Search Results
Do banks follow their customers abroad?
Nolle, Daniel E.; Seth, Rama
The market share of U.S. business loans made by foreign-owned banks has increased dramatically since 1980. At the same time, foreign direct investment in the U.S. rose, so that much of the increase in foreign-owned U.S.-based bank lending to businesses in the U.S. could conceivably be accounted for by an increase in loans to the U.S. affiliates of firms headquartered abroad, an expectation in line with the conventional wisdom that bans "follow their customers" abroad. Our study investigates the lending patterns of U.S.-based banks from Japan, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and ...
Research Paper
, Paper 9620
What moves investment? Cash flows in a forward-looking model of capital expenditures
Wizman, Thierry A.
Research Paper
, Paper 9201
Why do services prices rise more rapidly than goods prices?
Brauer, David A.
Research Paper
, Paper 9330
Central and Eastern Europe: financial markets and private capital flows
Sobol, Dorothy M.
The resurgence of private capital flows to developing countries beginning in the late 1980s did not initially benefit the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. With the collapse of Communist governments throughout the region beginning in 1989 most countries in the region were absorbed in a political and economic upheaval unimaginable only years earlier. Today, while the amount of private capital entering Central and Eastern Europe is still a very small fraction of that provided to all developing countries, it has nonetheless begun to flow in. Whereas the countries in Central and Eastern ...
Research Paper
, Paper 9626
The role of stock index derivative products in equity market volatility
Bhatt, Swati
Research Paper
, Paper 8709
Options positions: risk management and capital requirements
Hendricks, Darryll; Shin, Soo; Walter, Stefan; Estrella, Arturo; Kambhu, John
Research Paper
, Paper 9415
A simple model of conflicting horizons
Blomberg, S. Brock
Research Paper
, Paper 9417
Market liquidity and trader welfare in multiple dealer markets: evidence from dual trading restrictions
Locke, Peter; Sarkar, Asani; Wu, Lifan
Dual trading is the practice whereby futures floor traders execute trades both for their own and customers' accounts on the same day. We provide evidence, in the context of restrictions on dual trading, that aggregate liquidity measures, such as the average bid-ask spread, may be misleading indicators of traders' welfare in markets with multiple, heterogeneously skilled dealers. In our theoretical model, hedgers and informed customers trade through futures floor traders of different skill levels: more skilled floor traders attract more hedgers to trade. We show that customers' welfare and ...
Research Paper
, Paper 9721
Identification of a linear system from inexact data: a three variable example
Los, Cornelis A.
Research Paper
, Paper 8703
Using cluster analysis as a tool for economic and financial analysis
Stuhr, David P.; Korobow, Leon
Research Paper
, Paper 9132
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 341 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Report 341 items
Hardouvelis, Gikas A. 15 items
Remolona, Eli M. 13 items
Estrella, Arturo 12 items
Sarkar, Asani 11 items
Steindel, Charles 10 items
Uctum, Merih 9 items
Hung, Juann H. 8 items
Peristiani, Stavros 8 items
Seth, Rama 8 items
Cantor, Richard 7 items
Chakravarty, Sugato 7 items
Lopez, Jose A. 7 items
Ludvigson, Sydney 7 items
Wenninger, John 7 items
Yuengert, Andrew M. 7 items
Akhtar, M. A. 6 items
Boldin, Michael D. 6 items
Brauer, David A. 6 items
Hickok, Susan 6 items
Hirtle, Beverly 6 items
Los, Cornelis A. 6 items
Osler, Carol L. 6 items
