Search Results
Global Perspectives: Tom Luce on Public Service, Education Reform
Wynne, Mark A.
Luce and Dallas Fed President Rob Kaplan discussed his career in law and public service, his decision to become a lawyer and the key challenges facing the U.S. education system.
Dallas Fed Economics
Conference Paper
Improving education outcomes: in colleges, universities, and beyond: panel discussion
Merten, Alan G.
While most of the attention of the public, the policymakers, and this conference is on improving our K -12 education system, our higher education also needs attention. Higher education is undergoing dramatic changes that have to be considered in conjunction with the demands on and the changes in the K -12 system. Similarly, there are common needs of the two systems, and lessons from higher education should be considered in any K -12 reform proposal.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
Journal Article
Tough lesson: more money doesn't help schools; accountability does
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben; Roisman, Deborah
More people are coming around to what economists have long been saying: The answer to failing public schools isn't more money, but more accountability.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Apr
, Pages 12-13
Journal Article
School accountability and student performance
Hanushek, Eric A.; Raymond, Margaret E.
Regional Economic Development
, Issue Mar
, Pages 51-61
Working Paper
Nonlinear hedonics and the search for school district quality
Owyang, Michael T.; Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben; Chiodo, Abbigail J.
A school?s quality is often inferred from the premium a parent must pay to buy a house associated with a better school. Isolating this effect, however, is difficult because better schools also tend to be located in nicer neighborhoods and, therefore, cost more for reasons other than school quality. Although recent work has been relatively successful in isolating this effect, it is limited to the extent that it assumes a linear effect of schools on housing prices. We examine this relationship and find that the premium for school quality is nonlinear: There is a premium for houses in better ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2003-039
Journal Article
COVID-19 and Education: An Updated Survey of the Research
Hinrichs, Peter
This Economic Commentary surveys research on COVID-19 in relation to education in the United States. It is a companion to an earlier survey (Hinrichs, 2021) and focuses on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic that might persist even after life has returned to a relative normal. The evidence suggests that the pandemic led to lower enrollment at public schools and negatively impacted student learning. In addition, teacher turnover did not rise at the beginning of the pandemic, but it has risen in the years since.
Economic Commentary
, Volume 2023
, Issue 15
, Pages 5
Journal Article
Why it's important to understand economics
Walstad, William
The Region
, Volume 12
, Issue Dec
, Pages 22-26
Working Paper
The political economy of school reform
Taylor, Lori L.; Grosskopf, Shawna; Hayes, Kathy J.; Weber, Anke
Working Papers
, Paper 9304
Journal Article
House prices and the quality of public schools: what are we buying?
Crone, Theodore M.
Do house prices reflect the quality of the local public schools? To what extent do school district policies determine how well students perform? How do such factors as neighborhood, family, and peers affect school quality and house prices? Ted Crone examines these questions, and others, to determine whether house prices do, indeed, include a school premium.
