Search Results
Journal Article
Does faster loan growth lead to higher loan losses?
Keeton, William R.
During the last couple of years, concern has increased that the exceptionally rapid growth in business loans at commercial banks has been due in large part to excessively easy credit standards. Some analysts argue that competition for loan customers has greatly increased, causing banks to reduce loan rates and ease credit standards to obtain new business. Others argue that as the economic expansion has continued and memories of past loan losses have faded, banks have become more willing to take risks. Whichever explanation is correct, the acceleration in loan growth could lead eventually to a ...
Economic Review
, Volume 84
, Issue Q II
, Pages 57-75
Journal Article
Financial stress in the oil patch: recent experience at energy banks
Smith, Tim R.
Economic Review
, Volume 72
, Issue Jun
, Pages 9-23
Journal Article
Loan lending magic
Fortunato, Laura
New technology revolutionizes the loan process as automatic loan machines spark the interest of the banking community.
Cross Sections
, Volume 13
, Issue Win
, Pages 12-15
Journal Article
Government securities investments of commercial banks
Rodrigues, Anthony P.
Government securities holdings at U.S. commercial banks have risen rapidly since 1990. The author contrasts the recent rise with increases observed during and after earlier recessions and evaluates possible explanations for the buildup. In addition, he presents a rough estimate of the interest exposure created solely by the securities acquisitions and compares it with estimates for earlier periods when commercial banks also added U.S. securities to their portfolios at a fast rate.
Quarterly Review
, Volume 18
, Issue Sum
, Pages 39-53
Conference Paper
The effect of a banking crisis on bank-dependent borrowers
Purnanandam, Amiyatosh; Chava, Sudheer
How does the banking sector?s financial health affect bank-dependent borrowers? performance? We use the exogenous shock to U.S. banking system during the Russian crisis of Fall 1998 as a natural experiment to separate the effect of borrower?s demand of credit from the bank?s ability to supply credit and estimate the effect of U.S. bank?s financial health on the U.S. borrower?s stock-market performance. In an event window of 16 days starting with the Russian sovereign-debt default and ending with the flight of capital from Brazil, a period characterized with significant adverse shocks to the ...
, Paper 1030
Conference Paper
The determinants of corporate loan liquidity
Carey, Mark S.; Bhasin, Vijay
, Paper 617
Journal Article
Problem business loans rise at large banks
Gilbert, R. Alton
Monetary Trends
, Issue Nov
Journal Article
The 2007 HMDA data
Brevoort, Kenneth P.; Canner, Glenn B.; Avery, Robert B.
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Volume 94
, Issue Dec
, Pages A107-A146
Working Paper
Community banks as small business lenders: the tough road ahead
Ergungor, O. Emre
This paper investigates the performance of community banks as small business (relationship) lenders. Theory suggests that competition reduces the benefits of bank?borrower relationships, making small business loans more risky and less profitable. In support of this theory, the evidence indicates that community banks? performance deteriorates with increasing small business lending. Policies that encourage community banks to engage in more aggressive small business lending may lessen the soundness of these institutions.
