Search Results
Showing results 1 to 10 of approximately 680.
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Journal Article
Credit derivatives and risk management
Gibson, Michael S.
The striking growth of credit derivatives suggests that market participants find them to be useful tools for risk management. This paper illustrates credit derivatives' value with three examples: a commercial bank using credit derivatives to manage loan portfolio risk; an investment bank using them to manage the risks of underwriting securities; and an investor, such as an insurance company, asset manager, or hedge fund, using them to align credit risk exposure with a desired credit risk profile. ; But credit derivatives pose risk-management challenges of their own; the author discusses five ...
Economic Review
, Volume 92
, Issue Q4
, Pages 25-41
Journal Article
The capitalization and portfolio risk of insurance companies
Kopcke, Richard W.
The strategies of financial intermediaries in the United States presumed a stability of interest rates that began to break down in the late 1960s. Not only did rising interest rates during the past two decades tend to depress the value of the assets of all intermediaries, they also fostered competition among intermediaries as all sought new opportunities for profit. In order to cope, many financial institutions assumed new bets by "reaching" for riskier assets offering higher yields or by operating with less capital per dollar of assets. To varying degrees, many insurance companies have ...
New England Economic Review
, Issue Jul
, Pages 43-57
Journal Article
Risk-adjusted performance of mutual funds
Simons, Katerina
Mutual funds are now the preferred way for individual investors and many institutions to participate in capital markets, and their popularity has increased demand for evaluations of fund performance. Many business publications now rank mutual funds according to their performance, and information services exist specifically for this purpose. There is no general agreement, however, about how best to measure and compare fund performance and on what information funds should disclose to investors. ; Risk and performance measurement is an active area for academic research and continues to be of ...
New England Economic Review
, Issue Sep
, Pages 33-48
Conference Paper
Market discipline in banking
Berger, Allen N.
, Paper 328
Working Paper
Financial intermediaries, markets, and growth.
Fecht, Falko; Huang, Kevin X. D.; Martin, Antoine
We build a model in which financial intermediaries provide insurance to households against a liquidity shock. Households can also invest directly on a financial market if they pay a cost. In equilibrium, the ability of intermediaries to share risk is constrained by the market. This can be beneficial because intermediaries invest less in the productive technology when they provide more risk-sharing. Our model predicts that bank-oriented economies should grow slower than more market-oriented economies, which is consistent with some recent empirical evidence. We show that the mix of ...
Working Papers
, Paper 04-24
Working Paper
Deposit insurance, deposit deregulation and bank risk-taking
Keeton, William R.
Research Working Paper
, Paper 87-03
Journal Article
Opinion: Economics, uncertainty, and the environment
Weinberg, John A.
Why should a poorer population sacrifice some prosperity to aid wealther populations?
Econ Focus
, Volume 16
, Issue 2Q/3Q
, Pages 52
Journal Article
Derivative securities use grows as banks strive to hedge risks
Financial Update
, Volume 12
, Issue Jan
, Pages 8-9
Conference Paper
Assessing the risk of bank failure
Gajewski, Gregory R.