Business Review
, Issue Sep
, Pages 3-14
Conference Paper
An education support system
Simmons, Warren
I think the conversation about system change rather than simply school change is beginning to increase in volume despite our culture's resistance to thinking about education in this way. I urge each of you to join this conversation about how we build a local infrastructure, not a school district necessarily, but a local infrastructure with the capacity to make our national education goals a reality rather than a hollow promise.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 47
, Issue Jun
, Pages 304-309
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 50 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 48 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 43 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 34 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 32 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 24 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 18 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 6 items
show more (8)
show less
The Region 29 items
Working Papers 23 items
Economic Policy Review 19 items
Econ Focus 18 items
Working Paper Series 18 items
Proceedings 17 items
New England Economic Review 14 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 13 items
Fedgazette 13 items
Regional Review 13 items
Regional Economic Development 10 items
Speech 10 items
The Regional Economist 9 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 7 items
Financial Update 7 items
Chicago Fed Letter 6 items
Economic Commentary 6 items
Regional Matters 6 items
Southwest Economy 6 items
Staff Reports 6 items
Annual Report 5 items
Business Review 5 items
Community Investments 5 items
EconSouth 4 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 4 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 4 items
Regional Update 4 items
Review 4 items
Speeches and Essays 4 items
Staff Report 4 items
Communities and Banking 3 items
Dallas Fed Economics 3 items
Economic Perspectives 3 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 3 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 3 items
Research Paper 3 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 3 items
Cross Sections 2 items
Economic Review 2 items
Economic Synopses 2 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 2 items
Liber8 Economic Information Newsletter 2 items
Liberty Street Economics 2 items
National Economic Trends 2 items
Proceedings – Rural and Agricultural Conferences 2 items
Vista 2 items
Assessing the Midwest Economy 1 items
Cascade 1 items
Community Development Research Brief 1 items
Community Development Working Paper 1 items
Consumer and Community Affairs Policy Studies 1 items
Crossroads 1 items
Dallas Fed Communities 1 items
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics 1 items
Economics Update 1 items
Fiscal Facts 1 items
Forefront 1 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 1 items
Main Street Economist 1 items
New England Economic Indicators 1 items
New England Public Policy Center Working Paper 1 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 1 items
Profitwise 1 items
Reflections by Loretta Mester 1 items
Research Working Paper 1 items
Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section 1 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 1 items
Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues 1 items
show more (64)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 200 items
Working Paper 67 items
Conference Paper 34 items
Report 18 items
Speech 14 items
Discussion Paper 10 items
Newsletter 8 items
Periodic Essay 1 items
show more (3)
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anonymous 24 items
Taylor, Lori L. 11 items
Wirtz, Ronald A. 10 items
