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Series:Economic Perspectives 

Journal Article
Derivative markets and competitiveness

Economic Perspectives , Volume 16 , Issue Jul

Journal Article
OTC Derivatives—A Primer on Market Infrastructure and Regulatory Policy

In this article, we discuss some recent developments relating to the regulation of derivatives markets, specifically the Group of Twenty (G-20) mandates, and examine the infrastructure that supports derivatives markets (including both the trade execution and post-trade clearing and settlement processes). Then we identify some of the policy issues raised by the G-20 market structure mandates. To provide a foundation for that discussion, first we explain some key concepts and terms.
Economic Perspectives , Issue Q III , Pages 80-99

Journal Article
Banking and currency crisis and systemic risk: lessons from recent events

Banking and currency crises have done severe economic damage in many countries in recent years. This article examines the causes and characteristics of these crises and the public policies intended to prevent them or mitigate their adverse consequences.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 25 , Issue Q III , Pages 9-28

Journal Article
Agriculture: embargo undermines strong world demand for agriculture

Economic Perspectives , Volume 4 , Issue Jan , Pages 12-18

Journal Article
Universal reserve requirements and monetary control

Economic Perspectives , Volume 9 , Issue Sep , Pages 18-24

Journal Article
Banking insights: Behavior of the income velocity of money

Economic Perspectives , Volume 1 , Issue Sep

Journal Article
What do we know about job loss in the United States? evidence from the displaced workers survey, 1984-2004

Economic Perspectives , Volume 29 , Issue Q II , Pages 13-28

Journal Article
Convenience and needs: a post-audit survey

Economic Perspectives , Volume 2 , Issue May , Pages 20-23

Journal Article
Priced services: The Fed's impact on correspondent banking

Economic Perspectives , Volume 9 , Issue Sep , Pages 31-44

Journal Article
The 2001 recession and the Chicago Fed National Index: identifying business cycle turning points

The initial release of the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) in early 2001 pointed to the very real possibility that the U.S. economy was teetering on the brink of recession. This article quantifies the statistical ability of the CFNAI to act as an early warning indicator of economic recessions. In simulation experiments, the CFNAI performed virtually as well as the statistical model's ideal measure of the business cycle.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 26 , Issue Q III , Pages 26-43




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anonymous 27 items

Testa, William A. 23 items

Brewer, Elijah 20 items

Cloos, George W. 15 items

Hervey, Jack L. 15 items

Klier, Thomas H. 15 items

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E00 1 items

E52 1 items

F00 1 items

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Business cycles 26 items

Federal Reserve District, 7th 24 items

Monetary policy 23 items

Labor market 21 items

Unemployment 21 items

Payment systems 20 items

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