Search Results
Showing results 1 to 10 of approximately 798.
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Working Paper
Model confidence sets for forecasting models
Lunde, Asger; Hansen, Peter Reinhard; Nason, James M.
The paper introduces the model confidence set (MCS) and applies it to the selection of forecasting models. An MCS is a set of models that is constructed so that it will contain the ?best? forecasting model, given a level of confidence. Thus, an MCS is analogous to a confidence interval for a parameter. The MCS acknowledges the limitations of the data so that uninformative data yield an MCS with many models, whereas informative data yield an MCS with only a few models. We revisit the empirical application in Stock and Watson (1999) and apply the MCS procedure to their set of inflation ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2005-07
Working Paper
Quantifying "Quantitative Tightening" (QT): How Many Rate Hikes Is QT Equivalent To?
Wei, Bin
How many interest rate hikes is quantitative tightening (QT) equivalent to? In this paper, I examine this question based on the preferred-habitat model in Vayanos and Vila (2021). I define the equivalence between rate hikes and QT such that they both have the same impact on the 10-year yield. Based on the model calibrated to fit the nominal Treasury data between 1999 and 2022, I show that a passive roll-off of $2.2 trillion over three years is equivalent to an increase of 29 basis points in the current federal funds rate at normal times. However, during a crisis period with risk aversion ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2022-8
Working Paper
A, B, C’s, (and D’s) for understanding VARs
Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F.; Sargent, Thomas J.; Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús
The dynamics of a linear (or linearized) dynamic stochastic economic model can be expressed in terms of matrices (A, B, C, D) that define a state-space system. An associated state space system (A, K, C, S) determines a vector autoregression (VAR) for observables available to an econometrician. We review circumstances in which the impulse response of the VAR resembles the impulse response associated with the economic model. We give four examples that illustrate a simple condition for checking whether the mapping from VAR shocks to economic shocks is invertible. The condition applies when there ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2005-09
Working Paper
The origins of bubbles in laboratory asset markets
Charupat, Narat; Kluger, Brian D.; Deaves, Richard; Ackert, Lucy F.
In twelve sessions conducted in a typical bubble-generating experimental environment, we design a pair of assets that can detect both irrationality and speculative behavior. The specific form of irrationality we investigate is probability judgment error associated with low-probability, high-payoff outcomes. Independently, we test for speculation by comparing prices of identically paying assets in multiperiod versus single-period markets. When these tests indicate the presence of probability judgment error and speculation, bubbles are more likely to occur. This finding suggests that both ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2006-06
Working Paper
Collusion in uniform-price auctions: experimental evidence and implications for Treasury auctions
Rebello, Michael J.; Goswami, Gautam; Noe, Thomas H.
In uniform-price auctions of shares there exist collusive equilibria in which bidders capture the entire surplus from the auction as well as competitive equilibria in which the auctioneer captures the entire surplus from the auction. We provide experimental evidence that, in uniform-price auctions, non-binding pre-play communication facilitates convergence to collusive equilibrium outcomes. On the other hand, regardless of the opportunities for communication, in discriminatory-auction experiments subject strategies conform closely with the unique equilibrium in undominated strategies in which ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 95-5
Working Paper
A Critical Review of the Common Ownership Literature
Gerardi, Kristopher; Lowry, Michelle; Schenone, Carola
The rapid growth in index funds and significant consolidation in the asset-management industry over the past few decades has led to higher levels of common ownership and increased attention on the topic by academic researchers. A consensus has yet to emerge from the literature regarding the consequences of increased common ownership on firm behavior and market outcomes. Given the potential implications for firms and investors alike, it is perhaps not surprising that policymakers, legal scholars, finance and accounting academics, and practitioners have all taken a keen interest in the subject. ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2023-17
Working Paper
Estimating a semiparametric asymmetric stochastic volatility model with a Dirichlet process mixture
Jensen, Mark J.; Maheu, John M.
In this paper, we extend the parametric, asymmetric, stochastic volatility model (ASV), where returns are correlated with volatility, by flexibly modeling the bivariate distribution of the return and volatility innovations nonparametrically. Its novelty is in modeling the joint, conditional, return-volatility distribution with an infinite mixture of bivariate Normal distributions with mean zero vectors, but having unknown mixture weights and covariance matrices. This semiparametric ASV model nests stochastic volatility models whose innovations are distributed as either Normal or Student-t ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2012-06
Working Paper
The Dynamic Striated Metropolis-Hastings Sampler for High-Dimensional Models
Zha, Tao; Waggoner, Daniel F.; Wu, Hongwei
Having efficient and accurate samplers for simulating the posterior distribution is crucial for Bayesian analysis. We develop a generic posterior simulator called the "dynamic striated Metropolis-Hastings (DSMH)" sampler. Grounded in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, it draws its strengths from both the equi-energy sampler and the sequential Monte Carlo sampler by avoiding the weaknesses of the straight Metropolis-Hastings algorithm as well as those of importance sampling. In particular, the DSMH sampler possesses the capacity to cope with incredibly irregular distributions that are full ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2014-21
Working Paper
The demand for labor at the world's largest banking organizations
Hunter, William C.; Timme, Stephen G.