Kodrzycki, Yolanda 9 items
Barrow, Lisa 8 items
Stern, Gary H. 8 items
Poole, William 7 items
Kolesnikova, Natalia A. 6 items
Hayes, Kathy J. 5 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 5 items
Aaronson, Daniel 4 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 4 items
Canon, Maria E. 4 items
Cobb, Kathy 4 items
Fisher, Richard W. 4 items
Grosskopf, Shawna 4 items
Hanushek, Eric A. 4 items
Mattoon, Richard H. 4 items
Mazumder, Bhashkar 4 items
Nash, Betty Joyce 4 items
Rouse, Cecilia Elena 4 items
Testa, William A. 4 items
Aliprantis, Dionissi 3 items
Black, Sandra E. 3 items
Campbell, John 3 items
Carlino, Gerald A. 3 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 3 items
Crone, Theodore M. 3 items
Gerena, Charles 3 items
Greenspan, Alan 3 items
Iyigun, Murat F. 3 items
Neumark, David 3 items
Pianalto, Sandra 3 items
Ullrich, Laura Dawson 3 items
Valletta, Robert G. 3 items
Wascher, William L. 3 items
Weber, William 3 items
Bishop, John H. 2 items
Black, Dan A. 2 items
Brauer, David A. 2 items
Cascio, Elizabeth 2 items
Choi, Laura 2 items
Clement, Douglas 2 items
Coulter, Jarod 2 items
Di, Wenhua 2 items
Downes, Thomas A. 2 items
Garrett, Thomas A. 2 items
Glomm, Gerhard 2 items
Goldin, Claudia 2 items
Grossman, Valerie 2 items
Grunewald, Rob 2 items
Hahn, Michelle 2 items
Jacobson, Louis S. 2 items
LaLonde, Robert J. 2 items
Levin, Andrew T. 2 items
Levy, Frank 2 items
Martinek, Christopher J. 2 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 2 items
MartÃnez-GarcÃa, MarÃa Teresa 2 items
Mayer, Christopher J. 2 items
Minehan, Cathy E. 2 items
Murdoch, James C. 2 items
Murnane, Richard J. 2 items
Neal, Derek 2 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 2 items
Owyang, Michael T. 2 items
Phillips, Keith R. 2 items
Ravikumar, B. 2 items
Raymond, Margaret E. 2 items
Reid, Carolina 2 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 2 items
Sablik, Timothy 2 items
Sander, William 2 items
Sass, Steven A. 2 items
Sen, Surya 2 items
Spring, William J. 2 items
Steelman, Aaron 2 items
Sullivan, Daniel G. 2 items
Taylor, Lowell J. 2 items
Todd, Richard M. 2 items
Walstad, William 2 items
Watts, Michael 2 items
Wells, Matthew 2 items
Adams, Terry 1 items
Allgood, Sam 1 items
Alm, Richard 1 items
Almond, Douglas 1 items
Altonji, Joseph 1 items
Anderson, Patricia M. 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Baker, Brian L. 1 items
Balaban, Rita A. 1 items
Ballew, Paul D. 1 items
Barber, Michael 1 items
Barnett, W. Steven 1 items
Barro, Robert J. 1 items
Bayer, Amanda S. 1 items
Bearse, Peter 1 items
Beltran, Daniel O. 1 items
Berman, Anna L. 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Berry, Christopher 1 items
Betts, Julian R. 1 items
Beverly, Sondra G. 1 items
Bierbaum, Ariel 1 items
Blanchard, Olivier Jean 1 items
Borgschulte, Mark 1 items
Bosshardt, William 1 items
Bound, John 1 items
Braconi, Frank 1 items
Broaddus, Alfred 1 items
Brueckner, Markus 1 items
Buchholz, Todd G. 1 items
Bundick, Brent 1 items
Burke, Mary A. 1 items
Butcher, Kristin F. 1 items
Campbell, Doug 1 items
Cardak, Buly A. 1 items
Case, Karl E. 1 items
Cavalluzzo, Linda 1 items
Cañas, Jesus 1 items
Chay, Kenneth Y. 1 items
Chiodo, Abbigail J. 1 items
Clapp, John M. 1 items
Conaway, Carrie 1 items
Cox, W. Michael 1 items
Crew, Rudy 1 items
Crockett, Anna 1 items
Cross, Justina 1 items
Crouse, Jacob 1 items
Cytron, Naomi 1 items
Dahl, David S. 1 items
Dallman, Scott 1 items
Daly, Mary C. 1 items
Das, Kuntal K. 1 items
De Giorgi, Giacomo 1 items
De Nardi, Mariacristina 1 items
DeYoung, Robert 1 items
Deming, David 1 items
Devereux, Paul 1 items
Dharmasankar, Sharada 1 items
Dittmar, Jeremiah E. 1 items
Dodson, Marvin E. 1 items
Drozdowski, Colin 1 items
Dudley, William 1 items
Duke, Elizabeth A. 1 items
Dunne, Timothy 1 items
