Search Results
Discussion Paper
Why Cash Transfers Are Good Policy in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Braun, R. Anton; Ikeda, Daisuke
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an exceptionally large and negative impact on economic activity around the world. We show that cash transfers can be a useful policy tool during a pandemic. Cash transfers mitigate consumption inequality induced by the pandemic and provide incentives to individuals who are most negatively affected by lockdown policies to adhere to them.
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-4
Discussion Paper
The Federal Reserve's Liquidity Backstops to the Municipal Bond Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wei, Bin; Yue, Vivian Z.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused tremendous hardship all over the world. In response, the Federal Reserve has moved quickly and aggressively to support the economy in the United States. In this article, we present some initial evidence for the effectiveness of some of the facilities in calming the municipal bond market, particularly the short-term variable-rate demand obligation (VRDO) market. We discuss the important role of liquidity backstops in mitigating runs and stabilizing financial markets in general based on insights from our study on the runs on VRDO and auction-rate securities ...
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-5
Journal Article
Is the Last Mile More Arduous?
Rapach, David E.
US inflation surged starting in spring 2021, with Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation reaching a 40-year high of 9 percent in mid-2022. Together with improving supply-chain conditions, policy tightening by the Fed decreased inflation to within 1 to 2 percentage points of its 2 percent target by late 2023 without a significant increase in unemployment. However, concerns have been raised that the last mile of disinflation to reduce inflation consistently to its 2 percent target will be more arduous than the previous miles. Close examination of such concerns indicates that they do not receive ...
Policy Hub
, Volume 2024
, Issue 1
Discussion Paper
Remittances and COVID-19: A Tale of Two Countries
Vilan, Diego; Mandelman, Federico S.
Looking at the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers' remittances flowing from the United States, this article focuses on the experiences of two countries, El Salvador and Mexico, which account for approximately 30 percent of all immigrants currently residing in the United States. Following the second quarter's economic lockdown, transfers to these countries experienced perplexing dynamics. Specifically, remittances to El Salvador witnessed a record 40 percent sudden drop, while Mexico recorded an unexpected 35 percent increase. We discuss some of the narratives proposed to explain this ...
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-12
Discussion Paper
Measuring and Managing COVID-19 Model Risk
Jensen, Mark J.
One of the many lessons learned from the financial crisis is the increased awareness of model risk. In this article, I apply the best practices of model risk management found in SR 11-7 (which offers regulatory guidance on the best practices for managing model risk) to COVID-19 models. In particular, I investigate the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation's (IHME) model to see if it has been effectively challenged with a critical assessment of its conceptual soundness, ongoing monitoring, and outcomes analysis.
Policy Hub
, Paper 2020-07
Journal Article
Should the US Issue a Central Bank Digital Currency?
Kupiec, Paul H.
If the web 3.0 requires a public ledger–based payments platform, central bank digital currency (CBDC) is unlikely to provide the digital currency needed to fuel the smart contracts of tomorrow. This payments dilemma can be solved by a hybrid digital currency that includes a new type of bank deposit as well as regulated private stablecoins, both of which clear and settle on a next-generation public ledger created and managed as a joint venture between banks and private stablecoin issuers. With this payments platform under Federal Reserve oversight, there would be no need for the Federal ...
Policy Hub
, Volume 2022
, Issue 6
Journal Article
Bank Supervisory Goals versus Monetary Policy Implementation
Wall, Larry D.
The global financial crisis of 2007–09 revealed substantial weaknesses in large banks' capital adequacy and liquidity. Bank regulators responded with a variety of prudential measures intended to strengthen both. However, these prudential measures resulted in conflicts with the implementation of monetary policy that helped alter the way the Federal Reserve conducts monetary policy. I review three such conflicts: regulation inhibiting interest on excess reserves arbitrage starting in 2008, regulation inhibiting banks' operations in the repo market in 2019, and regulation inhibiting their ...
Policy Hub
, Volume 2021
, Issue 3
, Pages 14
Journal Article
Marketization of Home Production and Gender Gaps in Working Hours
Fang, Lei; Duval-Hernandez, Robert; Ngai, L. Rachel
Gender gaps in working hours vary widely across member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This article summarizes the key results from Duval-Hernández, Fang, and Ngai (2021), who study the source of cross-country differences and what kind of policies can reduce the gap in working hours between women and men.
Policy Hub
, Volume 2021
, Issue 7
, Pages 7
Journal Article
Mismatch of Jobs and People: Do Migration Constraints Put Racial Minorities at a Disadvantage?
Burns, Kalee; Hotchkiss, Julie L.
Using the American Community Survey between 2005 and 2017, this article explores the evidence for potential migration constraints by comparing distributions of people and jobs across race and education. Using the Delta Index of dissimilarity, it illustrates a greater distributional mismatch between workers and jobs among racial minorities, relative to White non-Hispanics. This mismatch suggests greater migration constraints among racial minorities.