Park, Sangkyun 6 items
Strahan, Philip E. 6 items
Antzoulatos, Angelos A. 5 items
Blomberg, S. Brock 5 items
Packer, Frank 5 items
Rodrigues, Anthony P. 5 items
Shaffer, Sherrill 5 items
Wizman, Thierry A. 5 items
Wu, Lifan 5 items
Bennett, Paul 4 items
Chan, Anthony 4 items
De Kock, Gabriel 4 items
Harris, Ethan S. 4 items
Jayaratne, Jith 4 items
Kambhu, John 4 items
Mahoney, James M. 4 items
McCauley, Robert N. 4 items
Aglietta, Michel 3 items
Bell, Linda A. 3 items
Clarida, Richard H. 3 items
Cohen, Gerald D. 3 items
Demsetz, Rebecca 3 items
Engel, Charles 3 items
Englander, A. Steven 3 items
Fleming, Michael J. 3 items
Fons, Jerome S. 3 items
Frydl, Edward J. 3 items
Gong, Frank F. 3 items
Kahn, James A. 3 items
Keane, Frank M. 3 items
Korobow, Leon 3 items
Laster, David S. 3 items
Lee, William 3 items
Locke, Peter 3 items
Mahoney, Joseph T. 3 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 3 items
Mishkin, Frederic S. 3 items
Morgan, Donald P. 3 items
Peach, Richard 3 items
Radecki, Lawrence J. 3 items
Stuhr, David P. 3 items
Sundaramurthy, Chamu 3 items
Wulfekuhler, Kurt C. 3 items
Bhatt, Swati 2 items
Black, Sandra E. 2 items
Budzeika, George 2 items
Ceglowski, Janet 2 items
Chang, Angela E. 2 items
Charrette, Susan M. 2 items
Chen, Carl R. 2 items
Clark, John 2 items
Cole, Kevin 2 items
Diebold, Francis X. 2 items
Dziwura, Joseph 2 items
Fernald, Julia D. 2 items
Frankel, Jeffrey A. 2 items
Groshen, Erica L. 2 items
Helwege, Jean 2 items
Higgins, Matthew 2 items
Holdsworth, David G. 2 items
Howe, Howard 2 items
Johnson, Ronald 2 items
Kasman, Bruce 2 items
Kim, Dongcheol 2 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 2 items
Laubach, Thomas 2 items
Lown, Cara S. 2 items
Malz, Allan M. 2 items
Mizrach, Bruce 2 items
Moorthy, Vivek 2 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 2 items
Mullin, John J. 2 items
Orlow, Daniel 2 items
Orr, James A. 2 items
Posen, Adam S. 2 items
Quijano, Alicia 2 items
Ruud, Judith S. 2 items
Ryding, John 2 items
Saidenberg, Marc R. 2 items
Skiles, Marilyn E. 2 items
Sobol, Dorothy M. 2 items
Sofianos, George 2 items
Van Wincoop, Eric 2 items
Weiller, Kenneth J. 2 items
Zimmer, Steven A. 2 items
Abate, Joseph 1 items
Abell, David 1 items
Arak, Marcelle V. 1 items
Arguelles, R. 1 items
Asikoglu, Yaman 1 items
Athanasoulis, Stefano 1 items
Bacchetta, Philippe 1 items
Bankole, Edward 1 items
Barker, David 1 items
Barnhart, Scott W. 1 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 1 items
Bassett, William F. 1 items
Berko, Elizabeth 1 items
Bils, Mark 1 items
Bodnar, Gordon M. 1 items
Bram, Jason 1 items
Brewer, Elijah 1 items
Campbell, John Y. 1 items
Chang, P.H. Kevin 1 items
Chaudhuri, Shubham 1 items
Connolly, Michelle P. 1 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 1 items
Cunningham, Thomas J. 1 items
David, Edmond 1 items
DeLeire, Thomas 1 items
Demirors, Umran 1 items
DiLeo, Paul 1 items
Donahoo, Kathleen K. 1 items
Driskill, Robert 1 items
Ehrlich, Edna E. 1 items
Eldridge, Dan P. 1 items
Evans, Charles L. 1 items
Evans, Joan 1 items
Freeman, Richard B. 1 items
Froot, Kenneth A. 1 items
Fullenkamp, Connel R. 1 items
Gaske, M. Ellen 1 items
Geoum, In Sun 1 items
Gerlach, H. M. Stefan 1 items
Ghaleb, Tanya E. 1 items
Gong, Fangxiong 1 items
Goodman, Laurie 1 items
Green, Eric M. 1 items
Grilli, Vittorio 1 items
Gustafson, Elizabeth 1 items
Hall, Elizabeth A. 1 items
Hamao, Yasushi 1 items
Hamdani, Kausar 1 items
Harrigan, James 1 items
Hayes, Daniel R. 1 items
Hendricks, Darryll 1 items
Ishii, Jun 1 items
Islam, Shafiqul 1 items
Kalman, R. E. 1 items
Kaufman, Michael 1 items
Kelleher, Jeanette 1 items
Kroszner, Randall S. 1 items
Kuttner, Kenneth N. 1 items
La Porta, Rafael 1 items
Leary, Mark 1 items