Working Papers (Old Series)
, Paper 0203
Journal Article
Why commercial banks sell loans: an empirical analysis
Pavel, Christine A.; Phillis, David
Economic Perspectives
, Volume 11
, Issue May
, Pages 3-14
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 184 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 133 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 83 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 51 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 40 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 33 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 33 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 22 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 13 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
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Federal Reserve Bulletin 120 items
Proceedings 118 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 44 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 43 items
Economic Review 41 items
Working Papers 37 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 14 items
Staff Reports 14 items
Working Paper Series 14 items
Business Review 11 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 11 items
Quarterly Review 9 items
Research Working Paper 9 items
Speech 9 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 8 items
Economic Commentary 8 items
Financial Update 8 items
Monetary Trends 8 items
Review 8 items
Economic Policy Review 7 items
Economic Synopses 7 items
Financial Industry Studies Working Paper 6 items
Monograph 6 items
New England Economic Review 6 items
Research Paper 6 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 5 items
Economic Perspectives 5 items
Chicago Fed Letter 4 items
Cross Sections 4 items
Economic and Financial Policy Review 4 items
Working Paper 4 items
Central Banker 3 items
Community Development Working Paper 3 items
Economic Bulletin 3 items
Economic Quarterly 3 items
The Regional Economist 3 items
Asia Focus 2 items
Emerging Issues 2 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
Fedgazette 2 items
New England Banking Trends 2 items
Southwest Economy 2 items
Staff Memoranda 2 items
Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues 2 items
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory 2 items
Communities and Banking 1 items
Community Development Innovation Review 1 items
Econ Focus 1 items
Financial Industry Perspectives 1 items
Financial Letters 1 items
Main Street Economist 1 items
National Economic Trends 1 items
Pacific Basin Working Paper Series 1 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 1 items
Public Policy Brief 1 items
Regional Economic Digest 1 items
Regional Review 1 items
Research Papers in Banking and Financial Economics 1 items
Special Studies Papers 1 items
Supervisory Policy Analysis Working Papers 1 items
Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section 1 items
Working Paper Series, Issues in Financial Regulation 1 items
show more (57)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 324 items
Working Paper 151 items
Conference Paper 127 items
Report 22 items
Speech 9 items
Monograph 6 items
Newsletter 4 items
Discussion Paper 2 items
Periodic Essay 2 items
Briefing 1 items
show more (5)
show less
anonymous 84 items
Berger, Allen N. 26 items
Udell, Gregory F. 18 items
Berlin, Mitchell 16 items
Mester, Loretta J. 15 items
Rosengren, Eric S. 15 items
Laderman, Elizabeth 14 items
Peek, Joe 14 items
Morgan, Donald P. 13 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 13 items
James, Christopher M. 10 items
Keeton, William R. 10 items
Avery, Robert B. 9 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 9 items
Minoiu, Camelia 9 items
Canner, Glenn B. 8 items
Correa, Ricardo 8 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 8 items
Morris, Charles S. 8 items
di Giovanni, Julian 8 items
Demsetz, Rebecca 7 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 6 items