Policy Hub
, Volume 2020
, Issue 6
, Pages 19
Discussion Paper
Marketization of Home Production and Gender Gaps in Working Hours
Fang, Lei; Duval-Hernandez, Robert; Ngai, L. Rachel
Gender gaps in working hours vary widely across member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. This article summarizes the key results from Duval-Hernández, Fang, and Ngai (2021), who study the source of cross-country differences and what kind of policies can reduce the gap in working hours between women and men.
Policy Hub
, Paper 2021-07
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 104 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 73 items
Discussion Paper 31 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 13 items
Wall, Larry D. 10 items
Fang, Lei 9 items
Mandelman, Federico S. 9 items
Roberds, William 7 items
Pitts, M. Melinda 6 items
Wei, Bin 6 items
Willen, Paul S. 6 items
Xie, Zoe 6 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 6 items
Greene, Claire 4 items
Kahn, Charles M. 4 items
Nie, Jun 4 items
Shy, Oz 4 items
Braun, R. Anton 3 items
Burns, Kalee 3 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 3 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 3 items
Gilchrist, Simon 3 items
Higgins, Patrick C. 3 items
Jensen, Mark J. 3 items
Kopecky, Karen A. 3 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 3 items
Loewenstein, Lara 3 items
Quinn, Stephen F. 3 items
Silos, Pedro 3 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 3 items
Zha, Tao 3 items
Croteau, Nicholas 2 items
Darden, Michael 2 items
Duval-Hernandez, Robert 2 items
Foster, Kevin 2 items
Ikeda, Daisuke 2 items
Karantounias, Anastasios G. 2 items
Kay, Stephen J. 2 items
Meyer, Brent 2 items
Nance, Mark 2 items
Ngai, L. Rachel 2 items
Penciakova, Veronika 2 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 2 items
Tsingou, Eleni 2 items
White, Eugene 2 items
Willis, Jonathan L. 2 items
Baslandze, Salomé 1 items
Başkaya, Yusuf Soner 1 items
Blanco, Andres 1 items
Carapella, Francesca 1 items
Clampitt, Steph 1 items
Cunningham, Chris 1 items
Dinlersoz, Emin M. 1 items
Dumas, Edward 1 items
Dunne, Timothy 1 items
Gerszten, Jacob 1 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 1 items
Guner, Nezih 1 items
Haltiwanger, John 1 items
Hardy, Bryan 1 items
Hitczenko, Marcin 1 items
Ilin, Elias 1 items
Kalemli-Özcan, Ṣebnem 1 items
Kotlikoff, Laurence J. 1 items
Kupiec, Paul H. 1 items
Lucas, Deborah 1 items
McCauley, Robert N. 1 items
Minoiu, Camelia 1 items
Orlando, Anthony W. 1 items
Parlour, Christine 1 items
Rapach, David E. 1 items
Starks, Laura 1 items
Swem, Nathan 1 items
Vilan, Diego 1 items
Vilán, Diego 1 items
Wiczer, David 1 items
show more (68)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E24 15 items
E58 15 items
G28 13 items
G21 12 items
E52 10 items
E62 7 items
G23 7 items
G51 7 items
J15 7 items
J22 7 items
E44 6 items
G12 6 items
J64 6 items
J65 6 items
E19 5 items
E42 5 items
I19 5 items
E6 4 items
F33 4 items
G18 4 items
G32 4 items
H12 4 items
J2 4 items
J31 4 items
N12 4 items
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C11 3 items
C52 3 items
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E32 3 items
F36 3 items
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G19 3 items
I12 3 items
J16 3 items
J3 3 items
R38 3 items
C23 2 items
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H72 2 items
H84 2 items
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L86 2 items
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O35 2 items
O38 2 items
R3 2 items
A14 1 items
C51 1 items
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H24 1 items
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H57 1 items
J11 1 items
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L26 1 items
N20 1 items
O16 1 items
Q21 1 items
R12 1 items
R23 1 items
R31 1 items
show more (103)
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FILTER BY Keywords
COVID-19 31 items
inflation 7 items
Federal Reserve 6 items
central bank digital currency 6 items
fiscal policy 6 items
unemployment insurance 6 items
Money aggregates 5 items
World War II 5 items
CARES Act 4 items
Treasury market 4 items
bank liquidity regulation 4 items
capital adequacy 4 items
interest on reserves 4 items
labor markets 4 items
payments inclusion 4 items
repo market 4 items
reservation wage 4 items
unemployment 4 items
wage growth 4 items
employment 4 items
COVID-19 pandemic 3 items
Labor demand 3 items
Phillips curve 3 items
SR 11-7 3 items
cash-out 3 items
financial stability 3 items
home equity 3 items
industry switching 3 items
inflation pressures 3 items
labor force participation 3 items
labor supply 3 items
model risk management 3 items
monetary policy 3 items
mortgage 3 items
mortgage refinancing 3 items
mortgage repayment 3 items
pent-up demand 3 items
racial inequality 3 items
recession 3 items