, Paper 250
Journal Article
Financial futures for banks
Bennett, Barbara
FRBSF Economic Letter
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 149 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 108 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 107 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 86 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 52 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 26 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 25 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 24 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 24 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 21 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 9 items
show more (8)
show less
Proceedings 147 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 61 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 53 items
Economic Review 45 items
Working Papers 37 items
Economic Policy Review 29 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 26 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 23 items
Staff Reports 23 items
Speech 15 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 14 items
Research Paper 14 items
Economic Perspectives 12 items
Financial Update 12 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 11 items
Econ Focus 10 items
New England Economic Review 9 items
Research Working Paper 9 items
Risk Perspectives 9 items
Working Paper Series 9 items
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 9 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 7 items
Review 7 items
Business Review 6 items
Emerging Issues 6 items
Financial Industry Studies Working Paper 5 items
Staff Report 5 items
Chicago Fed Letter 4 items
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics 4 items
Economic Quarterly 4 items
Economics Update 4 items
Financial Industry Perspectives 4 items
Quarterly Review 4 items
Research Papers in Banking and Financial Economics 4 items
The Region 4 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 3 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 3 items
Working Paper 3 items
Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation 3 items
Annual Report 2 items
Economic Commentary 2 items
Economic Letter 2 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 2 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 2 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 2 items
Communities and Banking 1 items
EconSouth 1 items
Economic Policy Paper 1 items
International Economic Trends 1 items
Liberty Street Economics 1 items
Monetary Trends 1 items
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 1 items
Proceedings – Payments System Research Conferences 1 items
Southwest Economy 1 items
Speeches and Essays 1 items
Staff Memoranda 1 items
show more (51)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 256 items
Working Paper 190 items
Conference Paper 157 items
Report 45 items
Speech 16 items
Discussion Paper 10 items
Newsletter 4 items
Briefing 2 items
show more (3)
show less
anonymous 46 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 17 items
Lopez, Jose A. 14 items
Berger, Allen N. 12 items
Keeley, Michael C. 12 items
O'Brien, James M. 12 items
Levonian, Mark E. 11 items
Neuberger, Jonathan A. 9 items
Gibson, Michael S. 8 items
Kwan, Simon H. 8 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 8 items
Brewer, Elijah 7 items
Wall, Larry D. 7 items
Avery, Robert B. 6 items
Dudley, William 6 items
Evanoff, Douglas D. 6 items
Hendricks, Darryll 6 items
Hughes, Joseph P. 6 items
Kupiec, Paul H. 6 items
Marshall, David A. 6 items
Adrian, Tobias 5 items
Bennett, Barbara 5 items
Duffee, Gregory R. 5 items
Hirtle, Beverly 5 items
Kambhu, John 5 items
Keeton, William R. 5 items
Mester, Loretta J. 5 items
Strahan, Philip E. 5 items