Saunders, Anthony 6 items
Strahan, Philip E. 6 items
Thomson, James B. 6 items
Zimmerman, Gary C. 6 items
Becketti, Sean 5 items
Calem, Paul S. 5 items
Gorton, Gary 5 items
Kwan, Simon H. 5 items
Lopez, Jose A. 5 items
Pavel, Christine A. 5 items
Pennacchi, George 5 items
Rajan, Raghuram G. 5 items
Sharpe, Steven A. 5 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 4 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 4 items
Brevoort, Kenneth P. 4 items
Carey, Mark S. 4 items
Contessi, Silvio 4 items
Craig, Ben R. 4 items
Dudley, William 4 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 4 items
Hirtle, Beverly 4 items
Jimenez, Gabriel 4 items
Kim, Sun Bae 4 items
LaWare, John P. 4 items
Levonian, Mark E. 4 items
Lown, Cara S. 4 items
Oliner, Stephen D. 4 items
Ongena, Steven 4 items
Passmore, Wayne 4 items
Petersen, Mitchell A. 4 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 4 items
Saurina, Jesus 4 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 4 items
Wall, Larry D. 4 items
Agarwal, Sumit 3 items
Allen, Philip T. 3 items
Black, Lamont K. 3 items
Booth, James R. 3 items
Bostic, Raphael W. 3 items
DeYoung, Robert 3 items
Degryse, Hans 3 items
Frame, W. Scott 3 items
Genay, Hesna 3 items
Gunther, Jeffery W. 3 items
Hancock, Diana 3 items
Koppenhaver, Gary D. 3 items
Lang, William W. 3 items
Moore, Robert R. 3 items
Neely, Michelle Clark 3 items
Robinson, Kenneth J. 3 items
Rosen, Richard J. 3 items
Russ, Katheryn N. 3 items
Sargen, Nicholas 3 items
Scalise, Joseph M. 3 items
Smith, Tynan 3 items
Wang, J. Christina 3 items
Wenninger, John 3 items
Wheelock, David C. 3 items
White, Lawrence J. 3 items
Wilcox, James A. 3 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 3 items
Acharya, Viral V. 2 items
Brady, Thomas F. 2 items
Cagle, Caroline H. 2 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 2 items
Campello, Murillo 2 items
Cantor, Richard 2 items
Carbo-Valverde, Santiago 2 items
Cheng, Hang-Sheng 2 items
Clair, Robert T. 2 items
Conkling, Gerald M. 2 items
Corner, Gary S. 2 items
Dahl, Drew 2 items
DeGennaro, Ramon P. 2 items
Demiroglu, Cem 2 items
Driscoll, John C. 2 items
Dueker, Michael J. 2 items
Eckert, James B. 2 items
Edge, Rochelle M. 2 items
Eisenbeis, Robert A. 2 items
Emmons, William R. 2 items
English, William B. 2 items
Ergungor, O. Emre 2 items
Evanoff, Douglas D. 2 items
Garriga, Carlos 2 items
Gertler, Mark 2 items
Gilchrist, Simon 2 items
Goldberg, Lawrence G. 2 items
Hannan, Timothy H. 2 items
Hooks, Linda M. 2 items
Huh, Chan Guk 2 items
Jacklin, Charles J. 2 items
John, Kose 2 items
Johnson, Ronald 2 items
Jordan, Jerry L. 2 items
Judd, John P. 2 items
Klapper, Leora 2 items
Koch, Timothy W. 2 items
Krainer, John 2 items
Kuttner, Kenneth N. 2 items
Longhofer, Stanley D. 2 items
Marquez, Robert 2 items
McAndrews, James J. 2 items
Meyer, Laurence H. 2 items
Montoriol-Garriga, Judit 2 items
Moreno, Ramon 2 items
Nelson, William R. 2 items
Owens, Raymond E. 2 items
Phillis, David 2 items
Post, Mitchell A. 2 items
Presbitero, Andrea F. 2 items
Puri, Manju 2 items
Reid, Carolina 2 items
Rodriguez-Fernandez, Francisco 2 items
Saidenberg, Marc R. 2 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 2 items
Santos, João A. C. 2 items
Schmidt, Ronald H. 2 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 2 items
Seth, Rama 2 items
Shaffer, Sherrill 2 items
Sharma, Padma 2 items
Simons, Katerina 2 items
Skeie, David R. 2 items
Smirlock, Michael 2 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 2 items
Stein, Jeremy C. 2 items
Stojanovic, Dusan 2 items
Terrell, Henry S. 2 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 2 items
Townsend, Robert M. 2 items
Valderrama, Diego 2 items
VanHoose, David D. 2 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 2 items
Villamil, Anne P. 2 items
Walsh, Carl E. 2 items
Whalen, Gary 2 items
Whitesell, William C. 2 items
Wilson, Ruth 2 items