refinance 3 items
unbanked 3 items
unemployment spell 3 items
AML 2 items
CFT 2 items
COVID recovery 2 items
COVID-19 shock 2 items
Delta Index 2 items
FATF 2 items
FDIC 2 items
Federal Reserve facilities 2 items
Financial Action Task Force 2 items
Gen X 2 items
Model uncertainty 2 items
NLSY 2 items
PUA 2 items
Remittances 2 items
TRACE 2 items
Treasury 2 items
ambiguity aversion 2 items
anti-money laundering 2 items
austerity 2 items
baby boomer 2 items
bailout 2 items
banking regulation 2 items
banking regulations 2 items
banknotes 2 items
blockchain 2 items
cash transfers 2 items
childcare 2 items
competitive fringe 2 items
corporate bond mutual funds 2 items
corporate financial policy 2 items
counterterrorism financing 2 items
credit supply 2 items
cryptocurrency 2 items
de-risking 2 items
death curve 2 items
digital currency 2 items
digital payments 2 items
dynamic system of equations 2 items
emergency lending 2 items
eurodollar 2 items
excess bond premium 2 items
financial crises 2 items
financial history 2 items
financial inclusion 2 items
financial services 2 items
gender ratio 2 items
government bailouts 2 items
herd immunity 2 items
home production 2 items
hysteresis 2 items
identification problem 2 items
inequality 2 items
international lender of last resort 2 items
labor market disparities 2 items
labor market gaps 2 items
labor supply elasticity 2 items
layoffs 2 items
lines of credit 2 items
liquidity backstops 2 items
lockdown 2 items
market hours 2 items
marketization 2 items
migration costs 2 items
millennial 2 items
minimum past earning requirement 2 items
mismatch 2 items
misspecification 2 items
multiplier preferences 2 items
neutral interest rates 2 items
panel data 2 items
paternalism 2 items
payment card adoption 2 items
payment choice 2 items
people-based 2 items
pessimistic expectations 2 items
place-based 2 items
private stablecoins 2 items
racial equity 2 items
racial labor market disparities 2 items
racism 2 items
regional data 2 items
reopening the economy 2 items
small business credit access 2 items
smart contracts 2 items
smoking 2 items
social costs 2 items
social distancing 2 items
stimulus payments 2 items
subsidies on family care 2 items
syndicated loans 2 items
taxation 2 items
taxes 2 items
term structure 2 items
testing 2 items
the Big Quit 2 items
the Great Resignation 2 items
wages 2 items
web 3.0 2 items
13(3) 1 items
: COVID-19 1 items
COVID-19 recovery 1 items
D14 1 items
D9 1 items
Decentralized finance 1 items
E42 1 items
ESG investing 1 items
ESG value 1 items
ESG values 1 items
QE 1 items
QT 1 items
SMCCF 1 items
Section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act 1 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 1 items
U.S. currency in circulation 1 items
Unbanked consumers 1 items
Web3 1 items
active 1 items
aging 1 items
bank balance sheets 1 items
bank lending 1 items
banking crisis 1 items
business dynamism 1 items
business formation 1 items
cash 1 items
central bank 1 items
cohort 1 items
collateralized debt obligations 1 items
collateralized debt obligations 1 items
construction 1 items
consumer behavior 1 items
consumer demand system 1 items
corporate bond market 1 items
corporate bond markets 1 items
corporate social responsibility 1 items
credit market support facilities 1 items
current account 1 items
demographics 1 items
disincentives 1 items
disinflation 1 items
economic geography 1 items
economic growth 1 items
efficiency 1 items
entrepreneurship 1 items
equity 1 items
event study 1 items
firm entry 1 items
gas tax 1 items
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geographic variation 1 items
household finance 1 items
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income distribution 1 items
income tax 1 items
industry employment 1 items
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innovation 1 items
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investment portfolio 1 items
labor force participation rates 1 items
labor market 1 items
lending channel 1 items
marriage 1 items
marriage taxation 1 items
multifamily housing 1 items
municipal bond 1 items
municipal bonds 1 items
net saving rate 1 items
neutral interest rate 1 items
output 1 items
passive 1 items
planning 1 items
preferred habitat 1 items
preferred-habitat 1 items
price stickiness 1 items
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project duration 1 items
proportional odds model 1 items
public debt 1 items
purchase effects 1 items
quantitative easing 1 items
quantitative tightening 1 items
rate hikes 1 items
repo 1 items
residential real estate 1 items
reverse repo 1 items
small and medium-sized enterprises 1 items
social safety net 1 items
soft landing 1 items
substance abuse 1 items
sustainably responsible investing 1 items
tokenization 1 items
trend employment 1 items
show more (233)
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