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 89-6
Working Paper
A Quantitative Theory of Time-Consistent Unemployment Insurance
Pei, Yun; Xie, Zoe
During recessions, the U.S. government substantially increases the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through multiple extensions. This paper seeks to understand the incentives driving these increases. Because of the trade-off between insurance and job search incentives, the classic time-inconsistency problem arises. During recessions, the U.S. government substantially increases the duration of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits through multiple extensions. This paper seeks to understand the incentives driving these extensions. Because of the trade-off between insurance and ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper
, Paper 2016-11
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 798 items
FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 798 items
Zha, Tao 55 items
Hotchkiss, Julie L. 45 items
Wall, Larry D. 36 items
Frame, W. Scott 32 items
Roberds, William 32 items
Waggoner, Daniel F. 32 items
Pitts, M. Melinda 29 items
Rubio-Ramirez, Juan F. 29 items
Ackert, Lucy F. 23 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 22 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 22 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 20 items
Espinosa-Vega, Marco A. 20 items
Mandelman, Federico S. 20 items
Robotti, Cesare 20 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 20 items
Zavodny, Madeline 19 items
Fang, Lei 17 items
Smith, Stephen D. 17 items
Hunter, William C. 16 items
Meyer, Brent 16 items
Nason, James M. 16 items
Del Negro, Marco 15 items
Kan, Raymond 14 items
Silos, Pedro 14 items
Church, Bryan K. 13 items
Wei, Bin 13 items
Braun, R. Anton 12 items
Leeper, Eric M. 12 items
Willen, Paul S. 12 items
Chang, Roberto 10 items
Eisenbeis, Robert A. 10 items
Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús 10 items
Jeske, Karsten 10 items
Kahn, Charles M. 10 items
Kopecky, Karen A. 10 items
Mitra, Indrajit 10 items
Ramamurtie, Buddhavarapu Sailesh 10 items
Abken, Peter A. 9 items
Cunningham, Chris 9 items
Robertson, John C. 9 items
Russell, Steven 9 items
Wang, Ping 9 items
DeGennaro, Ramon P. 8 items
Jensen, Mark J. 8 items
Moen, Jon R. 8 items
Noe, Thomas H. 8 items
Quispe-Agnoli, Myriam 8 items
Yip, Chong K. 8 items
Berger, Allen N. 7 items
Chen, Kaiji 7 items
Fisher, Mark 7 items
Hasan, Iftekhar 7 items
Hsu, Alex 7 items
Karantounias, Anastasios G. 7 items
Liu, Zheng 7 items
Moore, Robert E. 7 items
Nieto, Maria J. 7 items
Nosal, Ed 7 items
Penciakova, Veronika 7 items
Quinn, Stephen F. 7 items
Shy, Oz 7 items
Sims, Christopher A. 7 items
Timme, Stephen G. 7 items
White, Lawrence J. 7 items
Zeng, Linghang 7 items
Arias, Jonas E. 6 items
Armour, Brian S. 6 items
Baier, Scott L. 6 items
Cohen, Hugh 6 items
Ginther, Donna K. 6 items
Higgins, Patrick C. 6 items
McAndrews, James J. 6 items
Nakajima, Tomoyuki 6 items
Nandi, Saikat 6 items
Rios-Avila, Fernando 6 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 6 items
Schorfheide, Frank 6 items
Smith, Eric 6 items
Tamura, Robert 6 items
Walker, Mary Beth 6 items
Xie, Zoe 6 items
Xu, Yu 6 items
Yue, Vivian Z. 6 items
Barrero, Jose Maria 5 items
Baslandze, Salomé 5 items
Becsi, Zsolt 5 items
Bliss, Robert R. 5 items
Davis, Steven J. 5 items
Farmer, Roger E. A. 5 items
Jackson, William E. 5 items
Kamstra, Mark 5 items
Parker, Nicholas B. 5 items
Rebello, Michael J. 5 items
Shrikhande, Milind M. 5 items
Wang, Pengfei 5 items
Zanetti, Francesco 5 items
Adelino, Manuel 4 items
Altig, David E. 4 items
Argys, Laura 4 items
Bloom, Nicholas 4 items
Brewer, Elijah 4 items
Brooks, Robin 4 items
Dhawan, Rajeev 4 items
Dinlersoz, Emin M. 4 items
Dunne, Timothy 4 items