Woosley, Lynn W. 2 items
Aaronson, Daniel 1 items
Adams, Robert M. 1 items
Adrian, Tobias 1 items
Akhavein, Jalal D. 1 items
Akhtar, M. A. 1 items
Alessandrini, Pietro 1 items
Allen, Franklin 1 items
Alon, Titan 1 items
Altunbas, Yener 1 items
Amel, Dean F. 1 items
Arlt, Carl T. 1 items
Aubuchon, Craig P. 1 items
Balasubramanyan, Lakshmi 1 items
Barry, Lynn M. 1 items
Bassett, William F. 1 items
Baxendale, Birgit 1 items
Beauchamp, John 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Beeson, Patricia E. 1 items
Beltz, Jess C. 1 items
Benston, George J. 1 items
Benveniste, Lawrence M. 1 items
Bergstrom, Carl T. 1 items
Berkowitz, Jeremy 1 items
Berney, Robert 1 items
Berrospide, Jose M. 1 items
Beshouri, Christopher P. 1 items
Bhasin, Vijay 1 items
Bisignano, Joseph 1 items
Black, Harold A. 1 items
Black, Sandra E. 1 items
Bleakley, Hoyt 1 items
Boehm, Thomas P. 1 items
Bonaccorsi di Patti, Emilia 1 items
Bond, Philip 1 items
Bonime, Seth D. 1 items
Bord, Vitaly M. 1 items
Bosch, Timothy A. 1 items
Brewer, Elijah 1 items
Broaddus, Alfred 1 items
Brunner, Allan D. 1 items
Burke, William 1 items
Bush, Malcolm 1 items
Campbell, Jeffrey R. 1 items
Carletti, Elena 1 items
Carlson, Mark A. 1 items
Carlstrom, Charles T. 1 items
Carow, Kenneth A. 1 items
Carpenter, Seth B. 1 items
Carroll, Nkechi 1 items
Casolaro, Luca 1 items
Cerqueiro, Geraldo 1 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 1 items
Chan, Kenneth S. 1 items
Chava, Sudheer 1 items
Chen, Andrew H. 1 items
Chiou, Ingyu 1 items
Chomsisengphet, Souphala 1 items
Chua, Lena 1 items
Ciluffo, Salvatore 1 items
Clark, Michelle A. 1 items
Cole, Rebel A. 1 items
Colla, Paolo 1 items
Collins, M. Cary 1 items
Cook, Douglas O. 1 items
Corcoran, Patrick J. 1 items
Covitz, Daniel M. 1 items
Dahiya, Sandeep 1 items
Demiralp, Selva 1 items
Dice, Jacob 1 items
Dod, David P. 1 items
Dohner, Robert S. 1 items
Doll, Raymond J. 1 items
Drabenstott, Mark 1 items
Drucker, Steven 1 items
Duca, John V. 1 items
Duke, Elizabeth A. 1 items
Dunham, Constance R. 1 items
Eichner, Matthew J. 1 items
El-Ghazaly, Hoda S. 1 items
Elayan, Fayez A. 1 items
Faulkender, Michael 1 items
Fergus, James T. 1 items
Fernald, John G. 1 items
Fettig, David 1 items
Fischer, Karl-Hermann 1 items
Fisher, Robert Moore 1 items
Focarelli, Dario 1 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 1 items
Fortunato, Laura 1 items
Francis, Johanna L. 1 items
Friedman, Benjamin M. 1 items
Frye, Jon 1 items
Gambacorta, Leonardo 1 items
Gambera, Michele 1 items
Garratt, Rod 1 items
Giannini, Curzio 1 items
Gibson, Michael S. 1 items
Gillan, James M. 1 items
Gilligan, Peggy 1 items
Glennon, Dennis C. 1 items
Gobbi, Giorgio 1 items
Gonzalez, Laura 1 items
Goodfriend, Marvin 1 items
Grammatikos, Theoharry 1 items
Gray, Brian 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Gu, Chao 1 items
Halcomb, Darrin 1 items
Hanson, Samuel 1 items
Hanweck, Gerald A. 1 items
Hao, Li 1 items
Harrington, Mary Jane 1 items
Hasan, Iftekhar 1 items
Hauswald, Robert 1 items
Haynes, George W. 1 items
Hazen, Judith H. 1 items
Heitfield, Erik 1 items
Henderson, Jason 1 items
Hercowitz, Zvi 1 items
Hermalin, Benjamin E. 1 items
Hesser, Leon F. 1 items
Himmelberg, Charles P. 1 items
Holod, Dmytro 1 items
Holthausen, Duncan McC. 1 items
Horvitz, Paul M. 1 items
Houston, Joel F. 1 items
Hubbard, R. Glenn 1 items
Huck, Paul 1 items
Hung, Mao-Wei 1 items
Inklaar, Robert 1 items
Jayaratne, Jith 1 items
Jeon, Jihye 1 items
Jones, David M. 1 items
Jones, Jonathan 1 items
Jordan, John S. 1 items
Kahn, Charles M. 1 items
Kahn, George A. 1 items
Kahn, James A. 1 items
Kamin, Steven B. 1 items
Kaminow, Ira 1 items
Kane, Edward J. 1 items
Kashyap, Anil K. 1 items
Katzin, Donna 1 items
Kaufold, Howard 1 items
Kawai, Hiroshi 1 items
Kerttula, Anne K. 1 items
Kigabo, Thomas 1 items
Kiser, Elizabeth K. 1 items
Knight, Zena 1 items
Koch, Albert R. 1 items
Koenig, Herman 1 items
Kohn, Donald L. 1 items
Kolari, James 1 items
