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Journal Article
How do businesses recruit?

Most economic theories of hiring and job seeking assume that businesses post vacancies when they demand more labor. Workers then apply for the job, and the most qualified candidate is hired. However, as those who have ever recruited or applied for a job know, the recruiting process is considerably more complex. In this article, Jason Faberman discusses some recent research on how employers recruit. It shows that the extent to which a business uses various recruiting channels depends on the characteristics of the employer, how fast the employer is growing (or contracting), and the overall ...
Business Review , Issue Q4 , Pages 9-17

Journal Article
Shocked, only not: false positive cases of employment decline

Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Nov , Pages 8

Working Paper
Worker flows and job flows: a quantitative investigation

This paper studies the quantitative properties of a multiple-worker firm matching model with on-the-job search where heterogeneous firms operate decreasing-returns-to-scale production technology. We focus on the model's ability to replicate the business cycle features of job flows, worker flows between employment and unemployment, and job-to-job transitions. The calibrated model successfully replicates (i) countercyclical worker flows between employment and unemployment, (ii) procyclical job-to-job transitions, and (iii) opposite movements of job creation and destruction rates over the ...
Working Papers , Paper 13-09

Journal Article
Employment trends vary in three of Missouri's metro areas

The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 16

Journal Article
Job shocks: resuscitation or suffocation?

How local economies react after suffering a major decline in employment
Fedgazette , Volume 17 , Issue Nov , Pages 1

Journal Article
How positive are recent employment and labor market trends?

Assessing the state of the economy requires estimates of trends in employment and the labor force. Large monthly fluctuations make it difficult to infer these from monthly data.
Economic Synopses

Journal Article
Stabilization policies and employment

Review , Volume 53 , Issue Feb , Pages 2-7

Journal Article
Knock on wood, Jasper economy remains strong

The Regional Economist , Issue Oct , Pages 14-15

Firms and flexibility

We study the effects of labor market rigidities and frictions on firm-size distributions and dynamics. We introduce a model of endogenous entrepreneurship, labor market frictions, and firm-size dynamics with many types of rigidities, such as hiring and firing costs, search frictions with vacancy costs, unemployment benefits, firm entry costs, and a tax wedge between wages and labor costs. We use the model to analyze how each rigidity explains firm-size differentials between the United States and France. We find that when we include all rigidities and frictions except hiring costs and search ...
Staff Reports , Paper 311

Discussion Paper
Observing Recent Trends in Job Postings

The number of job postings dropped considerably in the United States and the Fifth District in March and April but showed signs of recovery in May. A look at the data reveals how labor demand has varied by types of jobs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Regional Matters



Speech 38 items

The Regional Economist 31 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 26 items

Working Papers 25 items

Federal Reserve Bulletin 14 items

Working Paper Series 13 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 171 items

Working Paper 84 items

Speech 38 items

Discussion Paper 13 items

Report 12 items

Newsletter 11 items

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Dudley, William 25 items

anonymous 15 items

Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 7 items

Lim, Katherine 7 items

Zabek, Mike 7 items

Chang, Yongsung 6 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E24 27 items

J21 19 items

J16 7 items

J20 7 items

J32 7 items

J62 7 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Employment 339 items

Labor market 62 items

Unemployment 42 items

Economic conditions 32 items

Federal Reserve District, 8th 27 items

Inflation (Finance) 24 items

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