Thomson, James B. 5 items
Weinberg, John A. 5 items
Zhou, Hao 5 items
Ackert, Lucy F. 4 items
Brooks, Robin 4 items
Carey, Mark S. 4 items
Church, Bryan K. 4 items
Del Negro, Marco 4 items
Eisenbeis, Robert A. 4 items
Frame, W. Scott 4 items
Kwast, Myron L. 4 items
Morgan, Donald P. 4 items
Pritsker, Matthew 4 items
Randall, Richard E. 4 items
Ritchken, Peter H. 4 items
Sack, Brian P. 4 items
Saidenberg, Marc R. 4 items
Simons, Katerina 4 items
Calem, Paul S. 3 items
DeGennaro, Ramon P. 3 items
Demsetz, Rebecca 3 items
Estrella, Arturo 3 items
Flannery, Mark J. 3 items
Frye, Jon 3 items
Gunther, Jeffery W. 3 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 3 items
Kahn, Charles M. 3 items
Kopcke, Richard W. 3 items
Krainer, John 3 items
Krishnan, C. N. V. 3 items
Kuester, Kathleen A. 3 items
Liang, J. Nellie 3 items
McAndrews, James J. 3 items
Moser, James T. 3 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 3 items
Packer, Frank 3 items
Phillips, Susan M. 3 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 3 items
Pyle, David 3 items
Remolona, Eli M. 3 items
Robinson, Kenneth J. 3 items
Robotti, Cesare 3 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 3 items
Sarkar, Asani 3 items
Smith, Stephen D. 3 items
Stern, Gary H. 3 items
Stevens, Guy V. G. 3 items
Stiglitz, Joseph E. 3 items
Van Wincoop, Eric 3 items
Venkataraman, Subu 3 items
Walter, Stefan 3 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 3 items
Zhou, Chunsheng 3 items
Abken, Peter A. 2 items
Aggarwal, Raj 2 items
Athanasoulis, Stefano 2 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 2 items
Atz, Michael 2 items
Baer, Herbert L. 2 items
Bai, Jennie 2 items
Bakshi, Gurdip 2 items
Beebe, Jack H. 2 items
Bekaert, Geert 2 items
Belton, Terrence M. 2 items
Benston, George J. 2 items
Berkowitz, Jeremy 2 items
Black, Sandra E. 2 items
Bocola, Luigi 2 items
Bollerslev, Tim 2 items
Broner, Fernando 2 items
Cochrane, John H. 2 items
Corbae, Dean 2 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 2 items
Deaves, Richard 2 items
Dooley, Michael P. 2 items
Duan, Jin-Chuan 2 items
Engel, Charles 2 items
English, William B. 2 items
Feldman, Ron J. 2 items
Fleming, Michael J. 2 items
Fons, Jerome S. 2 items
Gagnon, Joseph E. 2 items
Gelos, Gaston 2 items
Goodhart, Charles A. E. 2 items
Gordy, Michael B. 2 items
Greenspan, Alan 2 items
Greenwald, Bruce C. 2 items
Guidolin, Massimo 2 items
Guo, Hui 2 items
Guttentag, Jack 2 items
Hess, Gregory D. 2 items
Hetzel, Robert L. 2 items
Hooks, Linda M. 2 items
Houpt, James V. 2 items
Hu, Jie 2 items
Hunter, William C. 2 items
Ivanova, Yuliya 2 items
Jacques, Kevin T. 2 items
Jordan, John S. 2 items
Kaufman, George G. 2 items
Keran, Michael W. 2 items
King, Kathleen Kuester 2 items
Lang, William W. 2 items
Lawler, Thomas A. 2 items
Leduc, Sylvain 2 items
Lee, Cheng Few 2 items
Madan, Dilip B. 2 items
Martin, Antoine 2 items
McManus, Douglas A. 2 items
Mengle, David L. 2 items
Miller, Nathan H. 2 items
Moon, Choon-Geol 2 items
Moreau, Arthur F. 2 items
Morgan, George E. 2 items
Morris, Charles S. 2 items
Nash, Betty Joyce 2 items
Neely, Christopher J. 2 items
Nelson, William R. 2 items
Osterberg, William P. 2 items
Park, Sangkyun 2 items
Pavel, Christine A. 2 items
Pennacchi, George 2 items
Popper, Helen 2 items
Potter, Simon M. 2 items
Pozdena, Randall 2 items
Reinhart, Carmen M. 2 items
Roberds, William 2 items
Roman, Raluca 2 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 2 items
Santomero, Anthony M. 2 items
Sargen, Nicholas 2 items
Schuermann, Til 2 items
Sealey, C. W. 2 items
Shaffer, Sherrill 2 items
Shin, Hyun Song 2 items
Shin, Kwanho 2 items
Shin, Soo 2 items
Shrikhande, Milind M. 2 items
Slivinski, Stephen 2 items
Sorensen, Bent E. 2 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 2 items
