Search Results
Journal Article
Editor's introduction
Gavin, William T.
We have been wrestling with one of the most severe recessions in the post-World War II era; moreover, it has been accompanied by a widespread financial crisis. After unprecedented policy responses, there are signs of recovery on both fronts. So, it is not too early to take stock of our actions and attempt to learn lessons from our recent past - lessons for monetary policy, financial regulation, and other aspects of the crisis. My objective here is to focus on lessons for monetary policy alone and leave discussion of regulatory issues and financial markets for another day.
, Volume 92
, Issue May
, Pages 225-228
Working Paper
Creditor control of free cash flow
Huang, Rocco
With free cash flows, borrowers can accumulate cash or voluntarily pay down debts. However, sometimes creditors impose a mandatory repayment covenant called "excess cash flow sweep" in loan contracts to force borrowers to repay debts ahead of schedule. About 17 percent of borrowers in the authors' sample (1995-2006) have this covenant attached to at least one of their loans. The author finds that the sweep covenant is more likely to be imposed on borrowers with higher leverage (i.e., where risk shifting by equity holders is more likely). The results are robust to including borrower fixed ...
Working Papers
, Paper 09-30
Working Paper
A tale of two commitments: equilibrium default and temptation
Nakajima, Makoto
I construct the life-cycle model with equilibrium default and preferences featuring temptation and self-control. The model provides quantitatively similar answers to positive questions such as the causes of the observed rise in debt and bankruptcies and macroeconomic implications of the 2005 bankruptcy reform, as the standard model without temptation. However, the temptation model provides contrasting welfare implications, because of overborrowing when the borrowing constraint is relaxed. Specifically, the 2005 bankruptcy reform has an overall negative welfare effect, according to the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 14-1
Journal Article
The burden of debt
Tallman, Ellis W.
, Volume 3
, Issue Q2
, Pages 1
Journal Article
On the needed quantity of government debt
Prescott, Edward C.; Birkeland, Kathryn
People are enjoying longer retirement periods, and population growth is slowing and, in some countries, falling. In this article, we determine the implications of these demographic changes for the needed amount of government debt. If tax rates and the transfer share of gross national income (GNI) are both high, the needed debt is near zero. With such a system, however, huge deadweight losses are incurred as a result of the high tax rate on labor income. With a savings system, a large government debt to annual GNI ratio is needed. In a country with early retirement and no population growth, ...
Quarterly Review
, Volume 31
, Issue Nov
, Pages 2-15
Sustainable plans and debt
Kehoe, Patrick J.; Chari, V. V.
This paper presents a simple general equilibrium model of optimal taxation similar to that of Lucas and Stokey (1983), except that we let the government default on its debt. As a benchmark, we consider Ramsey equilibria in which the government can precommit its policies at the beginning of time. We then consider sustainable equilibria in which both government and private agent decision rules are required to be sequentially rational. We concentrate on trigger mechanisms which specify reversion to the finite horizon equilibrium after deviations by the government. The main result is that no ...
Staff Report
, Paper 125
Journal Article
Market discipline and subordinated debt: a review of some salient issues
Bliss, Robert R.
Requiring banks to issue subordinated debt is one proposal to bring market discipline to bear in aiding regulatory supervision. This article explores the frictions that produce a need for discipline (agency problems) and the mechanisms markets have evolved for dealing with these frictions. Following an examination of the rationales and assumptions underlying subordinated debt proposals, the article concludes that the case tying regulatory intervention to subordinated debt spreads is not clear-cut, and that use of all available information, including equity returns and debt yields, when ...
Economic Perspectives
, Volume 25
, Issue Q I
, Pages 24-45
Working Paper
Debt covenants and renegotiation
Mester, Loretta J.; Berlin, Mitchell
Working Papers
, Paper 92-9
Journal Article
The Latin American debt problem and U.S. agriculture
Drabenstott, Mark; Henneberry, David; Barkema, Alan
U.S. agriculture and Latin American countries share some important common ground -a steady stream of agricultural trade between the United States and Latin America. As U.S. agriculture emerges from its debt problem of the 1980s and the problem lingers on in Latin America, both economies stand to benefit from macroeconomic and trade policies that encourage global economic growth.
Economic Review
, Volume 73
, Issue Jul
, Pages 21-38
Working Paper
Debt maturity and the back-to-the-wall theory of corporate finance
Sharpe, Steven A.; Fenn, George W.