Kroszner, Randall S. 1 items
Kuprianov, Anatoli 1 items
Kwast, Myron L. 1 items
Kyle, Margaret K. 1 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 1 items
Lang, Richard W. 1 items
Leary, Mark T. 1 items
Leavitt, Brenton C. 1 items
Lee, Chun K. 1 items
Lehnert, Andreas 1 items
Lemieux, Catharine 1 items
Li, Li 1 items
Liang, J. Nellie 1 items
Loeys, Jan 1 items
Longstreet, Victor M. 1 items
Makaew, Tanakorn 1 items
Manganello, Joseph A. 1 items
Marques, David 1 items
Marquis, Milton H. 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Martin, Antoine 1 items
Martin, Preston 1 items
Mazumdar, Sumon C. 1 items
McAllister, Patrick H. 1 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 1 items
McCauley, Robert N. 1 items
McGouldrick, Paul F. 1 items
McManus, Douglas A. 1 items
McMenamin, Robert 1 items
Meisenzahl, Ralf R. 1 items
Metli, Christopher 1 items
Miller, Nathan H. 1 items
Minton, Bernadette A. 1 items
Moise, Michael 1 items
Moore, Sean 1 items
Morelle, Wilellyn 1 items
Morgan, George E. 1 items
Moser, James T. 1 items
Moskow, Michael H. 1 items
Musumeci, James J. 1 items
Nandy, Debarshi K. 1 items
Narayanan, Rajesh P. 1 items
Natalucci, Fabio M. 1 items
Nelson, Richard W. 1 items
Neuberger, Jonathan A. 1 items
Ngiam, Kee-Jin 1 items
Niehans, Jurg 1 items
Nigro, Peter 1 items
Nini, Gregory P. 1 items
Nishiguchi, Kenji 1 items
Nothaft, Frank E. 1 items
O'Brien, James M. 1 items
O'Toole, Randy 1 items
Olson, Mark W. 1 items
Opler, Tim C. 1 items
Ott, Mack 1 items
Ou, Charles 1 items
Pacheco, Vivian 1 items
Padhi, Michael 1 items
Palia, Darius N. 1 items
Panetta, Fabio 1 items
Park, Kwangwoo 1 items
Park, Sangkyun 1 items
Parry, Robert T. 1 items
Partlan, John C. 1 items
Perraudin, William 1 items
Petersen, John E. 1 items
Peydro, Jose Luis 1 items
Phillips, Almarin 1 items
Pilloff, Steven J. 1 items
Popova, Ivilina 1 items
Pozdena, Randall 1 items
Pozzolo, Alberto F. 1 items
Prager, Robin A. 1 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 1 items
Preslopsky, Brian 1 items
Prowse, Stephen D. 1 items
Puckett, Richard 1 items
Purnanandam, Amiyatosh 1 items
Ramirez, Gabriel G. 1 items
Randall, Richard E. 1 items
Reigel, Julia 1 items
Reil, Katharyne P. 1 items
Renault, Micheline 1 items
Rice, Tara N. 1 items
Richter, Francisca 1 items
Ritchken, Peter H. 1 items
Rizzo, John A. 1 items
Roberds, William 1 items
Roberts, Gordon S. 1 items
Rodrigues, Anthony P. 1 items
Rohatgi, Sonali 1 items
Roland, Karin P. 1 items
Roman, Raluca 1 items
Romer, Christina D. 1 items
Romer, David 1 items
Rosenbloom, Robert 1 items
Rosvall, Martin 1 items
Rozycki, Daniel 1 items
Salem, George M. 1 items
Samolyk, Katherine A. 1 items
Sangha, Balvinder S. 1 items
Sazaki, Takanori 1 items
Scadding, John L. 1 items
Schenone, Carola 1 items
Schivardi, Fabiano 1 items
Schmidt, Charles H. 1 items
Schuermann, Til 1 items
Schweitzer, Stuart A. 1 items
Scolari, Rafael 1 items
Scott, Francisco 1 items
Segal, Lewis M. 1 items
Sellon, Gordon H. 1 items
Shan, Hui 1 items
Shane, Scott 1 items
Shin, Hyun Song 1 items
Shrieves, Ronald E. 1 items
Shum, Matthew 1 items
Sierra, Gregory E. 1 items
Silva, André F. 1 items
Sinkey, Joseph F. 1 items
Smith, David C. 1 items
Smith, Tim R. 1 items
Sniderman, Mark S. 1 items
Snyder, Christopher L. 1 items
Soller, Jennifer 1 items
Sopranzetti, Ben 1 items
Spellman, Lewis J. 1 items
Spillenkothen, Richard 1 items
Spivey, Michael F. 1 items
Spong, Kenneth 1 items
Stavins, Joanna 1 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 1 items
Stover, Roger D. 1 items
Summers, Bruce J. 1 items
Syron, Richard F. 1 items
Tannenwald, Robert 1 items
Taylor, William 1 items
Thakor, Anjan V. 1 items
Thomas, Woodlief 1 items
Thompson, James B. 1 items
Trehan, Bharat 1 items
Triest, Robert K. 1 items
Tschirhart, John 1 items
Uchida, Hirofumi 1 items
Uribe, Martin 1 items
Vericker, Chris E. 1 items
Vitale, David J. 1 items
Waddy, Joseph 1 items
Wallison, Peter J. 1 items
