Search Results
How did China’s WTO entry benefit U.S. prices?
Feenstra, Robert C.; Romalis, John; Dai, Mi; Amiti, Mary
We analyze the effects of China?s rapid export expansion following World Trade Organization (WTO) entry on U.S. prices, exploiting cross-industry variation in trade liberalization. Lower input tariffs boosted Chinese firms? productivity, lowered costs, and, in conjunction with reduced U.S. tariff uncertainty, expanded export participation. We find that China?s WTO entry significantly reduced variety-adjusted U.S. manufacturing price indexes between 2000 and 2006. For the Chinese components of these indexes, one-third of the beneficial impact comes from Chinese exporters lowering their prices, ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 817
Journal Article
U.S. international transactions in 1997
Stekler, Lois E.
The U.S. current account deficit widened further in 1997, reaching $166 billion. U.S. imports of goods continued to exceed exports by a substantial margin. However, goods trade accounted for only a small part of the deterioration in the current account balance last year. The shift of investment income from positive to negative (the first time since 1914) was the major contributing factor; it reflected the cumulative effect of deficits in the current account that have persisted since 1982 and the balancing net capital inflows. The financial crises in Asia in the second half of 1997 visibly ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Volume 84
, Issue May
Who bears the cost of a change in the exchange rate? The case of imported beer
Hellerstein, Rebecca
This paper quantifies the welfare effects of a change in the nominal exchange rate using the example of the beer market. I estimate a structural econometric model that makes it possible to compute manufacturers' and retailers' pass-through of a nominal exchange-rate change, without observing wholesale prices or firms' marginal costs. I conduct counterfactual experiments to quantify how the change affects domestic and foreign firms' profits and domestic consumer welfare. The counterfactual experiments show that foreign manufacturers bear more of the cost of an exchange-rate change than do ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 179
Working Paper
Firms in international trade
Diez, Federico J.; Spearot, Alan C.; Mora, Jesse
Firms play a critical role in the global economy. In this paper, we survey the behavior of firms in the international economy, both in theory and in the data. We first summarize the key empirical facts that motivate the study of firms in trade. Then, we detail recent theoretical developments on the micro-foundations of firm behavior in an international context, focusing on how firms select into exporting, and how firms respond to international shocks. Finally, we turn to a ?real world,? empirically focused view of exporting, beginning with the growth dynamics of firms expanding to global ...
Working Papers
, Paper 16-25
Working Paper
Gains from Trade: Does Sectoral Heterogeneity Matter?
Yi, Kei-Mu; Giri, Rahul; Yilmazkuday, Hakan
This paper assesses the quantitative importance of including sectoral heterogeneity in computing the gains from trade. Our framework draws from Caliendo and Parro (2015) and Alvarez and Lucas (2007) and has sectoral heterogeneity along five dimensions, including the elasticity of trade to trade costs, the value-added share, and the input-output structure. The key parameter we estimate is the sectoral trade elasticity, and we use the Simonovska and Waugh (2014) simulated method of moments estimator with micro price data. Our estimates range from 2.97 to 8.94, considerably lower than those ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 341
Working Paper
The speed of exchange rate pass-through
Bonadio, Barthélémy; Fischer, Andreas M.; Saure, Philip
On January 15, 2015, the Swiss National Bank terminated its minimum exchange rate policy of one euro against 1.2 Swiss francs. This policy shift resulted in a sharp, unanticipated and permanent appreciation of the Swiss franc by more than 11% against the euro. We analyze the exchange rate pass-through into import unit values of this shock at the daily frequency using Swiss transaction-level trade data. Our key findings are twofold. First, for goods invoiced in euro the pass-through is immediate and complete. This finding is consistent with no systematic nominal price adjustment in this subset ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 282
Working Paper
The Multinational Wage Premium and Wage Dynamics
Orefice, Gianluca; Toubal, Farid; Sly, Nicholas
Using detailed administrative data linking French firms and workers over the years 2002-2007, we document a distinct U-shaped pattern in worker-level wages surrounding the time their employer is acquired by a foreign firm, with a dip in earnings observed in years just before domestic firms switch to MNE status. The dip in earnings is evident in both wages and in-kind payments given to workers. {{p}} To guide our empirical approach, we present a model with fair wage considerations among workers and endogenous cross-border acquisition activity among heterogeneous firms that predicts this ...