Sullivan, Richard J. 2 items
Sweeney, Richard James 2 items
Tannenbaum, Carl R. 2 items
Turnovsky, Stephen J. 2 items
VanBever, Steven 2 items
Wang, J. Christina 2 items
Weller, Paul A. 2 items
Yosha, Oved 2 items
Zhang, Frank X. 2 items
Acharya, Viral V. 1 items
Adkisson, J. Amanda 1 items
Agarwal, Sumit 1 items
Aiyagari, S. Rao 1 items
Aizenman, Joshua 1 items
Akbarian, Dara 1 items
Alfriend, Malcolm C. 1 items
Ammer, John 1 items
Amonlirdviman, Kevin 1 items
Apilado, Vincent P. 1 items
Arak, Marcelle V. 1 items
Aschauer, David Alan 1 items
Atkeson, Andrew 1 items
Baillie, Richard T. 1 items
Balasubramanyan, Lakshmi 1 items
Balduzzi, Pierluigi 1 items
Bansal, Ravi 1 items
Bardos, Jeffrey 1 items
Barry, Peter J. 1 items
Basing, Malcolm P. 1 items
Bassett, William F. 1 items
Baxter, Thomas C. 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Becher, Christopher 1 items
Beebe, Jack 1 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 1 items
Bennett, Dennis E. 1 items
Benveniste, Lawrence M. 1 items
Bhasin, Vijay 1 items
Bisignano, Joseph 1 items
Bliss, Robert R. 1 items
Boldrin, Michele 1 items
Bomfim, Antúlio N. 1 items
Bond, Stephen R. 1 items
Boyd, John H. 1 items
Boyer, Brian H. 1 items
Braun, R. Anton 1 items
Brown, Matthew 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Burik, Paul 1 items
Butler, J. S. 1 items
Campbell, John Y. 1 items
Cannon, Matthew 1 items
Cantor, Richard 1 items
Carnell, Richard S. 1 items
Carpenter, Seth B. 1 items
Carr, James H. 1 items
Carroll, Evelyn F. 1 items
Carvalho, Carlos 1 items
Cecchetti, Stephen G. 1 items
Chakravarty, Sugato 1 items
Chakravorti, Sujit 1 items
Chamberlain, Sandra 1 items
Chan, K. C. 1 items
Chan, Yuk-Shee 1 items
Charupat, Narat 1 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 1 items
Checki, Terrence J. 1 items
Cheng, Hang-Sheng 1 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 1 items
Chiappori, Pierre-Andre 1 items
Chirinko, Robert S. 1 items
Christensen, Jens H. E. 1 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 1 items
Christoffersen, Peter F. 1 items
Claessens, Stijn 1 items
Cogley, Timothy 1 items
Cohen-Cole, Ethan 1 items
Cole, Kevin 1 items
Collin-Dufresne, Pierre 1 items
Cone, Kenneth R. 1 items
Connolly, Dennis R. 1 items
Correa, Ricardo 1 items
Corrigan, E. Gerald 1 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 1 items
Covas, Francisco 1 items
Cowan, Adrian M. 1 items
Craine, Roger 1 items
Cummins, J. David 1 items
Cummins, Jason G. 1 items
Cunningham, Thomas J. 1 items
Cyree, Ken B. 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
D'Erasmo, Pablo 1 items
Daniel, Kent D. 1 items
Daniel, Naveen 1 items
Danielsson, Jon 1 items
Danthine, Jean-Pierre 1 items
Daripa, Arupratan 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
De Nicolo, Gianni 1 items
De Vries, Casper G. 1 items
DeYoung, Robert 1 items
Decker, Paul A. 1 items
Dedola, Luca 1 items
DiMartino, Danielle 1 items
Diebold, Francis X. 1 items
Dietrich, J. Kimball 1 items
Djankov, Simeon 1 items
Donaldson, John B. 1 items
Drautzburg, Thorsten 1 items
Drouvelis, Michalis 1 items
Duca, John V. 1 items
Dugger, Robert H. 1 items
Durbin, Erik 1 items
Dvorak, Brian 1 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 1 items
Dybvig, Philip H. 1 items
Eckblad, Marshall 1 items
Eicher, Theo S. 1 items
El Ghoul, Sadok 1 items
Embersit, James A. 1 items
Emmons, William R. 1 items
Engstrom, Eric 1 items
Espino, Emilio 1 items
Espinosa-Vega, Marco A. 1 items
Evans, Gay 1 items
Famiglietti, Matthew 1 items
Faulhaber, Gerald R. 1 items
Fecht, Falko 1 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 1 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 1 items
Fisher, Richard W. 1 items
Fortier, Diana 1 items
Frankel, Allen B. 1 items
Fraser, Donald R. 1 items
Freixas, Xavier 1 items
Froewiss, Kenneth 1 items
