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Keywords:Economic development 

Technological diffusion through trade and imitation

An endogenous growth model is developed demonstrating both static and dynamic gains from trade for developing nations due to the beneficial effects of trade on imitation and technological diffusion. The concept of learning-to-learn in both imitative and innovative processes is incorporated into a quality ladder model with North-South trade. Domestic technological progress occurs via innovation or imitation, while growth is driven by technological advances in the quality of domestically available inputs, regardless of country of origin. In the absence of trade, Southern imitation of Northern ...
Staff Reports , Paper 20

Working Paper
Transitional dynamics of output and factor income shares: lessons from East Germany

I evaluate the quantitative implications of technology change and government policies for output and factor income shares during East Germany's transition since 1990. I model an economy that gains access to a high productivity technology embodied in new plants. As existing low productivity plants decrease production, the capital income share varies due to variation in the profit share of these plants. Two policies - transfers and government-mandated wage increases - have opposite effects on output growth, but both contribute to reducing the capital share during the transition. The model's ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 43

Journal Article
The economic impact of broadband deployment in Kentucky

Significant resources are being invested by government and the private sector in broadband infrastructure to increase broadband deployment and use. With a unique dataset of broadband availability (sorted by county), the authors assess whether broadband infrastructure has affected the industrial competitiveness of Kentucky counties. Their results suggest that broadband availability increases employment growth in some industries but not others.
Regional Economic Development , Issue Nov , Pages 88-118

Journal Article
Four funerals and a wedding: We're growing older and it won't be cheap

Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue Mar , Pages 2-5

Journal Article
Art's economic power in New England

Communities and Banking , Issue Spr , Pages 10-14

Working Paper
A general two-sector model of endogenous growth with human and physical capital: balanced growth and transitional dynamics

Working Papers , Paper 9324

Journal Article
Breaking out: Marion's success not confined to prison

The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 14-15

Journal Article
Roll the credits … and the tax incentives

Cities, states and even countries spar for film production business, but at what cost?
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue Sep , Pages 14-15

Working Paper
Further evidence on the link between finance and growth: an international analysis of community banking and economic performance

We try to contribute to both the finance-growth literature and the community banking literature by testing the effects of the relative health of community banks on economic growth, and investigating potential transmission mechanisms for these effects using data from 1993-2000 on 49 nations. Data from both developed and developing nations suggest that greater market shares and efficiency ranks of small, private, domestically-owned banks are associated with better economic performance, and that the marginal benefits of higher shares are greater when the banks are more efficient. Only mixed ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2003-47

Working Paper
Financing development : the role of information costs

To address how technological progress in financial intermediation affects the economy, a costly-state verification framework is embedded into the standard growth model. The framework has two novel features. First, firms differ in the risk/return combinations that they offer. Second, the efficacy of monitoring depends upon the amount of resources invested in the activity. A financial theory of firm size results. Undeserving firms are over financed, deserving ones underfunded. Technological advance in intermediation leads to more capital accumulation and a redirection of funds away from ...
Working Paper , Paper 08-08



Fedgazette 65 items

Econ Focus 51 items

Review 40 items

Working Papers 36 items

The Region 29 items

Speech 28 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 356 items

Working Paper 89 items

Conference Paper 51 items

Speech 29 items

Report 23 items

Discussion Paper 11 items

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Wirtz, Ronald A. 30 items

anonymous 28 items

Clement, Douglas 23 items

Gerena, Charles 13 items

Nash, Betty Joyce 13 items

Davies, Phil 9 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

O47 2 items

C32 1 items

C8 1 items

D9 1 items

F41 1 items

F43 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Economic development 566 items

Federal Reserve District, 9th 73 items

Technology 29 items

Economic conditions 22 items

Federal Reserve District, 5th 22 items

Productivity 22 items

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