Research Working Paper
, Paper RWP 16-10
Working Paper
Tariff passthrough at the border and at the store: evidence from US trade policy
Cavallo, Alberto; Gopinath, Gita; Neiman, Brent; Tang, Jenny
We use micro data collected at the border and at retailers to characterize the effects brought by recent changes in US trade policy ? particularly the tariffs placed on imports from China ? on importers, consumers, and exporters. We start by documenting that the tariffs were almost fully passed through to the total prices paid by importers, suggesting that the tariffs? incidence has fallen largely on the United States. Since we estimate the response of prices to exchange rates to be far more muted, the recent depreciation of the Chinese renminbi is unlikely to alter this conclusion. Next, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-12
Journal Article
A Regional Look at U.S. International Trade
Dvorkin, Maximiliano; Shell, Hannah
Economic activity at the state level varies greatly across U.S. regions, with different states specializing in the production of particular goods and services. This heterogeneity in activity informs the geographic distribution of U.S. imports and exports. Using U.S. Census Bureau foreign trade statistics, the authors examine the distribution of U.S. international trade at the state level, controlling for commodities and major trading partners. They find that trade activity varies greatly from state to state and identify two factors affecting this pattern?proximity to a trading partner and ...
, Volume 98
, Issue 1
, Pages 17-39
Working Paper
Trade and Terrorism: A Disaggregated Approach
Younas, Javed; Sandler, Todd; Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu
This paper constructs a model of trade consequences of terrorism, where firms in trading nations face different costs arising from domestic and transnational terrorism. Using dyadic dataset in a gravity model, we test terrorism?s effects on overall trade, exports, and imports, while allowing for disaggregation by primary commodities and manufacturing goods. While terrorism has little or no influence on trade of primary products, terrorism reduces trade of manufactured goods. This novel finding pinpoints the avenue by which terrorism harms trade and suggests why previous studies that looked at ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2016-1
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 31 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 16 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 1 items
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International Finance Discussion Papers 16 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 15 items
Working Papers 15 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 9 items
Review 7 items
Staff Reports 7 items
Federal Reserve Bulletin 6 items
Liberty Street Economics 3 items
Staff Report 2 items
Working Paper 2 items
Working Paper Series 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 1 items
Research Working Paper 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Amiti, Mary 6 items
Auer, Raphael 6 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 6 items
Monarch, Ryan 5 items
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 4 items
Pierce, Justin R. 4 items
Tito, Maria D. 4 items
Yilmazkuday, Hakan 4 items
Diez, Federico J. 3 items
Ding, Ding 3 items
Dutt, Pushan 3 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 3 items
Flaaen, Aaron 3 items
Heise, Sebastian 3 items
Pham, Cong S. 3 items
Timmer, Yannick 3 items
Traca, Daniel A. 3 items
Weinstein, David E. 3 items
de Soyres, Francois 3 items
Basco, Sergi 2 items
Casas, Camila 2 items
Doucouliagos, Hristos 2 items
Gomez, Matthieu 2 items
Gonzalez, Alejandra 2 items
Itskhoki, Oleg 2 items
Kamal, Fariha 2 items
Kong, Sang Hoon 2 items
LaBelle, Jesse 2 items
Mestieri, Martí 2 items
Mulabdic, Alen 2 items
Ruta, Michele 2 items
Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim 2 items
Schott, Peter K. 2 items
Wang, Ruoying 2 items
