Search Results
How did China’s WTO entry benefit U.S. prices?
Feenstra, Robert C.; Romalis, John; Dai, Mi; Amiti, Mary
We analyze the effects of China?s rapid export expansion following World Trade Organization (WTO) entry on U.S. prices, exploiting cross-industry variation in trade liberalization. Lower input tariffs boosted Chinese firms? productivity, lowered costs, and, in conjunction with reduced U.S. tariff uncertainty, expanded export participation. We find that China?s WTO entry significantly reduced variety-adjusted U.S. manufacturing price indexes between 2000 and 2006. For the Chinese components of these indexes, one-third of the beneficial impact comes from Chinese exporters lowering their prices, ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 817
Working Paper
Private Information and Optimal Infant Industry Protection
Riezman, Raymond; Ravikumar, B.; Zhang, Yuzhe
We study infant industry protection using a dynamic model in which the industry's cost is initially higher than that of foreign competitors. The industry can stochastically lower its cost via learning by doing. Whether the industry has transitioned to low cost is private information. We use a mechanism-design approach to induce the industry to reveal its true cost. We show that (i) the optimal protection, measured by infant industry output, declines over time and is less than that under public information, (ii) the optimal protection policy is time consistent under public information but not ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-013
Working Paper
On Trade Policy Preference and Offshoring Ties
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu; Basu, Arnab K.; Chau, Nancy H.; Mitra, Devashish
This paper unpacks the role of the domestic content of imports as a novel source of policy interdependence along the global supply chain. We show how a rise in local contents embodied in imports can skew national trade policy preferences, and pull upstream and downstream countries in asymmetric ways with respect to (i) the nature of unilaterally optimal trade policy prescriptions, and (ii) the attractiveness of leveraging market access-based dispute settlement procedures. We discuss the pros and cons of deep trade integration as a remedy, involving well-enforced labor standards both upstream ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-039
Working Paper
Tariff passthrough at the border and at the store: evidence from US trade policy
Cavallo, Alberto; Gopinath, Gita; Neiman, Brent; Tang, Jenny
We use micro data collected at the border and at retailers to characterize the effects brought by recent changes in US trade policy ? particularly the tariffs placed on imports from China ? on importers, consumers, and exporters. We start by documenting that the tariffs were almost fully passed through to the total prices paid by importers, suggesting that the tariffs? incidence has fallen largely on the United States. Since we estimate the response of prices to exchange rates to be far more muted, the recent depreciation of the Chinese renminbi is unlikely to alter this conclusion. Next, ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-12
Working Paper
Artificial Intelligence Methods for Evaluating Global Trade Flows
Monken, Anderson; Gopinath, Munisamy; Batarseh, Feras A.
International trade policies remain in the spotlight given the recent rethink on the benefits of globalization by major economies. Since trade critically affects employment, production, prices and wages, understanding and predicting future patterns of trade is a high-priority for decision making within and across countries. While traditional economic models aim to be reliable predictors, we consider the possibility that Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques allow for better predictions and associations to inform policy decisions. Moreover, we outline contextual AI methods to decipher trade ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1296
Working Paper
On Terms of Trade, Offshoring Ties, and the Enforcement of Trade Agreements
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu; Basu, Arnab K.; Chau, Nancy H.; Mitra, Devashish
This paper unpacks the role of offshoring in the enforcement of trade agreements. In a two-country model of task offshoring, we show that by depressing demand and thus demand for embodied labor, own-tariff effects on factor content weighted terms of trade are: (i) negative in upstream countries, backfiring on upstream workers, and (ii) positive in downstream countries which render imported labor tasks even cheaper. This progression in own-tariff effects on terms of trade along the supply chain presents a novel challenge to the effectiveness of dispute settlement rules designed to nullify ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2022-039
Working Paper
Offshoring in Developing Countries: Labor Market Outcomes, Welfare, and Policy
Basu, Arnab K.; Chau, Nancy H.; Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu; Mitra, Devashish
Does a reduction in offshoring cost benefit workers in the world's factories in developing countries? Using a parsimonious two-country model of offshoring we find very nuanced results. These include cases where wages monotonically improve, worsen, as well as where wages exhibit an inverted U-shaped relationship with the offshoring cost. We identify qualitative conditions under which these relationships hold. Since global welfare always rises with an improvement in offshoring technology, we find that there is a role for a wage tax or a minimum wage in the developing country. We derive the ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2016-11
Working Paper
On the Heterogeneous Welfare Gains and Losses from Trade
Hur, Sewon; Carroll, Daniel R.
How are the gains and losses from trade distributed across individuals within a country? First, we document that tradable goods and services constitute a larger fraction of expenditures for low-wealth and low-income households. Second, we build a trade model with nonhomothetic preferences?to generate the documented relationship between tradable expenditure shares, income, and wealth?and uninsurable earnings risk?to generate heterogeneity in income and wealth. Third, we use the calibrated model to quantify the differential welfare gains and losses from trade along the income and wealth ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-06R
Working Paper
On the Heterogeneous Welfare Gains and Losses from Trade
Hur, Sewon; Carroll, Daniel R.