Evanoff, Douglas D. 4 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 4 items
Gillette, Ann B. 4 items
Gordon, David B. 4 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 4 items
Heston, Steven L. 4 items
Hu, Jie 4 items
Maheu, John M. 4 items
Miao, Jianjun 4 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 4 items
Rabanal, Pau 4 items
Rupasingha, Anil 4 items
Shao, Enchuan 4 items
Sheng, Xuguang 4 items
Tkac, Paula A. 4 items
Velasco, Andres 4 items
Whiteman, Charles H. 4 items
Whitt, Joseph A. 4 items
Zhang, Ping 4 items
Balduzzi, Pierluigi 3 items
Bauer, Andrew 3 items
Benston, George J. 3 items
Burns, Kalee 3 items
Chambers, Matthew 3 items
Cunningham, Thomas J. 3 items
Darden, Michael 3 items
Deaves, Richard 3 items
Eisenberg, Laurence K. 3 items
Fuchs, Simon 3 items
Garriga, Carlos 3 items
Gilchrist, Simon 3 items
Haltiwanger, John 3 items
Hansen, Peter Reinhard 3 items
Hitczenko, Marcin 3 items
Ilin, Elias 3 items
Jamali, Ibrahim 3 items
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem 3 items
Kim, Kyungmin 3 items
Korber, Lena Mareen 3 items
Koreshkova, Tatyana 3 items
Kramer, Lisa 3 items
Kumar, Vikram 3 items
Lunde, Asger 3 items
Madrigal, Vicente 3 items
Martin, Antoine 3 items
Mihaylov, Emil 3 items
Miller, Nathan H. 3 items
Nie, Jun 3 items
Ono, Hiroshi 3 items
Prescott, Brian 3 items
Schlagenhauf, Don E. 3 items
Shapiro, Alan Finkelstein 3 items
Shen, Lily 3 items
Smith, Bruce 3 items
Ulman, Scott 3 items
Vahey, Shaun P. 3 items
Williams, Noah 3 items
Yu, Yang 3 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 3 items
Zlate, Andrei 3 items
Acosta, Pablo A. 2 items
Afonso, Gara 2 items
Akcigit, Ufuk 2 items
Anatolyev, Stanislav 2 items
Andersson, Hans 2 items
Andolfatto, David 2 items
Antolin-Diaz, Juan 2 items
Aruoba, S. Boragan 2 items
Assa, Hirbod 2 items
Athanassakos, George 2 items
Babbel, David F. 2 items
Barnhart, Cora 2 items
Boehm, Thomas P. 2 items
Borup, Daniel 2 items
Boucher, Janice L. 2 items
Brown, J. David 2 items
Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos 2 items
Chandra, Naveen 2 items
Charupat, Narat 2 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 2 items
Cheung, Ron 2 items
Conklin, James 2 items
Cummins, J. David 2 items
DeYoung, Robert 2 items
Del Guercio, Diane 2 items
Donaldson, Glen 2 items
Dowdy, David 2 items
Duval-Hernandez, Robert 2 items
Faust, Jon 2 items
Foote, Christopher L. 2 items
Francis, Bill 2 items
Friedson, Andrew 2 items
Ganapolsky, Eduardo J. J. 2 items
Gardner, Lauren 2 items
Glennon, Dennis C. 2 items
Goette, Lorenz 2 items
Gorostiaga, Arantza 2 items
Goswami, Gautam 2 items
Gottardi, Piero 2 items
Goulet Coulombe, Philippe 2 items
Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier 2 items
Graham, Mary E. 2 items
Greene, Claire 2 items
Gunderson, Jill Marie 2 items
Hagendorff, Jens 2 items
Haltom, Nicholas 2 items
Hamilton, Barton 2 items
Hannusch, Anne 2 items
Hernando, Ignacio 2 items
Honkapohja, Seppo 2 items
Hosseini, Roozbeh 2 items
Ikeda, Daisuke 2 items
Ioannidou, Vasso P. 2 items
Jayaraman, Narayanan 2 items
Kajii, Atsushi 2 items
Kaufman, George G. 2 items
Kitao, Sagiri 2 items
Kotlikoff, Laurence J. 2 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 2 items
Lartey, Emmanuel K. K. 2 items
Li, Victor E. 2 items
Lothian, James R. 2 items
Maasoumi, Esfandiar 2 items
Maberly, Edwin D. 2 items
Madan, Dilip B. 2 items
Marx, Melissa 2 items
Mayes, David G. 2 items
Mazumdar, Joy 2 items
Monnet, Cyril 2 items
Montes Schütte, Erik Christian 2 items
Ng, Serena 2 items
Ngai, L. Rachel 2 items
Nigro, Peter 2 items
Papageorge, Nicholas 2 items
Pei, Yun 2 items
Peterson, David R. 2 items
Peterson, Pamela P. 2 items
Phillips, Richard D. 2 items
Polgreen, Linnea 2 items
Polsky, Daniel 2 items
Potter, Simon M. 2 items
Powers, Kimberly 2 items
Racine, Marie D. 2 items
Ramaswami, Bharat 2 items