Fujita, Shigeru 1 items
Gajewski, Gregory R. 1 items
Galbiati, Marco 1 items
Gallo, John G. 1 items
Garber, Peter M. 1 items
Gelfand, Matthew D. 1 items
Geoum, In Sun 1 items
Geyfman, Victoria 1 items
Giduskova, Maria 1 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 1 items
Gizycki, Marianne 1 items
Glassman, Cynthia A. 1 items
Glick, Reuven 1 items
Goernemann, Nils 1 items
Goetz, Martin R. 1 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 1 items
Goldstein, Robert S. 1 items
Gomme, Paul 1 items
Gong, Frank F. 1 items
Goodman, Laurie 1 items
Gorton, Gary 1 items
Goswami, Gautam 1 items
Graham, Stanley L. 1 items
Gray, Brian 1 items
Greenbaum, Stuart I. 1 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 1 items
Grochulski, Borys 1 items
Gross, David B. 1 items
Gruenstein, John M. L. 1 items
Grunewald, Alan E. 1 items
Guedhami, Omrane 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Guill, Gene D. 1 items
Guvenen, Fatih 1 items
Hafer, Rik 1 items
Hanley, Kathleen Weiss 1 items
Hanley, William J. 1 items
Hanson, Samuel 1 items
Hanweck, Gerald A. 1 items
Hartman, Philipp 1 items
Hassler, John 1 items
Heagy, Thomas C. 1 items
Heathcote, Jonathan 1 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 1 items
Helwege, Jean 1 items
Henderson, Yolanda K. 1 items
Herring, Richard J. 1 items
Hirschhorn, Eric 1 items
Hoberg, Gerard 1 items
Hodrick, Robert J. 1 items
Hogue, Eric W. 1 items
Hopper, Gregory P. 1 items
Hosseini, Roozbeh 1 items
Houston, Joel F. 1 items
Howe, John S. 1 items
Huang, Kevin X. D. 1 items
Huh, Chan Guk 1 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 1 items
Iyigun, Murat F. 1 items
Jacobs, Thomas 1 items
Jahan-Parvar, Mohammad 1 items
James, Christopher M. 1 items
Jamison, Julian 1 items
Jayaraman, Narayanan 1 items
Jeffery, Christopher 1 items
Jeske, Karsten 1 items
Johnsen, Rebecca 1 items
Johnson, Manuel H. 1 items
Johnson, Thomas S. 1 items
Johnston, Robert 1 items
Jones, David M. 1 items
Jones, Larry E. 1 items
Jordan, Jerry L. 1 items
Jorgensen, Bjorn N. 1 items
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem 1 items
Kamata, Sawaichiro 1 items
Kane, Edward J. 1 items
Karaivanov, Alexander K. 1 items
Karels, Gordon V. 1 items
Kasch, Maria 1 items
Kawai, Hiroshi 1 items
Keehn, Silas 1 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 1 items
Khan, Aubhik 1 items
Killgo, Kory A. 1 items
Kimball, Ralph C. 1 items
Kise, Jane 1 items
Kobayakawa, Shuji 1 items
Kocherlakota, Narayana R. 1 items
Kodres, Laura E. 1 items
Kolari, James 1 items
Koppenhaver, Gary D. 1 items
Koppl, Thorsten V. 1 items
Korniotis, George M. 1 items
Kozlowski, Julian 1 items
Krebs, Tom 1 items
Krishnan, Neel 1 items
Kuhn, Moritz 1 items
Kumar, Alok 1 items
Kunreuther, Howard 1 items
Kurtzman, Robert J. 1 items
LaCour-Little, Michael 1 items
LaWare, John P. 1 items
Lagakos, David 1 items
Lai, Kevin 1 items
Lamb, Russell L. 1 items
Larrain, Borja 1 items
Lee, William 1 items
Leehaug, Daryl R. 1 items
Lessard, Donald R. 1 items
Lettau, Martin 1 items
Lewis, Robert E. 1 items
Li, Anlong 1 items
Li, Canlin 1 items
Li, Wenli 1 items
Liang, Hsin-Yu 1 items
Lindsey, David E. 1 items
Litan, Avivah 1 items
Litan, Robert E. 1 items
Litterman, Robert B. 1 items
Londono, Juan M. 1 items
Loretan, Mico 1 items
Luck, Stephan 1 items
Lundstrom, Roger 1 items
MacGee, James 1 items
Mahoney, James M. 1 items
Manganello, Joseph A. 1 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 1 items
Marion, Nancy P. 1 items
Marrone, James 1 items
Marshall, John F. 1 items
Marshall, William J. 1 items
Martin, Fernando M. 1 items
Martinson, Michael G. 1 items
Mattey, Joe P. 1 items
McAllister, Patrick H. 1 items
McCann, Karen 1 items
McClatchey, Christine 1 items
McDonough, William J. 1 items
McKinnon, Ronald I. 1 items
McNulty, James E. 1 items
