employment forecasting 1 items
Employment protection 1 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 1 items
Equity 1 items
Estimation 1 items
Europe 1 items
Excess Savings 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1 items
Federal Reserve banks 1 items
Financial crises - United States 1 items
Finding Rate 1 items
Food Stamp Program 1 items
Forecasting 1 items
Frankfurt (Germany) 1 items
Friedman, Milton 1 items
Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 1 items
Fundamental surplus 1 items
Gas industry 1 items
Georgia 1 items
Government employees 1 items
Government securities 1 items
Great Britain 1 items
Great Resignation 1 items
Gross national product 1 items
Hand-to-mouth 1 items
Health crises 1 items
Health insurance 1 items
Household income 1 items
Household labor dynamics 1 items
Households 1 items
Housing 1 items
Immigrants 1 items
Income distribution 1 items
Industries 1 items
Inefficient job separations 1 items
Inflation targeting 1 items
Informality 1 items
Information Frictions 1 items
Investments 1 items
Job analysis 1 items
Job separation 1 items
Jobs 1 items
Keynesian economics 1 items
Knowledge Specialization 1 items
Labor Market Dynamics 1 items
Labor Market Slack 1 items
Labor Search 1 items
Labor force participation rate 1 items
Labor income 1 items
Labor market participation 1 items
Labor supply and demand 1 items
Latin America 1 items
Local labor markets 1 items
London (England) 1 items
Los Angeles 1 items
Lucas, Robert E. 1 items
Macroeconomic shocks 1 items
Maquiladora 1 items
Marginal Propensity to Consume 1 items
Matching Model 1 items
Matching efficiency 1 items
Measurement error 1 items
Medicaid expansion 1 items
Medical care 1 items
Medical care, Cost of 1 items
Migration, Internal 1 items
Money 1 items
Money supply 1 items
Monopsonistic competition 1 items
Monopsony 1 items
Moral hazard 1 items
Mortality 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
Municipal finance 1 items
Natural rate of unemployment 1 items
New England 1 items
New Zealand 1 items
Obesity 1 items
Occupational training 1 items
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1 items
Output loss 1 items
Panel data 1 items
Pensions 1 items
Persistent risk 1 items
Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index 1 items
Pharmaceutical industry 1 items
Population 1 items
Poverty - New England 1 items
Precautionary Savings 1 items
Private Investment 1 items
Product-labor market interaction 1 items
Productivity growth 1 items
Progressive tax and transfer system 1 items
Public schools 1 items
Public welfare 1 items
Putty-clay capital 1 items
Quits 1 items
Real Business Cycles 1 items
Real Estate 1 items
Recall 1 items
Recalls 1 items
Recession forecast 1 items
Recession of 1920-1921 1 items
Recruiting intensity 1 items
Redistribution 1 items
Regional Business Cycles 1 items
Regional Resilience 1 items
Rental housing 1 items
Research Universities 1 items
Retail trade 1 items
SNAP 1 items
School 1 items
Search theory 1 items
Seasonal employment 1 items
Seasonal variations (Economics) 1 items
Seasonality 1 items
Self-employed 1 items
Self-employment 1 items
Separation Rate 1 items
Shadow labor supply 1 items
Skilled labor 1 items
Skills mismatch 1 items
Social Distancing 1 items
Soft landing 1 items
Statistical Discrimination 1 items
Statistics 1 items
Stock - Prices 1 items
Stopping times 1 items
Structural 1 items
Structural breaks 1 items
Student loans 1 items
Subsidies 1 items
Suicide 1 items
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 1 items
Swaps (Finance) 1 items
Tail Risk 1 items
Taste-Based Discrimination 1 items
Taxation 1 items
Taylor rule 1 items
Technology Shocks 1 items
Technology adoption 1 items
Temporary employees 1 items
Texas 1 items
Trade 1 items
Trade Policy 1 items
Trade Shocks 1 items
Transitions 1 items
Transitory risk 1 items
Unemployment - Japan 1 items
Unemployment - New England 1 items
Unemployment Insurance (UI)Benefits 1 items
Unemployment volatility 1 items
United States 1 items
Universities and colleges 1 items
Variational inequalities 1 items
Vector autoregression 1 items
Virginia 1 items
Wage inequality 1 items
Wages and compensation 1 items
Wealth distribution 1 items
Women 1 items
Women - Employment 1 items
Yield spread 1 items
Youth - Employment 1 items
amplification 1 items
bank examinations 1 items
capital asset pricing model 1 items
complementarity 1 items
future earnings 1 items
high school unemployment 1 items
job 1 items
job destruction 1 items
labor contracts 1 items
labor costs 1 items
match-quality 1 items
neutral rate 1 items
on-the-job training 1 items
parental resources 1 items
real-time forecasting 1 items
small business finance 1 items
social networks 1 items
specific human capital 1 items
state finances 1 items
trade networks 1 items
wage dispersion 1 items
workforce 1 items
show more (408)
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