Rapach, David E. 2 items
Rodriguez, Daniel 2 items
Rogers, John H. 2 items
Ronn, Ehud I. 2 items
Rosensweig, Jeffrey A. 2 items
Saffie, Felipe 2 items
Sander, Nick 2 items
Schenone, Carola 2 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 2 items
Schwenk-Nebbe, Sander 2 items
Shapiro, Adam Hale 2 items
Smith, Gregor W. 2 items
Srinivasan, Aruna 2 items
Stuart, Elizabeth 2 items
Terry, Ellyn 2 items
Tompkins, James 2 items
Waki, Yuichiro 2 items
Willis, Jonathan L. 2 items
Wright, Randall 2 items
Wynne, Mark A. 2 items
Zahn, Matthew 2 items
Zhao, Kai 2 items
Zhou, Hao 2 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 2 items
Adler, Konrad 1 items
Agarwal, Sumit 1 items
Akhavein, Jalal D. 1 items
Alessandri, Todd M. 1 items
Alley, Linda 1 items
Amershi, Amin H. 1 items
Andreason, Stuart 1 items
Argente, David 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Atkeson, Andrew 1 items
Auerbach, Alan J. 1 items
Bah, El-hadj 1 items
Baker, Scott Brent 1 items
Ballinger, Albert 1 items
Başkaya, Yusuf Soner 1 items
Becchetti, Leonardo 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Ben-Haim, Yakov 1 items
Benigno, Pierpaolo 1 items
Bensmail, Halima 1 items
Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. 1 items
Best, Ronald W. 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Biswas, Arnab 1 items
Bitler, Marianne 1 items
Bitler, Marianne P. 1 items
Black, Harold A. 1 items
Black, Sylvia Sloan 1 items
Bloom, Nick 1 items
Bordo, Michael D. 1 items
Brock, William A. 1 items
Brown, Bryan W. 1 items
Bruine de Bruin, Wändi 1 items
Bryan, Michael F. 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Bunn, Philip 1 items
Burdett, Kenneth 1 items
Burdick, Clark A. 1 items
Caldara, Dario 1 items
Candia, Bernardo 1 items
Cao, Shutao 1 items
Cara, McDaniel 1 items
Castelli, Annalisa 1 items
Cavallo, Eduardo A. 1 items
Cavallo, Michele 1 items
Chahal, Mandeep S. 1 items
Chang, Chun 1 items
Chen, Scarlet 1 items
Cho, In-Koo 1 items
Choi, Joonkyu 1 items
Choi, Taelim 1 items
Ciciretti, Rocco 1 items
Cogley, Timothy 1 items
Coibion, Olivier 1 items
Cooper, Russell W. 1 items
Cornia, Marco 1 items
Cowan, Adrian M. 1 items
Craig, Ben R. 1 items
Croce, Mariano 1 items
Cubas, German 1 items
Cunningham, Rosemary Thomas 1 items
Cushman, David O. 1 items
Cyree, Ken B. 1 items
Dabbous, Amal 1 items
De Silva, Dakshina G. 1 items
Dennis, Patrick 1 items
Desiraju, Ramarao 1 items
Dogra, Keshav 1 items
Dothan, Michael 1 items
Dungey, Mardi 1 items
Durlauf, Steven N. 1 items
Etchason, Jeff 1 items
Eusepi, Stefano 1 items
Evans, George W. 1 items
Fazili, Sameera 1 items
Feinstein, Steven P. 1 items
Feng, Chenyang 1 items
Ferrier, Gary D. 1 items
Ferrière, Axelle 1 items
Flavin, Thomas 1 items
Foerster, Andrew 1 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 1 items
Foong Wong, Woan 1 items
Frache, Serafin 1 items
Friedman, Carol 1 items
Frisvold, David 1 items
Furlanetto, Francesco 1 items
Fuster, Andreas 1 items
Gao, Feng 1 items
Gao, Haoyu 1 items
Garrett, Ian 1 items
Gelbach, Jonah B. 1 items
Georgarakos, Dmitris 1 items
Gilles, Christian 1 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 1 items
Grasing, Jamie 1 items
Gu, Chao 1 items
Guner, Nezih 1 items
Guo, Si 1 items
Hafer, Rik 1 items
Hall, Alastair R. 1 items
Hamilton, James D. 1 items
Hancock, Diana 1 items
Hanley, Douglas 1 items
Hansen, Lars Peter 1 items
Hardy, Bryan 1 items
Hartley, Peter R. 1 items
Hartman-Glaser, Barney 1 items
Hayes, Kathy J. 1 items
He, Zhiguo 1 items
Heath, David 1 items
Hein, Scott E. 1 items
Heise, Sebastian 1 items
Herkenhoff, Kyle F. 1 items
Herrendorf, Berthold 1 items
Hiraki, Takato 1 items
Hoynes, Hilary W. 1 items
Huang, Kevin X. D. 1 items
Hubrich, Kirstin 1 items
Hunter, Delroy 1 items
Hyatt, Henry 1 items
Inoue, Atsushi 1 items
Ireland, Peter N. 1 items