Meeker, Larry G. 1 items
Meese, Richard 1 items
Mehra, Rajnish 1 items
Mingo, John J. 1 items
Mobarak, Mushfiq 1 items
Moench, Emanuel 1 items
Monnet, Cyril 1 items
Mora, Nada 1 items
Morrison, Jan 1 items
Muffett, Mark 1 items
Mullins, Helena M. 1 items
Nakajima, Makoto 1 items
Nakata, Taisuke 1 items
Nason, James M. 1 items
Naveen, Lalitha 1 items
Nayda, William I. 1 items
Neal, Robert 1 items
Nelson, Richard W. 1 items
Nenova, Tatiana 1 items
Ng, David Tat-Chee 1 items
Nishiguchi, Kenji 1 items
Noe, Thomas H. 1 items
Obstfeld, Maurice 1 items
Occhino, Filippo 1 items
Okawa, Masatoshi 1 items
Olivei, Giovanni P. 1 items
Ordonez, Guillermo L. 1 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 1 items
Owen, Ann L. 1 items
Ozkan, Serdar 1 items
Padhi, Michael 1 items
Pakko, Michael R. 1 items
Palmer, David E. 1 items
Panousi, Vasia 1 items
Papanikolaou, Dimitris 1 items
Parigi, Bruno 1 items
Parkinson, Patrick M. 1 items
Parry, Robert T. 1 items
Pedersen, Lasse H. 1 items
Perli, Roberto 1 items
Perraudin, William 1 items
Perri, Fabrizio 1 items
Perry, Alexander 1 items
Pescatori, Andrea 1 items
Phaup, Marvin 1 items
Philippon, Thomas 1 items
Phillips, Almarin 1 items
Phillips, Richard D. 1 items
Plaut, Steven 1 items
Pollock, Alex J. 1 items
Poole, William 1 items
Price, David A. 1 items
Prono, Todd 1 items
show more (495)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 5 items
G12 3 items
G14 3 items
E32 2 items
E52 2 items
F31 2 items
G01 2 items
G11 2 items
G28 2 items
D10 1 items
D12 1 items
D52 1 items
E21 1 items
E24 1 items
E43 1 items
E44 1 items
E58 1 items
E6 1 items
F41 1 items
G1 1 items
G10 1 items
G15 1 items
G2 1 items
G23 1 items
G32 1 items
G33 1 items
G34 1 items
G38 1 items
J24 1 items
J61 1 items
L25 1 items
O11 1 items
O15 1 items
O47 1 items
R23 1 items
show more (30)
show less
FILTER BY Keywords
Risk 680 items
Bank capital 89 items
Bank supervision 56 items
Deposit insurance 52 items
Banks and banking 50 items
Credit 37 items
Econometric models 37 items
Bank loans 35 items
Interest rates 34 items
Derivative securities 28 items
Financial markets 25 items
Payment systems 25 items
Bank failures 21 items
Bank investments 21 items
Bank holding companies 21 items
Risk management 17 items
Swaps (Finance) 17 items
Debt 16 items
Investments 14 items
Bank stocks 13 items
Bonds 13 items
Financial crises 13 items
Foreign exchange 13 items
Business cycles 12 items
Capital 12 items
Financial institutions 12 items
Foreign exchange rates 12 items
Liquidity (Economics) 12 items
Monetary policy 12 items
Securities 12 items
Stock - Prices 12 items
Asset pricing 11 items
Mortgages 11 items
Bank management 10 items
Forecasting 10 items
International finance 10 items
Stock market 10 items
Federal Reserve System 9 items
Bank assets 8 items
Futures 8 items
Government securities 8 items
Uncertainty 8 items
bank charters 8 items
non-bank activities 8 items
options 8 items
Federal Open Market Committee 7 items
Hedging (Finance) 7 items
Banks and banking, Central 6 items
Banks and banking, International 6 items
Capital market 6 items
Consumption (Economics) 6 items
Credit ratings 6 items
Economic conditions 6 items
Financial services industry 6 items
Insurance 6 items
Mortgage loans 6 items
Mortgage-backed securities 6 items
Treasury bonds 6 items
letters of credit 6 items
Banking Act of 1933 5 items
Credit derivatives 5 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 5 items
Financial risk management 5 items
Financial stability 5 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 5 items
Markets 5 items
Mutual funds 5 items
Portfolio management 5 items
Asset-backed financing 4 items
Assets (Accounting) 4 items
Bank deposits 4 items
Bank mergers 4 items
Banking law 4 items
Bankruptcy 4 items
Banks and banking - History 4 items
Contracts 4 items