Finance and Economics Discussion Series
, Paper 171
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 42 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 35 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 26 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 25 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 20 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 19 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 9 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 9 items
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Working Papers 33 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 22 items
Proceedings 19 items
Working Paper Series 16 items
Economic Review 11 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 9 items
Speech 9 items
Staff Report 9 items
Chicago Fed Letter 8 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 8 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 8 items
Staff Reports 8 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 7 items
Review 7 items
Economic Commentary 6 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 6 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 6 items
Economic Perspectives 5 items
Economic Synopses 5 items
The Regional Economist 5 items
Business Review 4 items
Econ Focus 4 items
Economic Quarterly 4 items
Quarterly Review 4 items
Central Banker 3 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 3 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 3 items
New England Economic Review 3 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 3 items
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 2 items
EconSouth 2 items
Fedgazette 2 items
Financial Update 2 items
International Economic Trends 2 items
Monograph 2 items
Working Paper 2 items
Center for Latin America Working Papers 1 items
Economic Insights 1 items
Economic Letter 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 1 items
Emerging Issues 1 items
Fiscal Facts 1 items
Liber8 Economic Information Newsletter 1 items
Macro Bulletin 1 items
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 1 items
Profitwise 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Research Paper 1 items
Research Working Paper 1 items
Staff Studies 1 items
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 1 items
show more (47)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 96 items
Journal Article 95 items
Conference Paper 35 items
Report 18 items
Newsletter 9 items
Speech 9 items
Discussion Paper 3 items
Monograph 2 items
Briefing 1 items
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Evanoff, Douglas D. 10 items
Wall, Larry D. 9 items
anonymous 8 items
Dudley, William 7 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 6 items
Cole, Harold L. 5 items
Kopcke, Richard W. 5 items
Nakajima, Makoto 5 items
Sharpe, Steven A. 5 items
Aguiar, Mark 4 items
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 4 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 4 items
Martinez, Leonardo 4 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 4 items
Arellano, Cristina 3 items
Berlin, Mitchell 3 items
Boyd, John H. 3 items
Brown, Meta 3 items
Carey, Mark S. 3 items
Eyigungor, Burcu 3 items
Gopinath, Gita 3 items
Lee, Donghoon 3 items
Smith, Bruce D. 3 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 3 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 3 items
Bassetto, Marco 2 items
Bullard, James B. 2 items
Campbell, Jeffrey R. 2 items
Carlson, John B. 2 items
Contessi, Silvio 2 items
Dornbusch, Rudiger W. 2 items
Erce, Aitor 2 items
Fons, Jerome S. 2 items
Friedman, Benjamin M. 2 items
Hancock, Diana 2 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 2 items
Hercowitz, Zvi 2 items
Higgins, Bryon 2 items
Johnson, Kathleen W. 2 items
Kaufman, Henry 2 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 2 items
Krainer, John 2 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 2 items
Martin, Fernando M. 2 items
McAndrews, James J. 2 items
Mester, Loretta J. 2 items
Morgan, Donald P. 2 items
Occhino, Filippo 2 items
Ramanarayanan, Ananth 2 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 2 items
Sapriza, Horacio 2 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 2 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 2 items
Truman, Edwin M. 2 items
Volcker, Paul A. 2 items
Warshawsky, Mark J. 2 items
Worthington, Paula R. 2 items
Yoo, Peter S. 2 items
Zafar, Basit 2 items
Aaronson, Daniel 1 items