Lee, Cheng Few 1 items
Levine, David K. 1 items
Lim, Jong-Soo 1 items
Lowenstein, Ronnie 1 items
Mair, Martin 1 items
Makhija, Anil K. 1 items
Maxwell, Christopher 1 items
McConnell, Margaret M. 1 items
McGee, Robert T. 1 items
Molyneux, Philip 1 items
Monsen, Gordon 1 items
Moskowitz, Warren 1 items
Nadal-Vicens, Tania 1 items
Nolle, Daniel E. 1 items
Palash, Carl 1 items
Patel, Sandeep 1 items
Paxson, Christina H. 1 items
Peart, Simone 1 items
Pedraza, Irene 1 items
Perez-Quiros, Gabriel 1 items
Pesenti, Paolo 1 items
Rahman, Shafiqur 1 items
Raiff, Jonathan 1 items
Reinhart, Vincent 1 items
Rich, Robert W. 1 items
Ritter, Jay 1 items
Roberts, David L. 1 items
Roubini, Nouriel 1 items
Santamaria, Marco 1 items
Shin, Soo 1 items
Silver, Andrew 1 items
Sommer, Joseph H. 1 items
Stone, Gary 1 items
Sweet, Lawrence M. 1 items
Turner, Christopher M. 1 items
Vega, Clara 1 items
Viana, Sandra 1 items
Walter, Christian 1 items
Walter, Stefan 1 items
White, Betsy Buttrill 1 items
Wickens, Michael 1 items
Wohlever, Jean E. 1 items
Worthington, Paula R. 1 items
Yeaple, Stephen 1 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 1 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 1 items
anonymous 1 items
show more (209)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Interest rates 27 items
Monetary policy 24 items
Foreign exchange rates 22 items
Forecasting 19 items
Business cycles 18 items
Stock market 18 items
Stock - Prices 17 items
Inflation (Finance) 15 items
Wages 15 items
Consumption (Economics) 14 items
Risk 14 items
Industrial capacity 13 items
Corporations - Finance 12 items
Futures 12 items
Debts, External 11 items
Developing countries 11 items
Econometric models 11 items
Financial leverage 11 items
Capital movements 10 items
Manufactures 10 items
Bonds 9 items
Japan 9 items
Money supply 9 items
Prices 9 items
Economic indicators 8 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 8 items
Fiscal policy 8 items
Liquidity (Economics) 8 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 7 items
Great Britain 7 items
Imports 7 items
Income 7 items
Insurance industry 7 items
International trade 7 items
Saving and investment 7 items
Securities 7 items
Bank loans 6 items
Capital investments 6 items
Corporate bonds 6 items
Corporations 6 items
Deposit insurance 6 items
Industries 6 items
International finance 6 items
Investments, Foreign 6 items
Mortgages 6 items
time series analysis 6 items
Bank capital 5 items
Bank holding companies 5 items
Bank mergers 5 items
Banks and banking 5 items
Branch banks 5 items
Competition 5 items
Credit 5 items
Econometrics 5 items
Expenditures, Public 5 items
Foreign exchange 5 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 5 items
Margins (Security trading) 5 items
Monetary policy - United States 5 items
Production (Economic theory) 5 items
options 5 items
Balance of trade 4 items
Bank competition 4 items
Bank management 4 items
Bank reserves 4 items
Capital 4 items
Consumer behavior 4 items
Corporate profits 4 items
Economic development 4 items
Federal funds market (United States) 4 items
Financial institutions 4 items
Germany 4 items
Hedging (Finance) 4 items
Investments 4 items
Latin America 4 items
Loans, Foreign 4 items
Mutual funds 4 items
Political science 4 items
Productivity 4 items
Swaps (Finance) 4 items
Taxation 4 items
Balance of payments 3 items
Bank failures 3 items
Bank size 3 items
Bank supervision 3 items
Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 3 items
Cafeteria benefit plans 3 items
Capital market 3 items
Consumer credit 3 items
Credit cards 3 items
Dollar, American 3 items
Economies of scale 3 items
Education 3 items
Emigration and immigration 3 items
Employment (Economic theory) 3 items
European Economic Community 3 items