Weinberger, Ariel 2 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 2 items
Adler, Konrad 1 items
Bai, Jennie 1 items
Bastos, Paulo 1 items
Bonadio, Barthélémy 1 items
Borio, Claudio 1 items
Brunner, Allan D. 1 items
Castro-Vincenzi, Juanma 1 items
Cavallo, Alberto 1 items
Coster, Pierre 1 items
Coughlin, Cletus C. 1 items
Dai, Mi 1 items
Degen, Kathrin 1 items
Dias, Daniel A. 1 items
Dingel, Jonathan 1 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 1 items
Fatum, Rasmus 1 items
Feenstra, Robert C. 1 items
Felice, Giulia 1 items
Filardo, Andrew J. 1 items
Fitzgerald, Doireann 1 items
Flaaen, Aaron B. 1 items
Fuchs, Simon 1 items
Garcia-Marin, Alvaro 1 items
Gawande, Kishore 1 items
Giri, Rahul 1 items
Gopinath, Gita 1 items
Gottlieb, Joshua D. 1 items
Gunnella, Vanessa 1 items
Guo, Jia 1 items
Haberkorn, Flora 1 items
Haller, Stephanie 1 items
Handley, Kyle 1 items
Helkie, William L. 1 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 1 items
Holmes, Thomas J. 1 items
Hottman, Colin 1 items
Hou, Yulin 1 items
Huang, Yi 1 items
Isaacson, Maggie 1 items
Jaravel, Xavier 1 items
Justel, Santiago 1 items
Kamin, Steven B. 1 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 1 items
Khanna, Guarav 1 items
Konings, Jozef 1 items
Lee, Eunhee 1 items
Leibovici, Fernando 1 items
Lewis, Logan T. 1 items
Liu, Runjuan 1 items
Liégey, Maxime 1 items
Loungani, Prakash 1 items
Lozinski, Maya 1 items
Mandel, Benjamin R. 1 items
Martinez-Martin, Jaime 1 items
Mehrotra, Aaron 1 items
Mejean, Isabelle 1 items
Merlevede, Bruno 1 items
Mitra, Devashish 1 items
Monken, Anderson 1 items
Mora, Jesse 1 items
Morales, Nicolas 1 items
Moreno, Stefany 1 items
Morisse, Kathryn A. 1 items
Mourot, Pauline 1 items
Murray, Siobhan 1 items
Mutreja, Piyusha 1 items
Neiman, Brent 1 items
Orefice, Gianluca 1 items
Pandalai-Nayar, Nitya 1 items
Park, Jooyoun 1 items
Pavlova, Elena 1 items
Peake, Makenzie 1 items
Pedemonte, Mathieu 1 items
Pinto, Pablo 1 items
Pinto, Santiago 1 items
Pujolas, Pau S. 1 items
Ravikumar, B. 1 items
Rhodes, Rosemary 1 items
Riezman, Raymond 1 items
Rocha, Nadia 1 items
Romalis, John 1 items
Rossbach, Jack 1 items
Rubinton, Hannah 1 items
Sager, Erick 1 items
Sandler, Todd 1 items
Saure, Philip 1 items
Schaur, Georg 1 items
Schoenle, Raphael 1 items
Shell, Hannah 1 items
Shen, Leslie Sheng 1 items
Silva, Alvaro 1 items
Singer, Ethan 1 items
Sivadasan, Jagadeesh 1 items
Sly, Nicholas 1 items
Smagghue, Gabriel 1 items
Spearot, Alan C. 1 items
Sposi, Michael 1 items
Stein, Hillary 1 items
Stekler, Lois E. 1 items
Tang, Jenny 1 items
Timoshenko, Olga A. 1 items
Tong, Jiadong 1 items
Toubal, Farid 1 items
Van Leemput, Eva 1 items
Wang, Gewei 1 items
Wang, Yun 1 items
Warnock, Francis E. 1 items
Wong, Anna 1 items
Xu, Jiayun 1 items
Xuefeng, Qian 1 items
Yasar, Mahmut 1 items
Yi, Madeleine 1 items
Younas, Javed 1 items
di Giovanni, Julian 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
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F13 17 items
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F41 11 items
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F23 7 items
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F32 7 items
F16 6 items
F40 5 items
L14 4 items
D74 3 items
F17 3 items
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F44 3 items
F62 3 items
H56 3 items
L11 3 items
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L60 3 items
R12 3 items
E52 2 items
E58 2 items
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F4 2 items
F66 2 items
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D22 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
International trade 14 items
Imports 8 items
inflation 7 items
Exports 7 items
Tariffs 6 items
manufacturing 5 items
COVID-19 4 items
China 4 items
extensive and intensive margins 4 items
Exchange rates 4 items
Gravity model 4 items
Markups 4 items
Trade 4 items
Trade war 4 items
trade policy 4 items
Dominant currency pricing 3 items
Experience 3 items
Tourism 3 items
Trade costs 3 items
Trade flows 3 items
exchange-rate pass-through 3 items
supply chains 3 items
Prices 3 items