Acharya, Sankarshan 1 items
Acharya, Viral V. 1 items
Adrian, Tobias 1 items
Agarwal, Sumit 1 items
Aiyagari, S. Rao 1 items
Aizenman, Joshua 1 items
Alexander, Lewis S. 1 items
Alfaro, Laura 1 items
Allen, Franklin 1 items
Anderson, Richard G. 1 items
Armenter, Roc 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Auerbach, Alan J. 1 items
Bai, Yan 1 items
Banternghansa, Chanont 1 items
Barkema, Alan 1 items
Benzoni, Luca 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Betts, D. C. 1 items
Bi, Huixin 1 items
Birchler, Urs W. 1 items
Birkeland, Kathryn 1 items
Bliss, Robert R. 1 items
Bodie, Zvi 1 items
Butler, Alexander W. 1 items
Calem, Paul S. 1 items
Canner, Glenn B. 1 items
Carleton, Willard T. 1 items
Carlson, Keith M. 1 items
Carpenter, Christopher S. 1 items
Cecchetti, Stephen G. 1 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 1 items
Chang, Roberto 1 items
Chari, V. V. 1 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 1 items
Chen, Han 1 items
Christelow, Dorothy B. 1 items
Chrystal, K. Alec 1 items
Cordell, Lawrence R. 1 items
Covitz, Daniel M. 1 items
Croushore, Dean 1 items
Cui, Wei 1 items
Curdia, Vasco 1 items
Dahiya, Sandeep 1 items
Dasgupta, Kabir 1 items
Davig, Troy A. 1 items
Demiroglu, Cem 1 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 1 items
DiLeo, Paul 1 items
Dias, Daniel A. 1 items
Doms, Mark 1 items
Drabenstott, Mark 1 items
Dueker, Michael J. 1 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 1 items
Dynan, Karen E. 1 items
Edelberg, Wendy 1 items
Elmendorf, Douglas W. 1 items
Ericsson, Neil R. 1 items
Espinosa-Vega, Marco A. 1 items
Estenssoro, Amalia 1 items
Eugeni, Francesca 1 items
Ezer, Michelle Steinberg 1 items
Fan, Rong 1 items
Favero, Carlo 1 items
Fawley, Brett W. 1 items
Fenn, George W. 1 items
Ferrero, Andrea 1 items
Fieleke, Norman S. 1 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 1 items
Fogler, Elizabeth M. 1 items
Frame, W. Scott 1 items
French, Eric 1 items
Freund, James L. 1 items
Friedman, Rebecca 1 items
Frydl, Edward J. 1 items
Furletti, Mark 1 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 1 items
Galli, Carlo 1 items
Garlappi, Lorenzo 1 items
Garrett, Thomas A. 1 items
Garriga, Carlos 1 items
Gavin, William T. 1 items
Gelpern, Anna 1 items
Giavazzi, Francesco 1 items
Goldstein, Robert S. 1 items
Gordon, Grey 1 items
Gordy, Michael B. 1 items
Gourio, Francois 1 items
Gruben, William C. 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Hafer, Rik 1 items
Haltom, Renee Courtois 1 items
Harrison, Paul 1 items
Haslag, Joseph H. 1 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 1 items
Hedlund, Aaron 1 items
Henneberry, David 1 items
Hill, John K. 1 items
Hnatkovska, Viktoria 1 items
Hong, Gijoon 1 items
Huang, Rocco 1 items
Huang, Yilin 1 items
Hunt, Robert M. 1 items
Jagtiani, Julapa 1 items
James, Christopher M. 1 items
Jeske, Karsten 1 items
John, Kose 1 items
Johnsen, Rebecca 1 items
Johnson, Richard 1 items
Jones, Barry E. 1 items
Juvenal, Luciana 1 items
Kahn, Charles M. 1 items
Kahn, Robert B. 1 items
Kamin, Steven B. 1 items
Kaminsky, Graciela L. 1 items
Kanczuk, Fabio 1 items
Kaufman, George G. 1 items
Kaufold, Howard 1 items
Keran, Michael W. 1 items
Kiley, Michael T. 1 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 1 items
Koenig, Evan F. 1 items
Koepke, Matthew 1 items
Kolluri, Bharat R. 1 items
Kouparitsas, Michael A. 1 items
Kowalewski, K. J. 1 items
Kroszner, Randall S. 1 items
Kwan, Simon H. 1 items
Kwast, Myron L. 1 items
Laney, Leroy O. 1 items
Lawrence, Ross 1 items
Leary, Mark T. 1 items
Lemieux, Catharine 1 items
Levine, David K. 1 items
Levine, Ross 1 items
Li, Li 1 items
Lopez, Jose A. 1 items
Luckett, Charles A. 1 items
Madan, Dilip B. 1 items
Mahon, Joe 1 items
Maki, Dean M. 1 items
Mankiw, N. Gregory 1 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 1 items
Marais, Laurentius 1 items
Marion, Nancy P. 1 items
Marshall, David A. 1 items
Martin, Paul 1 items
McGranahan, Leslie 1 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 1 items
McLeod, Darryl 1 items
Merchant, Zofsha 1 items
Merfeld, Thomas J. 1 items
Meyer, Stephen A. 1 items
Mian, Atif 1 items
Miller, Nathan H. 1 items
Mohanty, Sunil 1 items
Morris, Frank E. 1 items
Moser, James T. 1 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 1 items
Motika, Meryl 1 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 1 items
Nechio, Fernanda 1 items
Neely, Christopher J. 1 items