Exports 3 items
Government securities 3 items
Gross domestic product 3 items
Industrial productivity 3 items
Interstate banking 3 items
Inventories 3 items
Labor market 3 items
Life insurance companies 3 items
Mexico 3 items
Money market 3 items
Pensions 3 items
Recessions 3 items
Service industries 3 items
Statistics 3 items
Unemployment 3 items
Wealth 3 items
economic conditions - United States 3 items
Asset-backed financing 2 items
Bank investments 2 items
Bank profits 2 items
Banking law 2 items
Banking market 2 items
Banks and banking - Costs 2 items
Banks and banking - History 2 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 2 items
China 2 items
Cointegration 2 items
Deficit financing 2 items
Discount window 2 items
Economics 2 items
Europe 2 items
Financial markets 2 items
Foreign exchange - Law and legislation 2 items
Foreign exchange futures 2 items
France 2 items
High technology industries 2 items
Housing - Finance 2 items
Human capital 2 items
International business enterprises 2 items
Investment banking 2 items
Italy 2 items
Labor productivity 2 items
Labor supply 2 items
Labor unions 2 items
Leveraged buyouts 2 items
Macroeconomics 2 items
New York (State) 2 items
Open market operations 2 items
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2 items
Regional economics 2 items
Retail trade 2 items
Stocks 2 items
Tariff 2 items
Technology 2 items
Venture capital 2 items
Africa 1 items
Arbitrage 1 items
Argentina 1 items
Asia 1 items
Asset-liability management 1 items
Automobile industry and trade - Finance 1 items
Bank assets 1 items
Bank deposits 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Banks and banking - Ratio analysis 1 items
Banks and banking - Wyoming 1 items
Banks and banking, Central 1 items
Brazil 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Business enterprises - Japan 1 items
Canada 1 items
Cash flow 1 items
Chile 1 items
Commercial loans 1 items
Construction industry 1 items
Consumer price indexes 1 items
Corporations - Taxation 1 items
Debt 1 items
Defense industries 1 items
Derivative securities 1 items
East Asia 1 items
Economic policy 1 items
Electronic funds transfers 1 items
European Central Bank 1 items
Federal Reserve System 1 items
Finance companies 1 items
Financial crises - Asia 1 items
Financial institutions - Asia 1 items
Financial services industry 1 items
Fiscal policy - Great Britain 1 items
Free trade 1 items
Government ownership 1 items
Gross national product 1 items
Housing 1 items
Income distribution 1 items
Indexation (Economics) 1 items
Industrial location 1 items
Industrial policy 1 items
Inflation-indexed bonds 1 items
Information theory 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Insurance, Health 1 items
Internet 1 items
Israel 1 items
Loan sales 1 items
Medical care 1 items
Monetary policy - Germany 1 items
Monetary policy - Japan 1 items
Monetary policy - Switzerland 1 items
Money 1 items
New Jersey 1 items
New York (N.Y.) 1 items
Over-the-counter markets 1 items
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 1 items
Privatization 1 items
Random walks (Mathematics) 1 items
Regression analysis 1 items
Repurchase agreements 1 items
Retirement 1 items
Revenue sharing 1 items
Savings and loan associations 1 items
Seasonal variations (Economics) 1 items
Social security 1 items
Speculation 1 items
Stock - Prices - China 1 items
Stock - Prices - Japan 1 items
Stock market - China 1 items
Supply and demand 1 items
Switzerland 1 items
Treasury bills 1 items
Treasury notes 1 items
Treaty on European Union (1992) 1 items
Turkey 1 items
Unemployment insurance 1 items
Vector autoregression 1 items
Wyoming 1 items
labor contracts 1 items
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