Walraven, Nicholas A. 1 items
Walter, John R. 1 items
Walter, Stefan 1 items
Wang, Cheng 1 items
Wansley, James W. 1 items
Warusawitharana, Missaka 1 items
Weiler, Stephan 1 items
Weinberg, John A. 1 items
Weston, James 1 items
White, Michelle J. 1 items
Wiersch, Ann Marie 1 items
Wilson, Thomas C. 1 items
Woodhead, Michael 1 items
Wright, David M. 1 items
Yamori, Nobuyoshi 1 items
Yang, Emily 1 items
Yellen, Janet L. 1 items
Youngdahl, Richard 1 items
Zaman, Saeed 1 items
Zarutskie, Rebecca 1 items
Zazzaro, Alberto 1 items
Zhou, Ruilin 1 items
show more (484)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Bank loans 648 items
Credit 84 items
Small business 47 items
Bank capital 37 items
Commercial loans 35 items
Risk 35 items
Bank deposits 34 items
Banks and banking 27 items
Monetary policy 22 items
Bank mergers 18 items
Bank supervision 18 items
Interest rates 18 items
Money supply 16 items
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 14 items
Loan sales 13 items
Mortgages 13 items
Bank reserves 12 items
small business finance 12 items
Bank competition 11 items
Banking market 11 items
Agricultural credit 10 items
Asset-backed financing 10 items
Bank management 10 items
Business cycles 10 items
Debt 10 items
Monetary policy - United States 10 items
Corporations - Finance 9 items
Bank failures 8 items
Bank holding companies 8 items
Bank investments 8 items
Deposit insurance 8 items
Developing countries 8 items
Global value chains 8 items
New England 8 items
Trade finance 8 items
Trade uncertainty 8 items
Trade war 8 items
Banks and banking - Japan 7 items
Federal Reserve District, 10th 7 items
Financial institutions 7 items
Japan 7 items
Loans, Foreign 7 items
Risk management 7 items
Bank assets 6 items
Consumer credit 6 items
Econometric models 6 items
Financial crises 6 items
Real property 6 items
letters of credit 6 items
Bank stocks 5 items
Banking structure 5 items
Business conditions 5 items
Credit scoring systems 5 items
Debts, External 5 items
Economic conditions 5 items
Federal Reserve District, 8th 5 items
Government securities 5 items
Housing - Finance 5 items
Loans 5 items
Mortgage loans 5 items
Agriculture - Economic aspects 4 items
Bank liquidity 4 items
Bankruptcy 4 items
Banks and banking - Costs 4 items
Banks and banking - West 4 items
Banks and banking, International 4 items
Bonds 4 items
Branch banks 4 items
Housing - Prices 4 items
Interest 4 items
Interstate banking 4 items
Laware, John Patrick 4 items
Leveraged buyouts 4 items
Prime rate 4 items
Securities 4 items
Supply and demand 4 items
War finance 4 items
Bank profits 3 items
Bank size 3 items
Banks and banking - New England 3 items
Business enterprises 3 items
Credit cards 3 items
Default (Finance) 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 3 items
Federal Reserve District, 12th 3 items
Federal Reserve System 3 items
Federal funds market (United States) 3 items
Households - Economic aspects 3 items
Inflation (Finance) 3 items
Labor market 3 items
Liquidity (Economics) 3 items
Macroeconomics 3 items
Saving and investment 3 items
Secondary markets 3 items
Stock - Prices 3 items
Unemployment 3 items
Accounting 2 items
Agricultural industries - Finance 2 items
Asset-liability management 2 items
Balance of payments 2 items
Bank underwriting 2 items
Banks and banking - Texas 2 items
Banks and banking, Central 2 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 2 items
Business 2 items
Capital investments 2 items
Capital market 2 items
Certificates of deposit 2 items
Chicago (Ill.) 2 items
Commercial paper issues 2 items
Community banks 2 items
Community development 2 items
Competition 2 items
Construction industry 2 items
Consumer behavior 2 items
Consumption (Economics) 2 items
Corporate governance 2 items
Credit control 2 items
Credit ratings 2 items
Defense industries 2 items
Derivative securities 2 items
Economic history 2 items
