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Keywords:Service industries 

Why do services prices rise more rapidly than goods prices?

Research Paper , Paper 9330

Journal Article
Professional services firms anticipate higher profits, tighter labor supply

Survey of professional service industries in the Ninth District.
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue Jul , Pages 16

Chicago's economic transformation from 1970 to 2000

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Modelling U.S. services trade flows: a cointegration-ECM approach

The U.S. service surplus soared from near zero in 1985 to about $60 billion in 1992, offsetting about two thirds of the goods trade deficit. Could this merely reflect improvement in data collection? Or does this mean U.S. services industries are more competitive internationally than goods industries? Is the services surplus likely to continue to rise? This paper estimates a forecastable model of U.S. services trade to address the above questions. We find that data improvement actually had a negative net impact on the services surplus, since it affected imports more than exports. Instead, the ...
Research Paper , Paper 9518

Journal Article
Cyclical implications of the declining manufacturing employment share

Over the last 35 years, the U.S. economy has created service sector jobs at a faster pace than manufacturing sector jobs. Not only has this trend led to a significant shift in the composition of the labor force from manufacturing to services, but it has also fundamentally changed the characteristics of the average workplace. ; Some economists have argued that the ongoing structural shifts from manufacturing employment to services employment may have had the additional consequence of smoothing the business cycle. A smoother cycle would be welcomed and would yield several benefits. The economy ...
Economic Review , Volume 82 , Issue Q II , Pages 63-87

Journal Article
Taking in each other's laundry--the service economy

New England Economic Review , Issue Jul , Pages 20-31

Working Paper
How sticky are prices? an analysis of the services sector

Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section , Paper 153

Working Paper
The role of the financial services industry in the local economy

Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation , Paper WP-97-21

Trends in producer services growth in the rural heartland


Working Paper
Scale and the origins of structural change

Structural change involves a broad set of trends: (i) sectoral reallocations, (ii) rich movements of productive activities between home and market, and (iii) an increase in the scale of productive units. After extending these facts, we develop a model to explain them within a unified framework. The crucial distinction between manufacturing, services, and home production is the scale of the productive unit. Scale technologies give rise to industrialization and the marketization of previously home produced activities. The rise of mass consumption leads to an expansion of manufacturing, but a ...
Working Paper Series , Paper WP-08-06



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Journal Article 40 items

Working Paper 10 items

Speech 8 items

Report 5 items

Conference Paper 2 items

Newsletter 2 items

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Fisher, Richard W. 9 items

Dupuy, Max 3 items

Schweitzer, Mark E. 3 items

Alm, Richard 2 items

Browne, Lynn E. 2 items

Cox, W. Michael 2 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Service industries 68 items

Manufactures 10 items

Wages 7 items

Employment (Economic theory) 6 items

Education, Higher - Economic aspects 5 items

Inflation (Finance) 5 items

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