Irvine, Paul 1 items
Jarrow, Robert A. 1 items
Jermann, Urban J. 1 items
Joines, Douglas H. 1 items
Juhn, Chinhui 1 items
Kahley, William J. 1 items
Kalemli-Özcan, Ṣebnem 1 items
Kano, Takashi 1 items
Karels, Gordon V. 1 items
Kempf, Hubert 1 items
Kenny, Geoff 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kirsanova, Tatiana 1 items
Klimek, Shawn D. 1 items
Kluger, Brian D. 1 items
Knotek, Edward S. 1 items
Koch, Paul D. 1 items
Koch, Timothy W. 1 items
Koeda, Junko 1 items
Koehler, Darryl 1 items
Kogan, Leonid 1 items
Komunjer, Ivana 1 items
Kosmopoulou, Georgia 1 items
Krivelyova, Anya 1 items
Krueger, Dirk 1 items
Kumar, Saten 1 items
Kwan, Simon H. 1 items
Laing, Derek 1 items
Lamarche, Carlos 1 items
Lee, Chung-won 1 items
Lehnert, Andreas 1 items
Leiseca, Michael 1 items
Lepetit, Antoine 1 items
Levi, Maurice D. 1 items
Li, Erica X.N. 1 items
Li, Nan 1 items
Lima, Elcyon C. R. 1 items
Lin, Chen-Miao 1 items
Liu, Haoyang 1 items
Liu, Xiaochun 1 items
Lkhagvasuren, Damba 1 items
Lluberas, Rodrigo 1 items
Locke, Peter 1 items
Lonnberg, Ake 1 items
Lotti, Francesca 1 items
Lowry, Michelle 1 items
Maggard, Kasey Q. 1 items
Malin, Benjamin A. 1 items
Marcet, Albert 1 items
Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge 1 items
Marto, Ricardo 1 items
McBeth, Douglas 1 items
McClatchey, Christine 1 items
McMillen, Daniel P. 1 items
McNulty, James E. 1 items
Meier, Stephan 1 items
Meltzer, Rachel 1 items
Menzio, Guido 1 items
Mercer, Jeffrey M. 1 items
Mihov, Atanas 1 items
Miller, Preston J. 1 items
Minoiu, Camelia 1 items
Mishita, Mehra 1 items
Mizen, Paul 1 items
Montes-Rojas, Gabriel 1 items
Morgan, George E. 1 items
Mroz, Thomas 1 items
Mulholland, Sean 1 items
Murphy, Deborah L. 1 items
Nachman, David C. 1 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 1 items
Nuguer, Victoria 1 items
Obiols-Homs, Francesc 1 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 1 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 1 items
Otrok, Christopher 1 items
Oue, Eugene 1 items
Padhi, Michael 1 items
Palivos, Theodore 1 items
Papageorgiou, Chris 1 items
Passmore, Wayne 1 items
Paterson, Donald G. 1 items
Pavlova, Olga 1 items
Peterman, William B. 1 items
Peterson, Brian 1 items
Petrella, Ivan 1 items
Piazzesi, Monika 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Pollak, Robert A. 1 items
Preston, Bruce 1 items
Qi, Yanling 1 items
Raymond, Stephen 1 items
Reed, Robert R. 1 items
Ren, Jue 1 items
Renault, Thomas 1 items
Rich, Robert W. 1 items
Rider, Mark 1 items
Ritchken, Peter H. 1 items
Roberts, Mark J. 1 items
Robstad, Ørjan 1 items
Rogerson, Richard 1 items
Rondina, Giacomo 1 items
Rosa, Carlo 1 items
show more (495)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 28 items
G12 27 items
E44 24 items
E52 23 items
E32 22 items
E62 21 items
E24 19 items
E58 15 items
C32 14 items
C11 13 items
G28 13 items
J22 13 items
E42 12 items
E22 11 items
E31 10 items
C53 9 items
E37 9 items
H21 9 items
C13 8 items
G01 8 items
G23 8 items
J64 8 items
E21 7 items
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H63 6 items
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R13 1 items
R28 1 items
R30 1 items
R42 1 items
R5 1 items
R52 1 items
show more (260)
show less
FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 57 items
Financial markets 42 items
Econometric models 33 items
Forecasting 27 items
Risk 23 items
Macroeconomics 20 items
Interest rates 20 items
Inflation (Finance) 17 items
Asset pricing 16 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 15 items
Stock market 14 items
COVID-19 13 items
Investments 13 items
International finance 12 items
options 12 items
Prices 12 items
Vector autoregression 11 items
Debt 11 items
Labor supply 11 items
Bank supervision 10 items
Foreign exchange rates 10 items
Liquidity (Economics) 10 items
