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Keywords:Mortgage-backed securities 

A preliminary assessment of the TALF

Remarks at the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association and Pension Real Estate Association's Public-Private Investment Program Summit, New York City.
Speech , Paper 6

Early lessons from recent financial turmoil.

Presented by Eric S. Rosengren, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, for the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, Quincy, MA, March 6, 2008
Speech , Paper 10

The implementation of current asset purchases

Remarks at the Annual Meeting with Primary Dealers, New York City.
Speech , Paper 98

Conference Paper
Why ABS and CDO rating substantially differ from corporate bond rating

Proceedings , Paper 1073

Journal Article
TBA trading and liquidity in the agency MBS market

Mortgage-backed securities in the United States are generally traded on a ?to-be-announced,? or TBA, basis. The key feature of a TBA trade is that the identity of the securities to be delivered to the buyer is not specified exactly at the time of the trade, facilitating a liquid forward market. This article describes the main features of the TBA market. It also presents evidence on the liquidity of this market during the financial crisis period. Using variation in TBA eligibility rules, the authors? estimates suggest that the liquidity benefits associated with the TBA market are of the order ...
Economic Policy Review , Volume 19 , Issue May , Pages 1-18

Conference Paper
The future of the housing GSEs

Proceedings , Paper 1138

Federal Reserve lending disclosure

Testimony of Thomas C. Baxter, Jr., and Scott G. Alvarez, General Counsel of the Board of Governors, before the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.
Speech , Paper 54

Journal Article
Fed confronts financial crisis by expanding its role as lender of last resort

The current recession has deepened because of shrinking credit flows from banks, nonbank lenders and securities markets. This contrasts with the early 1990s, when new bonds and commercial paper cushioned a bank credit crunch, and with the high-tech investment bust of the early 2000s, when steady bank lending lessened the impact of receding bond and equity finance markets. ; This time, breakdowns in key credit markets posed great risks to the financial system and the broader economy. The Federal Reserve responded with unprecedented measures, expanding its role as lender of last resort in an ...
Economic Letter , Volume 4

Implementing the Federal Reserve's asset purchase program

Remarks at Global Interdependence Center Central Banking Series Event, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Speech , Paper 42

Working Paper
How did a domestic housing slump turn into a global financial crisis?

The global financial crisis clearly started with problems in the U.S. subprime sector and spread across the world from there. But was the direct exposure of foreigners to the U.S. financial system a key driver of the crisis, or did other factors account for its rapid contagion across the world? To answer this question, we assessed whether countries that held large amounts of U.S. mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and were highly dependent on dollar funding experienced a greater degree of financial distress during the crisis. We found little evidence of such "direct contagion" from the United ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 994


FILTER BY Content Type

Speech 18 items

Working Paper 16 items

Journal Article 13 items

Conference Paper 11 items

Discussion Paper 5 items

Report 3 items

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Dudley, William 5 items

Sack, Brian P. 5 items

Hancock, Diana 4 items

Passmore, Wayne 4 items

Rosen, Richard J. 4 items

Vickery, James 4 items

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G1 2 items

E58 1 items

G11 1 items

G12 1 items

G13 1 items

G23 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Mortgage-backed securities 68 items

Mortgage loans 19 items

Financial crises 14 items

Monetary policy 12 items

Liquidity (Economics) 11 items

Asset-backed financing 10 items

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