Newberger, Robin G. 1 items
Noeth, Bryan J. 1 items
Normandin, Charles P. 1 items
Ody, Christopher 1 items
Osler, Carol L. 1 items
Pakko, Michael R. 1 items
Paquette, Lynn 1 items
Penas, Maria Fabiana 1 items
Pence, Karen M. 1 items
Peralta-Alva, Adrian 1 items
Pereira, Alfredo 1 items
Persson, Goran 1 items
Pescatori, Andrea 1 items
Phelan, Christopher 1 items
Plosser, Charles I. 1 items
Plum, Alexander 1 items
Post, Mitchell A. 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Prescott, Edward C. 1 items
Prowse, Stephen D. 1 items
Puri, Manju 1 items
Ramirez, Gabriel G. 1 items
Rayl, Nelson P. 1 items
Rea, John 1 items
Remolona, Eli M. 1 items
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor 1 items
Ritchken, Peter H. 1 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 1 items
Rose, Andrew K. 1 items
Roush, Jennifer E. 1 items
Schipper, Katherine 1 items
Seo, Byung Han 1 items
Seth, Rama 1 items
Sheehan, Richard G. 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Singamesetti, Rao N. 1 items
Sinha, Nitish R. 1 items
Sironi, Andrea 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Smirlock, Michael 1 items
Smith, Abbie 1 items
Stangebye, Zachary 1 items
Starr, Ross M. 1 items
Steelman, Aaron 1 items
Stein, Sarah 1 items
Steindel, Charles 1 items
Strain, Michael R. 1 items
Strongin, Steven 1 items
Sufi, Amir 1 items
Summers, Lawrence H. 1 items
Swaine, Daniel G. 1 items
Swamy, P. A. V. B. 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Tannenwald, Robert 1 items
Thompson, Jeffrey P. 1 items
Thomson, James B. 1 items
Toll, Ian 1 items
Tomz, Michael 1 items
Trichet, Jean-Claude 1 items
Unal, Haluk 1 items
Van Den Berg, David 1 items
Van der Ven, Guido E. 1 items
Velde, Francois R. 1 items
Vries, Rimmer de 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Warner, Andrew M. 1 items
Warren, Jim 1 items
Weiner, Stuart E. 1 items
Welch, John H. 1 items
Whited, Toni M. 1 items
Williams, Meredith 1 items
Wilson, John F. 1 items
Winton, Andrew 1 items
Wirtz, Ronald A. 1 items
Wittenberg-Moerman, Regina 1 items
Xu, William 1 items
Yan, Ying 1 items
Zampolli, Fabrizio 1 items
Zarazaga, Carlos E. 1 items
Zhou, Chunsheng 1 items
Zhou, Ruilin 1 items
Zinman, Jonathan 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E21 6 items
E44 5 items
D91 4 items
K35 4 items
G18 3 items
D14 2 items
G12 2 items
G32 2 items
G33 2 items
H63 2 items
C40 1 items
C45 1 items
C53 1 items
C55 1 items
C81 1 items
D1 1 items
D12 1 items
D31 1 items
D63 1 items
D83 1 items
D84 1 items
E22 1 items
E32 1 items
E43 1 items
E62 1 items
E63 1 items
F32 1 items
F34 1 items
G01 1 items
G11 1 items
G21 1 items
G23 1 items
H20 1 items
H50 1 items
H6 1 items
H60 1 items
H68 1 items
J10 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Debt 268 items
Corporations - Finance 23 items
Credit 18 items
Consumer credit 18 items
Risk 16 items
Bank supervision 15 items
Default (Finance) 14 items
Financial crises 14 items
Households - Economic aspects 12 items
Developing countries 11 items
Bank loans 10 items
Budget deficits 9 items
Economic conditions 9 items
Inflation (Finance) 9 items
Fiscal policy 9 items
Bankruptcy 8 items
Securities 8 items
Bank capital 7 items
Credit cards 7 items
Bonds 6 items
Economic policy 6 items
Financial leverage 6 items
International finance 6 items
Liquidity (Economics) 6 items
Monetary policy 6 items
Interest rates 6 items
Consumer behavior 5 items
Default 5 items
Equity 5 items
European Union 5 items
Mortgages 5 items
Recessions 5 items
Banks and banking 4 items
Deficit financing 4 items
Economic stabilization 4 items
Finance, Personal 4 items
Gross domestic product 4 items
Housing - Finance 4 items
Housing - Prices 4 items
Investments 4 items
Labor market 4 items
Loans, Foreign 4 items
Taxation 4 items
Unemployment 4 items
Heterogeneous agents 4 items
Incomplete markets 4 items
Bank holding companies 3 items
Banking market 3 items
Banks and banking, Central 3 items
Brazil 3 items
Business cycles 3 items
Capital 3 items
Capital movements 3 items
Debts, External 3 items
Debts, Public 3 items
Employment 3 items
Federal Open Market Committee 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 3 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 3 items
Federal Reserve System 3 items
Financial stability 3 items
Greece 3 items
Households 3 items
Loans 3 items
Risk management 3 items
Treasury bonds 3 items
bank examinations 3 items
Consumer bankruptcy 3 items
Temptation and self-control 3 items