Default (Finance) 4 items
Developing countries 4 items
Inflation (Finance) 4 items
Investment banking 4 items
Open market operations 4 items
Recessions 4 items
Repurchase agreements 4 items
Savings and loan associations 4 items
Stocks 4 items
Asset-liability management 3 items
Bank profits 3 items
Bank reserves 3 items
Bank underwriting 3 items
Banking market 3 items
Banking structure 3 items
Banks and banking - Texas 3 items
Banks and banking - West 3 items
Corporations 3 items
Corporations - Finance 3 items
Credit cards 3 items
Credit unions 3 items
Debts, External 3 items
Economic development 3 items
Economic policy 3 items
Economies of scale 3 items
Electronic funds transfers 3 items
Federal Reserve District, 10th 3 items
Financial market regulatory reform 3 items
Households - Economic aspects 3 items
Information theory 3 items
Insurance industry 3 items
Intermediation (Finance) 3 items
International trade 3 items
Interstate banking 3 items
Japan 3 items
Off balance sheet financing 3 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 3 items
Stocks - Rate of return 3 items
Systemic risk 3 items
Texas 3 items
bank examinations 3 items
capital asset pricing model 3 items
Accounting 2 items
Adaptive markets hypothesis 2 items
Arbitrage 2 items
Australia 2 items
Bank competition 2 items
Bank liquidity 2 items
Banks 2 items
Banks and banking - Costs 2 items
Banks and banking - Customer services 2 items
Basel capital accord 2 items
Capital movements 2 items
Carry trade 2 items
Clearing of securities 2 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 2 items
Commercial loans 2 items
Consumer credit 2 items
Corporate bonds 2 items
Corporate governance 2 items
Disclosure of information 2 items
Efficient markets hypothesis 2 items
Employment 2 items
Environmental policy 2 items
European Central Bank 2 items
Exchange rate 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 12th 2 items
Federal home loan banks 2 items
Fedwire 2 items
Finance 2 items
Fiscal policy 2 items
Foreign exchange - Law and legislation 2 items
Great Britain 2 items
Gross domestic product 2 items
Housing - Finance 2 items
Human capital 2 items
Inflation 2 items
Interbank market 2 items
Interest 2 items
Investments, Foreign 2 items
Labor market 2 items
Liabilities (Accounting) 2 items
Loans 2 items
Macroeconomics 2 items
Management 2 items
Monetary policy - United States 2 items
Office of Thrift Supervision 2 items
Over-the-counter markets 2 items
Overdrafts 2 items
Prices 2 items
Production (Economic theory) 2 items
Productivity 2 items
Stochastic Discount Factor 2 items
Taxation 2 items
Technical analysis 2 items
Technical trading 2 items
Technology 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
bond markets 2 items
small business finance 2 items
Agricultural credit 1 items
Agriculture 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Bank 1 items
Bank Holding Company 1 items
Bank Insurance Fund 1 items
Bank Risk 1 items
Bank Secrecy Act 1 items
Bank affiliates 1 items
Bank liabilities 1 items
Bank of Japan 1 items
Banking 1 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 1 items
Banks and banking - Australia 1 items
Banks and banking - Europe 1 items
Banks and banking - Japan 1 items
Banks and banking - New England 1 items
Banks and banking - Service charges 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Business enterprises 1 items
Business enterprises - Finance 1 items
Business failures 1 items
COVID-19 1 items
Capital holdings 1 items
Capital requirements 1 items
Certificates of deposit 1 items
Chief Risk Officer 1 items
College graduates 1 items
Commercial bank failure 1 items
Commercial paper 1 items
Commodities 1 items
Community banks 1 items
Computers 1 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 1 items
Consumer behavior 1 items