Dynarski, Susan 1 items
Echevarria, Cristina 1 items
Eckstein, Zvi 1 items
Elder, Patricia K. 1 items
Fairlie, Robert W. 1 items
Fawley, Brett W. 1 items
Fee, Kyle 1 items
Fernandez, Raquel 1 items
Fettig, David 1 items
Figlio, David N. 1 items
Finn, Chester E. 1 items
Fox Kellam, Beverly J. 1 items
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. 1 items
Fullerton, Thomas M. 1 items
Gascon, Charles S. 1 items
Geraghty, Thomas 1 items
Gill, Kathleen 1 items
Gilmer, Robert W. 1 items
Ginther, Donna K. 1 items
Gorshing, Gary 1 items
Gregory, Victoria 1 items
Groshen, Erica L. 1 items
Guryan, Jonathan 1 items
Guynn, Jack 1 items
Haltom, Renee Courtois 1 items
Hargroves, Jeannette S. 1 items
Harkness, Joseph M. 1 items
Harrigan, James 1 items
Hartman, Chester 1 items
Haveman, Robert H. 1 items
Heggeness, Misty 1 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 1 items
Henderson, Jason 1 items
Heyne, Paul T. 1 items
Hickok, Susan 1 items
Hilber, Christian A. L. 1 items
Hilgert, Marianne A. 1 items
Hinrichs, Peter 1 items
Hodges, Jaclyn 1 items
Hoff, K. Jody 1 items
Hogarth, Jeanne M. 1 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 1 items
Hoxby, Caroline M. 1 items
Jackson, Osborne 1 items
James, Charles L. 1 items
Jiang, Michelle 1 items
Jischke, Martin C. 1 items
John, A. Andrew 1 items
Johnson, George 1 items
Juhn, Chinhui 1 items
Juvenal, Luciana 1 items
Kahn, James A. 1 items
Kain, John F. 1 items
Katz, Lawrence F. 1 items
Keane, Michael P. 1 items
Kozlowski, Julian 1 items
Krueger, Alan B. 1 items
Krueger, Anne O. 1 items
Krusell, Per 1 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 1 items
Larson, Craig 1 items
Latham, Sierra 1 items
Levine, David I. 1 items
Lewis, Ethan 1 items
Li, Wenli 1 items
Lifshitz, Osnat 1 items
Little, Jane Sneddon 1 items
Liu, Sunny 1 items
Long, Ngo Van 1 items
Lopez Boo, Florencia 1 items
Lopus, Jane S. 1 items
Lutz, Byron F. 1 items
Lynch, Lisa M. 1 items
Maxey, James 1 items
McCrackin, Bobbie H. 1 items
McKoy, Deborah 1 items
Meghir, Costas 1 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 1 items
Mengedoth, Joseph 1 items
Merlo, Antonio 1 items
Merten, Alan G. 1 items
Mester, Loretta J. 1 items
Meszaros, Bonnie 1 items
Mitchell, Lynn 1 items
Mokher, Christine 1 items
Moskow, Michael H. 1 items
Moyon, Lucas 1 items
Murphy, Kevin M. 1 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 1 items
Nath, Anusha 1 items
Nechyba, Thomas J. 1 items
Nesse, Katherine 1 items
Newman, Sandra J. 1 items
Ogle, Gerri 1 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 1 items
Olivier, Michelle 1 items
Oswald, Florian 1 items
Pandjiris, Amy 1 items
Pecchenino, Rowena A. 1 items
Peterson, Paul E. 1 items
Podgursky, Michael 1 items
Pogue, Thomas F. 1 items
Pollak, Robert A. 1 items
Pollard, Emily 1 items
Pollard, Patricia S. 1 items
Premik, Filip 1 items
Rebeck, Ken 1 items
Reich, Kathleen 1 items
Renier, Jessica 1 items
Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
Reta, Cathay 1 items
Rhine, Sherrie L. W. 1 items
Ricketts, Lowell R. 1 items
Riddle, Mari 1 items
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor 1 items
Ritter, Joseph A. 1 items
Rivkin, Steven G. 1 items
Rivlin, Alice M. 1 items
Rizzo, Michael J. 1 items
Rogerson, Richard 1 items
Roisman, Deborah 1 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 1 items
Ross, Stephen L. 1 items
Rossell, Marci 1 items
Rubenstein, Ross 1 items
Rubinton, Hannah 1 items
Rudd, Jeremy B. 1 items
Sahin, Aysegul 1 items
Salemi, Michael K. 1 items
Salvanes, Kjell 1 items
Sartain, Lauren 1 items
Sass, Tim R. 1 items
Schacht, Susan 1 items
Scheiding, Tommy 1 items
Schuh, Rachel 1 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 1 items
Severino, Roger T. 1 items
Shiferaw, Menbere 1 items
Shimek, Luke M. 1 items
Sigalla, Fiona 1 items
Simmons, Warren 1 items