Terrorism 3 items
global value chains 3 items
Bilateral imports 2 items
Dark trade costs 2 items
Learning 2 items
Misallocation 2 items
Spillovers 2 items
exporters 2 items
gains from trade 2 items
import prices 2 items
pricing-to-market 2 items
productivity 2 items
productivity premium 2 items
stock returns 2 items
Firm dynamics 2 items
Firm heterogeneity 2 items
Global supply chains 2 items
Industry 2 items
Openness 2 items
Trade liberalization 2 items
Wages 2 items
Applied general equilibrium 1 items
Belt and road 1 items
Bill of lading 1 items
COVID-19 trade 1 items
Capital flight 1 items
Corporate Taxes 1 items
Currency unions 1 items
Current account 1 items
Districts 1 items
Earnings Inequality 1 items
Exchange rate passthrough 1 items
Export Tariffs 1 items
Export elasticities 1 items
Exporters of services 1 items
Exporting 1 items
Extensive margin 1 items
External Trade Barriers 1 items
Financial Frictions 1 items
Financial intermediation 1 items
Firm Relationships 1 items
Firm-level trade 1 items
Forecast Accuracy 1 items
GIS analysis 1 items
Healthcare access 1 items
Heterogeneous Firms 1 items
Import price index 1 items
Import tariff 1 items
In-kind payments 1 items
India 1 items
Indivisibilities 1 items
Inequality 1 items
Input and Output Tariffs 1 items
Input-output linkages 1 items
Internal Trade Barriers 1 items
International elasticity puzzle 1 items
Intra-firm Trade 1 items
Investment 1 items
Learning about demand 1 items
Legislature 1 items
Market-size effects 1 items
Medicare claims data 1 items
Most favored nation 1 items
Multinational enterprises 1 items
Multinational firms 1 items
NTMs 1 items
Non-homotheticity 1 items
Normal trade relations 1 items
Outsourcing 1 items
Phillips curve 1 items
Political Economy 1 items
Procurement 1 items
Product quality 1 items
Product variety 1 items
Production networks 1 items
Profit-Shifting 1 items
Quality standards 1 items
Real exchange rates 1 items
Real income inequality 1 items
Sales Forecasting 1 items
Scale economies 1 items
Services trade 1 items
Shipment times 1 items
Small open economies 1 items
Stolper-Samuelson Theorem 1 items
Structural general equilibrium 1 items
Supply chain 1 items
Technological change 1 items
Trade Dynamics 1 items
Trade and Inequality 1 items
Trade credit 1 items
Trade in services 1 items
Trade mis-invoicing 1 items
Transactional Relationships 1 items
Transfer Prices 1 items
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Transportation infrastructure 1 items
U.S. exports 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
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Walmart 1 items
Welfare 1 items
air passengers 1 items
airline industry 1 items
art auction 1 items
beer 1 items
carbon leakage 1 items
carbon tariffs 1 items
carbon tax 1 items
climate change 1 items
cost-price pass-through 1 items
cross-border vertical contracts 1 items
deflation 1 items
domestic and transnational terrorism 1 items
employment 1 items
environment 1 items
establishments 1 items
estimated trade elasticities 1 items
export extensive margins 1 items
export intensity 1 items
firm performance 1 items
firm sourcing 1 items
global financial crisis 1 items
global value chain 1 items
globalization 1 items
gravity equation 1 items
human capital 1 items
import competition 1 items
import intensity 1 items
imports and exports 1 items
input tariffs 1 items
input-output tables 1 items
international inflation synchronization 1 items
international price dispersion 1 items
international prices 1 items
labor 1 items
law of one price 1 items
local-currency pricing 1 items
market concentration 1 items
market segmentation 1 items
microdata 1 items
monetary policy 1 items
multi-sector trade 1 items
networks 1 items
price levels 1 items
quality differentiation 1 items
sectoral heterogeneity 1 items
shipping costs 1 items
shipping prices 1 items
simulated method of moments 1 items
supply chain adaptation 1 items
taste heterogeneity 1 items
trade relationships 1 items
variety 1 items
volatility 1 items
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