Business cycles 9 items
Productivity 9 items
Wages 9 items
fiscal policy 9 items
Banks and banking, Central 8 items
Payment systems 8 items
time series analysis 8 items
Bank capital 7 items
Banks and banking - Costs 7 items
Futures 7 items
Money supply 7 items
house prices 7 items
inflation 7 items
Derivative securities 6 items
Employment (Economic theory) 6 items
Hedging (Finance) 6 items
International economic relations 6 items
Labor market 6 items
Money 6 items
business expectations 6 items
real estate 6 items
Human capital 6 items
Bank failures 5 items
Bank reserves 5 items
Banks and banking - History 5 items
Corporations - Finance 5 items
Demography 5 items
Discrimination in employment 5 items
Economic development 5 items
Foreign exchange 5 items
Game theory 5 items
Information theory 5 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 5 items
SVARs 5 items
Stock - Prices 5 items
Taxation 5 items
consumer payment choice 5 items
financial crisis 5 items
firm dynamics 5 items
machine learning 5 items
bank loans 5 items
unemployment 5 items
Bank holding companies 4 items
Bank mergers 4 items
Bonds 4 items
Capital market 4 items
Capital movements 4 items
Consumer behavior 4 items
Consumption (Economics) 4 items
Emigration and immigration 4 items
Finance, Public 4 items
Financial institutions 4 items
Government securities 4 items
Immigrants 4 items
Markets 4 items
Medicaid 4 items
Securities 4 items
Welfare 4 items
central banks 4 items
housing 4 items
identification 4 items
innovation 4 items
joint labor supply 4 items
model misspecification 4 items
mortgage defaults 4 items
sign restrictions 4 items
uncertainty 4 items
volatility 4 items
Bankruptcy 4 items
Education 4 items
Government-sponsored enterprises 4 items
Small business 4 items
mortgages 4 items
patents 4 items
Bank competition 3 items
Banks and banking 3 items
Business enterprises 3 items
CAPM beta 3 items
Credit scoring systems 3 items
Developing countries 3 items
Fed information effect 3 items
Fed information shocks 3 items
Financial crises 3 items
Financial services industry 3 items
Foreign exchange futures 3 items
Income distribution 3 items
International trade 3 items
Internet 3 items
Open market operations 3 items
Production (Economic theory) 3 items
Public policy 3 items
Taiwan 3 items
Treasury bills 3 items
Women - Employment 3 items
ambiguity aversion 3 items
consumption expenditures 3 items
continuously updated GMM 3 items
creative destruction 3 items
demand shocks 3 items
diversity 3 items
employment 3 items
entrepreneurship 3 items
factor analysis 3 items
family welfare 3 items
foreclosures 3 items
growth 3 items
health 3 items
heterogeneous investment response 3 items
home production 3 items
in-person purchases 3 items
inequality 3 items
labor force participation 3 items
labor markets 3 items
labor tax 3 items
liquidity 3 items
maximum likelihood 3 items
microsimulation 3 items
monetary policy implementation 3 items
mortgage 3 items
nonpublic data 3 items
pandemic 3 items
real estate agent 3 items
securitization 3 items
social capital 3 items
stress tests 3 items
unemployment insurance 3 items
wage differentials 3 items
competition 3 items
Australia 2 items
Balance of trade 2 items
Basel capital ratios 2 items
Bonds - Prices 2 items
Budget deficits 2 items
CARES Act 2 items
CDS 2 items
Checks 2 items
China 2 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 2 items
Commercial loans 2 items
Computers 2 items
Credit 2 items
Electronic commerce 2 items
Emigrant remittances 2 items
Financial modernization 2 items
Foreclosure 2 items
GDP growth target 2 items
GSEs 2 items
Germany 2 items
Gröbner bases 2 items
Japan 2 items
Labor mobility 2 items
Labor turnover 2 items
Markov chain 2 items
Mexico 2 items
Monetary policy - United States 2 items
Money theory 2 items
Mortgage loans 2 items
Mutual funds 2 items