Economies of scale 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 11th 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 1st 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 2 items
Federal Reserve System - History 2 items
Federal Reserve banks 2 items
Finance 2 items
Finance companies 2 items
Financial leverage 2 items
Fiscal policy 2 items
Foreclosure 2 items
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 2 items
International Monetary Fund 2 items
International finance 2 items
International trade 2 items
Investments 2 items
Mexico 2 items
Money market 2 items
Nonbank financial institutions 2 items
Poverty 2 items
Recessions 2 items
Regional economics 2 items
Rural areas 2 items
Rural development 2 items
Savings and loan associations 2 items
Stock - Prices - Japan 2 items
Taxation 2 items
Texas 2 items
Trade 2 items
bank examinations 2 items
bond markets 2 items
economic conditions - United States 2 items
non-bank activities 2 items
Access to credit 1 items
Agricultural Banks 1 items
Agricultural loans 1 items
Argentina 1 items
Auctions 1 items
Australia 1 items
Bailout 1 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 1 items
Banks and banking - California 1 items
Banks and banking - Location 1 items
Banks and banking - Pacific Basin 1 items
Banks and banking - Ratio analysis 1 items
Banks and banking - South 1 items
Banks and banking - Taxation 1 items
Banks and banking - United States 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 1 items
Brady Plan 1 items
Brazil 1 items
Budget 1 items
California 1 items
Checking accounts 1 items
Citicorp 1 items
Commercial credit 1 items
Commodity exchanges 1 items
Consumer protection 1 items
Contracting out 1 items
Contracts 1 items
Corporate bonds 1 items
Corporations 1 items
Credit - United States 1 items
Credit derivatives 1 items
Daiwa Bank 1 items
Debts, Public 1 items
Demography 1 items
Discrimination in mortgage loans 1 items
Economic development 1 items
Economic policy 1 items
Emerging markets 1 items
Employment 1 items
Equity 1 items
European Economic Community 1 items
Exports 1 items
Fair value 1 items
Farm income 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee 1 items
Federal funds 1 items
Federal funds rate 1 items
Federal home loan banks 1 items
Finance, Public 1 items
Financial Accounting Standards Board 1 items
Financial crises - Mexico 1 items
Financial crisis 1 items
Financial markets 1 items
Financial modernization 1 items
Forecasting 1 items
Foreign exchange rates 1 items
Futures 1 items
Game theory 1 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 1 items
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Hedging (Finance) 1 items
Identity theft 1 items
Immigrants 1 items
Income 1 items
Interbank market 1 items
Intermediation (Finance) 1 items
International Lending Supervision Act of 1983 1 items
Investments, Foreign 1 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 1 items
Junk bonds 1 items
Korea 1 items
Labor supply 1 items
Lender liability 1 items
Local government 1 items
Martin, Preston 1 items
Microfinance 1 items
Mobile homes 1 items
Monetary theory 1 items
Moral hazard 1 items
Mutual funds 1 items
Off balance sheet financing 1 items
Pacific Area 1 items
Pandemic 1 items
Paycheck Protection Program 1 items
Payday loans 1 items
Payment systems 1 items
Philippines 1 items
Power resources 1 items
Productivity 1 items
Property tax 1 items
Regulation A: Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks 1 items
Repurchase agreements 1 items
Savings and loan associations - Ohio 1 items
Singapore 1 items
Speculation 1 items
Subprime mortgage 1 items
Syndicates (Finance) 1 items
TARP 1 items
Transmission mechanism (Monetary policy) 1 items
Treasury bonds 1 items
Unbanked 1 items
Universities and colleges 1 items
Vector autoregression 1 items
Venture capital 1 items
Veterans 1 items
Write-offs 1 items
credit bureaus 1 items
real estate investments 1 items
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