Singleton, Kraig 1 items
Smith, Betty Joyce 1 items
Smith, Douglas C. 1 items
Smith, Marvin M. 1 items
Spring, Matthew G. 1 items
Staten, Michael E. 1 items
Stinebrickner, Ralph 1 items
Stinebrickner, Todd R. 1 items
Strauss, Robert P. 1 items
Stull, William J. 1 items
Suiter, Mary 1 items
Surette, Brian J. 1 items
Swinton, John R. 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Tannenwald, Robert 1 items
Topel, Robert 1 items
Toussaint-Comeau, Maude 1 items
Tucker, James F. 1 items
Tutterow, Sam 1 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 1 items
Vermann, E. Katarina 1 items
Vespignani, Joaquin L. 1 items
Vincent, Jeffrey 1 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 1 items
Walstrum, Thomas 1 items
Wang, Jennifer 1 items
Wang, Ping 1 items
Wasserman, Miriam 1 items
Weber, Anke 1 items
Weiler, Stephan 1 items
Weinberg, John A. 1 items
West, Martin 1 items
Wheeler, Christopher H. 1 items
Wilcox, David W. 1 items
Williamson, Jeffrey G. 1 items
Wilson, Yvonne 1 items
Wolfe, Barbara L. 1 items
Wynne, Mark A. 1 items
Yazback, Shadya 1 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 1 items
Zafar, Basit 1 items
Zavodny, Madeline 1 items
Zhang, Xiaohan 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
show more (327)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
J24 5 items
I21 2 items
I24 2 items
J10 2 items
J15 2 items
J22 2 items
J31 2 items
J7 2 items
D02 1 items
D10 1 items
D12 1 items
D13 1 items
D14 1 items
D18 1 items
D52 1 items
D53 1 items
E2 1 items
E21 1 items
E31 1 items
F1 1 items
G33 1 items
H0 1 items
H75 1 items
I12 1 items
I14 1 items
I20 1 items
I22 1 items
I23 1 items
I25 1 items
I26 1 items
J1 1 items
J12 1 items
J13 1 items
J3 1 items
K35 1 items
N13 1 items
N32 1 items
O11 1 items
O18 1 items
O25 1 items
P48 1 items
Q1 1 items
R1 1 items
show more (38)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Education 356 items
Economics 27 items
Wages 25 items
Universities and colleges 16 items
Income 15 items
Human capital 14 items
Economic development 12 items
Labor supply 12 items
Federal Reserve District, 9th 11 items
Financial literacy 10 items
Income distribution 10 items
Labor market 10 items
Education - Economic aspects 9 items
Demography 7 items
Employees, Training of 7 items
Employment (Economic theory) 5 items
Housing 5 items
Missouri 5 items
Productivity 5 items
School choice 5 items
Economic conditions 5 items
Employment 5 items
Community development 4 items
Economics - Study and teaching 4 items
Finance 4 items
Regional economics 4 items
Rural areas 4 items
college costs 4 items
College graduates 3 items
Economic conditions - Texas 3 items
Emigration and immigration 3 items
Minimum wage 3 items
New England 3 items
Rural development 3 items
Unemployment 3 items
state finances 3 items
COVID-19 3 items
Population 3 items
Armed Forces - United States 2 items
Banks and banking 2 items
Business and education 2 items
Cities and towns 2 items
Community colleges 2 items
Consumer behavior 2 items
Cost and standard of living 2 items
Displaced workers 2 items
Economic policy 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 5th 2 items
Federal Reserve System 2 items
Households - Economic aspects 2 items
Housing subsidies 2 items
Immigrants 2 items
Inequality 2 items
Inflation (Finance) 2 items
Labor 2 items
Middle West 2 items
Monetary policy 2 items
New York (N.Y.) 2 items
Property tax 2 items
Public health - Economic aspects 2 items
Public schools 2 items
Race 2 items
Social security 2 items
Technology 2 items
Texas 2 items
Workforce Development 2 items
Fiscal Policy 2 items
Achievement tests 1 items
Achievement tests - Illinois 1 items
African American college students 1 items
African Americans - Economic conditions 1 items
Age 1 items
Amendments 1 items
American Indian 1 items