Rate of return 2 items
Savings and loan associations 2 items
Shapley value 2 items
Stockholders 2 items
Stocks 2 items
Subprime mortgage 2 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 2 items
Swaps (Finance) 2 items
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2 items
Wealth 2 items
aging 2 items
asymmetric credit allocation 2 items
bank runs 2 items
banking 2 items
behavior modeling 2 items
business dynamism 2 items
business failures 2 items
business formation 2 items
common ownership 2 items
convenience yields 2 items
copula 2 items
debt-to-GDP ratio 2 items
earnings 2 items
economic geography 2 items
economics 2 items
endogenous TFP 2 items
endogenous firm entry 2 items
endogenous growth 2 items
endogenous regime switching 2 items
epidemiology 2 items
event study 2 items
excess bond premium 2 items
external instruments 2 items
externality 2 items
federal funds market 2 items
financial intermediation 2 items
frailty index 2 items
gains from trade 2 items
global financial cycle 2 items
global financial risk 2 items
health outcomes 2 items
health-wealth tradeoffs 2 items
heavy GDP 2 items
heavy loans 2 items
heterogeneity 2 items
heterogeneous agents 2 items
heterogeneous firms 2 items
household finances 2 items
hysteresis 2 items
importance sampler 2 items
inflation expectations 2 items
inflation forecasting 2 items
international business cycles 2 items
labor market frictions 2 items
labor market polarization 2 items
land prices 2 items
leverage 2 items
life cycle profiles 2 items
lifecycle 2 items
lifecycle models 2 items
liquidity constraints 2 items
liquidity premium 2 items
loss function 2 items
martingale 2 items
migration 2 items
migration costs 2 items
mismatch 2 items
monetary policy shocks 2 items
multiplicity 2 items
multiplier preferences 2 items
nominal government debt 2 items
nonlinear effects 2 items
people-based 2 items
place-based 2 items
point of sale 2 items
policy 2 items
political connections 2 items
portfolio choice 2 items
positions of traders 2 items
probability distributions 2 items
public debt 2 items
public health 2 items
quantile regressions 2 items
quantitative easing 2 items
racial disparities 2 items
racial labor market disparities 2 items
randomized controlled trials 2 items
rank test 2 items
remittances 2 items
residential mortgages 2 items
search 2 items
search and matching 2 items
short-term debt 2 items
simultaneous equations 2 items
social costs 2 items
sovereign bonds 2 items
statistical learning 2 items
strategic complementarities 2 items
structural vector autoregressions 2 items
studying consumer payment choice 2 items
subjective forecast distributions 2 items
subsidies on family care 2 items
supply shocks 2 items
task upgrading 2 items
technological innovations 2 items
technology shocks 2 items
time allocation 2 items
time-consistent policy 2 items
trimmed-mean estimators 2 items
unidentified models 2 items
vacancy 2 items
wage gaps 2 items
wage growth 2 items
zero lower bound 2 items
Delta Index 2 items
Social Security 2 items
ATM 1 items
Accounting 1 items
Agriculture 1 items
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 1 items
Arbitrage 1 items
Balance of payments 1 items
Bank deposits 1 items
Bank employees 1 items
Bank investments 1 items
Bank liabilities 1 items
Bank liquidity 1 items
Bank management 1 items
Bank profits 1 items
Banking market 1 items
Banking structure 1 items
Banks and banking - Europe 1 items
Bayes 1 items
Bayesian 1 items
Bayesian VARs 1 items
Bayesian approach 1 items
Bayesian interference 1 items
Bayesian learning 1 items
Bayesian nonparametric analysis 1 items
Bayesian nonparametrics 1 items
Bayesian priors 1 items
Bayesian vector autoregressions 1 items
Bernstein polynomials 1 items
Brazil 1 items
Budget 1 items
Business forecasting 1 items
CS restrictions 1 items