Hyperbolic Discounting 3 items
Argentina 2 items
Asset-backed financing 2 items
Balance of payments 2 items
Bank failures 2 items
Bank management 2 items
Banks and banking, International 2 items
Budget 2 items
Consumption 2 items
Consumption (Economics) 2 items
Deposit insurance 2 items
Econometric models 2 items
Economic development 2 items
Economic growth 2 items
Emerging markets 2 items
Exports 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 9th 2 items
Federal Reserve banks 2 items
Flow of funds 2 items
Inflation risk 2 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 2 items
Latin America 2 items
Liquidity 2 items
Macroeconomics 2 items
Mexico 2 items
Monetary policy - United States 2 items
Public policy 2 items
Saving and investment 2 items
Student loans 2 items
Volcker, Paul A. 2 items
Borrowing Constraint 2 items
Government Debt 2 items
Accounting 1 items
Agriculture 1 items
Assets (Accounting) 1 items
Autometrics 1 items
Bank assets 1 items
Bank liabilities 1 items
Bank liquidity 1 items
Bank mergers 1 items
Banking law 1 items
Banks and banking - Costs 1 items
Banks and banking - Europe 1 items
Banks and banking - Regulations 1 items
Bias 1 items
Bond Auctions 1 items
Business cycle 1 items
Business enterprises 1 items
Business enterprises - Finance 1 items
Canada 1 items
Capital structure 1 items
Chapter 11 1 items
College graduates 1 items
Commercial loans 1 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 1 items
Contracting out 1 items
Contracts 1 items
Corporate Default 1 items
Corporate bonds 1 items
Corporations 1 items
Corporations - Taxation 1 items
Credit control 1 items
Credit spreads 1 items
Crises 1 items
Currency Denomination 1 items
Current account 1 items
DMR 1 items
Debt management 1 items
Demography 1 items
Depressions 1 items
Disclosure of information 1 items
Discrimination in consumer credit 1 items
Dividends 1 items
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) 1 items
Economic conditions - Europe 1 items
Economic conditions - New York (State) 1 items
Employment (Economic theory) 1 items
Equity prices 1 items
Europe 1 items
European Union countries 1 items
Eurostat 1 items
Eurozone 1 items
Expenditures, Public 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 1 items
Federal government 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Financial Regulatory Reform (Dodd-Frank Act) 1 items
Financial crises - Latin America 1 items
Financial crises - Mexico 1 items
Financial crisis 1 items
Financial institutions 1 items
Financial knowledge 1 items
Financial market regulatory reform 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Financial well-being 1 items
Fiscal sustainability 1 items
Forecasts 1 items
Game theory 1 items
Globalization 1 items
Government employees 1 items
Government expenditures 1 items
Government securities 1 items
Government spending policy 1 items
Great Recession 1 items
Gross domestic product (GDP) 1 items
Health care reform 1 items
Home ownership 1 items
House prices 1 items
Housing 1 items
Impulse indicator saturation 1 items
Income 1 items
Indexation (Economics) 1 items
Inequality 1 items
Inflation 1 items
Inflation-indexed bonds 1 items
Infrastructure (Economics) 1 items
Interbank market 1 items
Intermediation (Finance) 1 items
International Monetary Fund 1 items
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
Investment banking 1 items
Investments, Foreign 1 items
Jumps to Default 1 items
Kohn, Donald L. 1 items
Korea 1 items
Labeling 1 items
Labor supply 1 items
Leverage 1 items
Loans, Personal 1 items
Markets 1 items
Maturity 1 items
Minimum wage 1 items
Money 1 items
Money supply 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
News 1 items
Open market operations 1 items
Payment systems 1 items
Pensions 1 items
Population 1 items
Prices 1 items
Projections 1 items
Public welfare 1 items
Risk - Mathematical models 1 items
Sexual orientation 1 items
Small business 1 items
Stochastic analysis 1 items
Stocks 1 items
Supervised Learning 1 items
Supply and demand 1 items
Sweden 1 items
Tax Reform Act of 1986 1 items
Text Analysis 1 items
United States 1 items
Universities and colleges 1 items
Wealth 1 items
Welfare 1 items
borrowing constraints 1 items
fiscal limits 1 items
heteroskedasticity 1 items
household 1 items
lenders of last resort 1 items
small business finance 1 items
state finances 1 items
tax policy 1 items
technological innovations 1 items
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