Assortative mating 1 items
Bank employees 1 items
Bankruptcy 1 items
Banks and banking, Central 1 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) - Members 1 items
Boston (Mass.) 1 items
Business forecasting 1 items
Child care 1 items
Child psychology 1 items
Child welfare 1 items
College Tuition 1 items
College graduation 1 items
Competition 1 items
Computers 1 items
Consumer credit 1 items
Consumers 1 items
Consumption 1 items
Credit 1 items
Crime 1 items
Developing countries 1 items
Difference-in-difference estimation 1 items
Discrimination in employment 1 items
Dividends 1 items
Divorce 1 items
Early childhood education 1 items
Earnings 1 items
Econometric models 1 items
Economic conditions - Ohio 1 items
Economic development - South 1 items
Economic growth 1 items
Economies of scale 1 items
Economists 1 items
Education - Middle West - Chicago (Ill.) 1 items
Educational outcomes 1 items
Effects of constitutions 1 items
Electronic commerce 1 items
Employment - Texas 1 items
Enrollment 1 items
Ethnicity 1 items
Europe 1 items
Expenditures, Public 1 items
Family law 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 11th 1 items
Federal Reserve System - History 1 items
Fertility 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Financial services industry 1 items
Foreclosure 1 items
Frankfurt (Germany) 1 items
Gender 1 items
Gender wage gap 1 items
Globalization 1 items
Growth 1 items
Health education 1 items
Healthy Communities 1 items
Higher Education 1 items
Hispanic Americans 1 items
Homeless persons 1 items
Household bargaining 1 items
Households 1 items
Housing - Finance 1 items
Housing policy 1 items
Human Capital Investment 1 items
Human behavior 1 items
Immigration 1 items
Income inequality 1 items
Inflation 1 items
Infrastructure (Economics) 1 items
Innovation 1 items
Institutions 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Insurance, Health 1 items
Insurance, Life 1 items
Interest 1 items
Interest rates 1 items
International trade 1 items
Inventories 1 items
Junk food 1 items
Labor Productivity 1 items
Labor force 1 items
Legislative bills 1 items
Lifecycle 1 items
Litigation 1 items
Local government 1 items
London (England) 1 items
Macroeconomics 1 items
Marriage 1 items
Medical care 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Michigan 1 items
Migration, Internal 1 items
Migration, Internal - United States 1 items
Moral hazard. 1 items
Mortgage Default 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
Mortgages 1 items
Neighborhood segregation 1 items
New Hampshire 1 items
Non-Gravity Trade 1 items
North Carolina 1 items
Nutrition 1 items
Occupational training 1 items
Overweight children 1 items
Parental background 1 items
Persistence 1 items
Petroleum industry and trade 1 items
Political science 1 items
Poverty 1 items
Prices 1 items
Private schools 1 items
Public policy 1 items
Public welfare 1 items
Puerto Rico 1 items
Racial disparities 1 items
Real property 1 items
Returns to college 1 items
Reward (Psychology) 1 items
STEM 1 items
San Antonio (Tex.) 1 items
San Francisco (Calif.) 1 items
Saving and investment 1 items
Self-employed 1 items
Service industries 1 items
Social service 1 items
State Capacity 1 items
Statistics 1 items
Subsidies 1 items
Supply and demand 1 items
Taiwan 1 items
Taylor's rule 1 items
Teacher Quality 1 items
Texas Economy 1 items
Textile industry 1 items
Transportation 1 items
Volunteers 1 items
Washington D.C. 1 items
Women - Education 1 items
Workforce 1 items
Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems) 1 items
economic conditions - United States 1 items
economic inclusion 1 items
knowledge spillovers 1 items
low-income 1 items
racial equity 1 items
racial inequality 1 items
vocational education 1 items
show more (226)
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