How are the gains and losses from trade distributed across individuals within a country? First, we document that tradable goods constitute a larger fraction of expenditures for poor households. Second, we build a trade model with nonhomothetic preferences?to generate the documented relationship between tradable expenditure shares, income, and wealth?and uninsurable earnings risk?to generate heterogeneity in income and wealth. Third, we use the calibrated model to quantify the differential welfare gains and losses from trade along the income and wealth distribution. In a numerical exercise, we ...
Working Papers
, Paper 19-06
Journal Article
The Economic Effects of the 2018 U.S. Trade Policy: A State-Level Analysis
Peake, Makenzie; Santacreu, Ana Maria
We evaluate, empirically, the effect of changes in trade policy during the 2018-19 trade war on U.S. economic activity. We begin by documenting that sectors and states across the United States are heterogeneous in their exposure to international trade. To do that, we construct a measure of exposure that combines the share of a sector’s gross output that is accounted for by trade with the pattern of comparative advantage of each state in that sector. We then exploit cross-state heterogeneity in exposure to international trade and correlate it with measures of economic activity across U.S. ...
, Volume 102
, Issue 4
, Pages 385-412
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 12 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 1 items
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Working Papers 13 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 7 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 5 items
Review 5 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 3 items
Liberty Street Economics 2 items
Staff Report 2 items
Staff Reports 2 items
Working Paper Series 2 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Bandyopadhyay, Subhayu 5 items
Ravikumar, B. 5 items
Santacreu, Ana Maria 5 items
Hur, Sewon 4 items
Pierce, Justin R. 4 items
Amiti, Mary 3 items
Basu, Arnab K. 3 items
Carroll, Daniel R. 3 items
Chau, Nancy H. 3 items
Mitra, Devashish 3 items
Riezman, Raymond 3 items
Schott, Peter K. 3 items
Sposi, Michael 3 items
Gomez, Matthieu 2 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 2 items
Kong, Sang Hoon 2 items
LaBelle, Jesse 2 items
Li, Haishi 2 items
Sager, Erick 2 items
Weinstein, David E. 2 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 2 items
de Souza, Gustavo 2 items
Akcigit, Ufuk 1 items
Asturias, Jose 1 items
Ates, Sina T. 1 items
Batarseh, Feras A. 1 items
Caldara, Dario 1 items
Cavallo, Alberto 1 items
Che, Yi 1 items
Dai, Mi 1 items
Feenstra, Robert C. 1 items
Flaaen, Aaron 1 items
Gawande, Kishore 1 items
Gopinath, Gita 1 items
Gopinath, Munisamy 1 items
Handley, Kyle 1 items
Heise, Sebastian 1 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 1 items
Hu, Naiyuan 1 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 1 items
Impullitti, Giammario 1 items
Jaravel, Xavier 1 items
Kamal, Fariha 1 items
Lahiri, Sajal 1 items
Leibovici, Fernando 1 items
Lu, Yi 1 items
Majumder, Monoj Kumar 1 items
Mandelman, Federico S. 1 items
Mei, Yuan 1 items
Mix, Carter 1 items
Molligo, Patrick 1 items
Monarch, Ryan 1 items
Monken, Anderson 1 items
Mutreja, Piyusha 1 items
Neiman, Brent 1 items
Onder, Ali Sina 1 items
Ozdagli, Ali 1 items
Peake, Makenzie 1 items
Pinto, Pablo 1 items
Pinto, Santiago 1 items
Prestipino, Andrea 1 items
Pujolas, Pau S. 1 items
Raffo, Andrea 1 items
Raghavan, Mala 1 items
Romalis, John 1 items
Rossbach, Jack 1 items
Ruhl, Kim J. 1 items
Sandler, Todd 1 items
Schaur, Georg 1 items
Tang, Jenny 1 items
Tao, Zhigang 1 items
Timoshenko, Olga A. 1 items
Van Leemput, Eva 1 items
Vespignani, Joaquin L. 1 items
Waddle, Andrea L. 1 items
Wang, Jianlin 1 items
Weinberger, Ariel 1 items
Xuefeng, Qian 1 items
Yasar, Mahmut 1 items
Yilmazkuday, Hakan 1 items
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Tariffs 8 items
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dynamic panel data model 1 items
exchange-rate pass-through 1 items
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global value chains 1 items
inflation 1 items
input tariffs 1 items
international price discrimination 1 items
pharmaceutical industry 1 items
real GDP per capita 1 items
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tariff competition 1 items
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trade sanctions 1 items
trade-offs 1 items
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zombie firms 1 items
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