Consumer protection 1 items
Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company of Chicago 1 items
Coronavirus 1 items
Credit Supply 1 items
Credit policies 1 items
Credit scoring systems 1 items
Crisis 1 items
Default 1 items
Demography 1 items
Diffusion processes 1 items
Dodd Frank Act 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Earthquakes 1 items
Economic conditions - New York (State) 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
Economic history 1 items
Economics 1 items
Effective Lower Bound 1 items
Electronic commerce 1 items
Emerging markets 1 items
Energy industries 1 items
Entrepreneurship 1 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 1 items
Equities 1 items
Equity 1 items
European Union countries 1 items
Exchange rates 1 items
Exports 1 items
Farms - Valuation 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 5th 1 items
Federal funds 1 items
Federal funds market (United States) 1 items
Field experiment 1 items
Financial Accounting Standards Board 1 items
Financial constraints 1 items
Financial crises - Asia 1 items
Financial crisis 1 items
Financial services industry - Law and legislation 1 items
Fiscal policy - European Union countries 1 items
Flow of funds 1 items
Foreign exchange rates - Canada 1 items
Fraud 1 items
Geopolitical risk 1 items
Germany 1 items
Globalization 1 items
Globex 1 items
Going public (Securities) 1 items
Government employees 1 items
Government spending policy 1 items
Growth 1 items
Hedge funds 1 items
Home equity loans 1 items
Household 1 items
Household Finance 1 items
Housing - Prices 1 items
Human behavior 1 items
Income 1 items
Income distribution 1 items
Index numbers (Economics) 1 items
Indonesia 1 items
Inflation (Finance) - Great Britain 1 items
Inflation Targeting 1 items
Institutional investors 1 items
Insurance, Government 1 items
International economic integration 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
Internationalization 1 items
Internet 1 items
Internet banking 1 items
Investment 1 items
Job creation 1 items
Jump processes 1 items
Junk bonds 1 items
Leverage 1 items
Leveraged buyouts 1 items
Limited Enforcement 1 items
Liquidity 1 items
Loan sales 1 items
Loans, Foreign 1 items
Loans, Personal 1 items
Margins (Security trading) 1 items
Market structure 1 items
Market-based regulation 1 items
Maturity 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Monetary Policy Rule 1 items
Monetary policy - Great Britain 1 items
Money 1 items
Money laundering 1 items
Money market 1 items
Money market funds 1 items
Moral hazard 1 items
Natural gas 1 items
Opioid Epidemic 1 items
Private equity 1 items
Problem banks 1 items
Profit 1 items
Public goods 1 items
Purchasing power parity 1 items
QE 1 items
Quantitative easing 1 items
Real property 1 items
Regulation 1 items
Regulatory reform 1 items
Reward (Psychology) 1 items
Risk Committee 1 items
Risk-taking (Psychology) 1 items
Risky Steady State 1 items
Rural-urban gaps 1 items
Rural-urban migration 1 items
SLOOS 1 items
Saving and investment 1 items
Self-employed 1 items
Small business 1 items
Sovereign debt crises 1 items
Spatial misallocation 1 items
Speculation 1 items
Spending 1 items
Stochastic analysis 1 items
Stock exchanges 1 items
Stockholders 1 items
Student loans 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Subsidiary corporations 1 items
Survey of Terms of Business Lending 1 items
Taylor's rule 1 items
Thailand 1 items
United States. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. 1 items
Universities and colleges 1 items
Value added 1 items
Variance risk premium 1 items
Venture capital 1 items
Volatility 1 items
Wages 1 items
adjustable-rate mortgages 1 items
economic research 1 items
lenders of last resort 1 items
time series analysis 1 items
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