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Keywords:Stock - Prices 

Journal Article
Another view of the underpricing of initial public offerings

How should high average initial returns on new public offerings of common stocks be interpreted? The usual view is that such offerings are intentionally underpriced. This study draws on previously neglected information about return distributions and market practice to advance a different explanation for the high average returns.
Quarterly Review , Volume 16 , Issue Spr , Pages 83-85

The role of stock index derivative products in equity market volatility

Research Paper , Paper 8709

Journal Article
Equity shares and the financial markets

Economic Review , Issue Sum , Pages 25-33

Working Paper
Will bequests attenuate the predicted meltdown in stock prices when baby boomers retire?

Jim Poterba finds that consumers do not spend all of their assets during retirement, and he projects that the demand for assets will remain high when the baby boomers retire. Based on his forecast of continued high demand for capital, Poterba rejects the asset market meltdown hypothesis, which predicts a fall in stock prices when the baby boomers retire. ; The author develops a rational expectations general equilibrium model with a bequest motive and an aggregate supply curve for capital. In this model, a baby boom generates an increase in stock prices, and stock prices are rationally ...
Working Papers , Paper 01-2

Discussion Paper
Deviations from random-walk behavior: tests based on the variance-time function

Special Studies Papers , Paper 224

Working Paper
Efficiency in index options markets and trading in stock baskets

Researchers have reported mispricing in index options markets. This study further examines the efficiency of the S&P 500 index options market by testing theoretical pricing relationships implied by no-arbitrage conditions. The effect of a traded stock basket, Standard and Poor's Depository Receipts (SPDRs), on the link between index and options markets is also examined. Pricing efficiency within options markets improves, and the evidence supports the hypothesis that a stock basket enhances the connection between markets. However, when transactions costs and short sales constraints are ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 99-5

Journal Article
Comovements among national stock markets

This paper uses the methodology of Hansen and Jaganathan (1991) to derive a lower bound on the correlation between any pair of asset returns under the hypothesis of complete markets. The bound is a simple function of the two assets' Sharpe ratios and the coefficient of variation of a unique stochastic discount factor. The paper uses this bound to conduct robust, nonparametric tests of the hypothesis that international equity markets are integrated. ; Using monthly stock return data from the U.S., Japan, and Great Britain for the period 1980 through 1993, I find that conclusions about market ...
Economic Review

Journal Article
Economic factors, monetary policy and expected returns on stocks and bonds

This paper examines the impact of the stance of monetary policy on security returns. The two measures of the stance of monetary policy used, the federal funds rate and an index based on the changes in the discount rate, contain significant information that can be used to forecast expected stock and bond portfolio returns. Specifically, we find that a restrictive (expansive) monetary policy stance decreases (increases) returns of large and small stock portfolios and in some cases, corporate bond portfolios. The monetary policy stance measures have explanatory power in forecasting stock and ...
Economic Review

Working Paper
A new test for mean reversion in stock prices

Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 152



Finance and Economics Discussion Series 36 items

Working Papers 24 items

Staff Reports 19 items

Proceedings 18 items

Research Paper 17 items

Economic Review 15 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Working Paper 105 items

Journal Article 84 items

Report 40 items

Conference Paper 21 items

Discussion Paper 9 items

Speech 2 items

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Sharpe, Steven A. 10 items

Hardouvelis, Gikas A. 9 items

Guo, Hui 8 items

Kupiec, Paul H. 8 items

Moser, James T. 7 items

Jagannathan, Ravi 6 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Stock - Prices 261 items

Stock market 55 items

Futures 15 items

Stocks 14 items

Econometric models 12 items

Risk 12 items

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