Capital 1 items
Certificates of deposit 1 items
Chicago (Ill.) 1 items
Child care 1 items
Chinese currency 1 items
Cointegration 1 items
Community banks 1 items
Consumer protection 1 items
Continental Illinois Bank and Trust Company of Chicago 1 items
Contracts 1 items
Credit ratings 1 items
Credit unions 1 items
Cross-country differences in market hours 1 items
Current Population Survey 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Deposit insurance 1 items
Devaluation of currency 1 items
Dirichlet process 1 items
Dirichlet process prior 1 items
Discrimination in mortgage loans 1 items
Dollar, American 1 items
Dollarization 1 items
E22 1 items
E52 1 items
EPOP 1 items
ES202 1 items
Econometrics 1 items
Economic conditions 1 items
Economic conditions - Brazil 1 items
Economic conditions - China 1 items
Economic history 1 items
Economic indicators 1 items
Economic policy 1 items
Economies of scale 1 items
Electronic funds transfers 1 items
Epstein-Zin 1 items
Euro-dollar market 1 items
Europe 1 items
European Union 1 items
Fannie Mae 1 items
Farm income 1 items
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 1 items
Federal Reserve System 1 items
Federal funds rate 1 items
Federal home loan banks 1 items
Flow of funds 1 items
Freddie Mac 1 items
G31 1 items
GMM 1 items
GMM estimation 1 items
HBCU 1 items
Hellinger distance 1 items
Home ownership 1 items
IPO 1 items
Identity theft 1 items
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 1 items
Income tax 1 items
Indexation (Economics) 1 items
Industrial productivity 1 items
Information-and-telecommunications-technology capital (ICT) 1 items
Insurance 1 items
Insurance industry 1 items
International business enterprises 1 items
Investments, Foreign 1 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 1 items
Keynesian economics 1 items
LGFVs 1 items
Latin America 1 items
Loan sales 1 items
Loans 1 items
Markov chain Monte Carlo 1 items
Markov-perfect equilibrium 1 items
Markov-switching parameters 1 items
Microeconomics 1 items
Mincer earnings function 1 items
Monetary unions - European Union countries 1 items
Mortgage-backed securities 1 items
NETS data 1 items
NPI policy 1 items
New Keynesian models 1 items
New York (N.Y.) 1 items
OxyContin 1 items
POEs 1 items
PPP half-life deviations 1 items
Pensions 1 items
Peru 1 items
Phillips curve 1 items
Political science 1 items
Poverty 1 items
Privacy 1 items
Programming (Mathematics) 1 items
Purchasing power parity 1 items
QCEW 1 items
QE 1 items
QT 1 items
R&D investment 1 items
RCTs 1 items
REITs 1 items
RMB 1 items
RMB index 1 items
Ramsey plans 1 items
Ramsey taxation 1 items
Regulatory arbitrage 1 items
Risk management 1 items
S-curve evolution 1 items
SOEs 1 items
Sampling (Statistics) 1 items
Saving and investment 1 items
Seasonal variations (Economics) 1 items
Statistics 1 items
Stochastic analysis 1 items
Supply and demand 1 items
Survey of Business Uncertainty 1 items
TIPS 1 items
Taylor series 1 items
Technology 1 items
Tobin effect 1 items
Trade 1 items
United States 1 items
Urban economics 1 items
Velocity of money 1 items
Venture capital 1 items
Workweek 1 items
accuracy 1 items
activity production 1 items
addiction 1 items
adjustment costs 1 items
administrative data 1 items
adverse selection 1 items
affine models 1 items
age 1 items
aggregate fluctuations 1 items
aggregate shocks 1 items
airline prices 1 items
alcohol consumption 1 items
alcohol sales restrictions 1 items
alternatives to cash 1 items
amenities 1 items
amenity value 1 items
ample reserve supply 1 items
ample reserves 1 items
approximations 1 items
asset pricing models 1 items
associations 1 items
assortative matching 1 items
asymmetric information 1 items
asymptotic approximation 1 items
austerity 1 items
show more (495)
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