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Global Perspectives: Tom Luce on Public Service, Education Reform

Luce and Dallas Fed President Rob Kaplan discussed his career in law and public service, his decision to become a lawyer and the key challenges facing the U.S. education system.
Dallas Fed Economics

Conference Paper
Improving education outcomes: in colleges, universities, and beyond: panel discussion

While most of the attention of the public, the policymakers, and this conference is on improving our K -12 education system, our higher education also needs attention. Higher education is undergoing dramatic changes that have to be considered in conjunction with the demands on and the changes in the K -12 system. Similarly, there are common needs of the two systems, and lessons from higher education should be considered in any K -12 reform proposal.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]

Journal Article
Tough lesson: more money doesn't help schools; accountability does

More people are coming around to what economists have long been saying: The answer to failing public schools isn't more money, but more accountability.
The Regional Economist , Issue Apr , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
School accountability and student performance

Regional Economic Development , Issue Mar , Pages 51-61

Working Paper
Nonlinear hedonics and the search for school district quality

A school?s quality is often inferred from the premium a parent must pay to buy a house associated with a better school. Isolating this effect, however, is difficult because better schools also tend to be located in nicer neighborhoods and, therefore, cost more for reasons other than school quality. Although recent work has been relatively successful in isolating this effect, it is limited to the extent that it assumes a linear effect of schools on housing prices. We examine this relationship and find that the premium for school quality is nonlinear: There is a premium for houses in better ...
Working Papers , Paper 2003-039

Journal Article
COVID-19 and Education: An Updated Survey of the Research

This Economic Commentary surveys research on COVID-19 in relation to education in the United States. It is a companion to an earlier survey (Hinrichs, 2021) and focuses on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic that might persist even after life has returned to a relative normal. The evidence suggests that the pandemic led to lower enrollment at public schools and negatively impacted student learning. In addition, teacher turnover did not rise at the beginning of the pandemic, but it has risen in the years since.
Economic Commentary , Volume 2023 , Issue 15 , Pages 5

Journal Article
Why it's important to understand economics

The Region , Volume 12 , Issue Dec , Pages 22-26

Working Paper
The political economy of school reform

Working Papers , Paper 9304

Journal Article
House prices and the quality of public schools: what are we buying?

Do house prices reflect the quality of the local public schools? To what extent do school district policies determine how well students perform? How do such factors as neighborhood, family, and peers affect school quality and house prices? Ted Crone examines these questions, and others, to determine whether house prices do, indeed, include a school premium.
Business Review , Issue Sep , Pages 3-14

Conference Paper
An education support system

I think the conversation about system change rather than simply school change is beginning to increase in volume despite our culture's resistance to thinking about education in this way. I urge each of you to join this conversation about how we build a local infrastructure, not a school district necessarily, but a local infrastructure with the capacity to make our national education goals a reality rather than a hollow promise.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 47 , Issue Jun , Pages 304-309



The Region 29 items

Working Papers 23 items

Economic Policy Review 19 items

Econ Focus 18 items

Working Paper Series 18 items

Proceedings 17 items

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Journal Article 200 items

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anonymous 24 items

Taylor, Lori L. 11 items

Wirtz, Ronald A. 10 items

Kodrzycki, Yolanda 9 items

Barrow, Lisa 8 items

Stern, Gary H. 8 items

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Education 356 items

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Universities and colleges 16 items

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