Search Results
Large, Dominant Firms Depress Local Wages; Housing Costs Help Offset Lower Pay
Tracy, Joseph; Kahn, Matthew E.
Concern has increased about the ability of very large firms to exert market power and hold down wages in localities where they dominate.
Dallas Fed Economics
Whose Wages Are Falling Behind the Least amid Surging Inflation?
Rich, Robert W.; Tracy, Joseph; Krohn, Mason
For a majority of workers, wages didn’t increase as fast as inflation in the 12 months ended in second quarter 2022. Here, we dig deeper to see how outcomes may have differed across groups of workers.
Dallas Fed Economics
Housing busts and household mobility: an update
Tracy, Joseph; Gyourko, Joseph; Ferreira, Fernando
This paper provides updated estimates of the impact of three financial frictions?negative equity, mortgage lock-in, and property tax lock-in?on household mobility. We add the 2009 wave of the American Housing Survey (AHS) to our sample and also create an improved measure of permanent moves in response to Schulhofer-Wohl?s (2011) critique of our earlier work (2010). Our updated estimates corroborate our previous results: Negative equity reduces household mobility by 30 percent, and $1,000 of additional mortgage or property tax costs reduces household mobility by 10 to 16 percent. ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 526
What’s Up (or Not Up) with Wages?
Morris, Michael; Tracy, Joseph; Rich, Robert W.
This is the third of three articles that talk about the natural rate of unemployment, the unemployment rate that would prevail in a “neutral” labor market after removing all movement due to the business cycle.
Dallas Fed Economics
Journal Article
The Anchoring of US Inflation Expectations Since 2012
Rich, Robert W.; Tracy, Joseph; Naggert, Kristoph
The stabilization, or anchoring, of inflation expectations at a target can help a central bank meet its goals. This paper develops a measure of expectations’ anchoring that combines the deviation of a consensus forecast from an inflation target with forecaster disagreement. We apply the measure to survey-based forecasts of PCE price inflation at medium- and longer-run horizons. Following the FOMC’s 2012 announcement of a 2 percent inflation target, the anchoring of both forecast series steadily improved through 2020:Q4. Recently, while longer-run expectations have remained well-anchored, ...
Economic Commentary
, Volume 2023
, Issue 11
, Pages 7
How Much Slack Is Left in the Labor Market?
Howard, Sean; Rich, Robert W.; Tracy, Joseph
Our analysis shows that viewing the level of employment through the lens of the employment-to-population ratio does not indicate considerable slack in the labor market.
Dallas Fed Economics
Discussion Paper
A Better Measure of First-Time Homebuyers
Lee, Donghoon; Tracy, Joseph
Much of the concern about affordable homeownership has focused on first-time buyers. These buyers, who are often making the transition from renting to owning, can find it difficult to save to meet down-payment requirements; this is particularly true in those areas where rent takes up a significant portion of a household's monthly income. In contrast to first-time buyers, repeat buyers can typically rely on the equity in their current house to help fund the down payment on a trade-up purchase; they also have an easier time qualifying for a new mortgage if they've successfully made payments on ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20190408
Ability to Repay a Mortgage: Assessing the Relationship Between Default, Debt-to-Income
Sexton, Daniel; Tracy, Joseph; Gerardi, Kristopher S.; Frame, W. Scott
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has announced that it intends to change the definition of a “qualified mortgage.” Specifically, the CFPB proposes to reconsider the use of a borrower's debt-to-income ratio as a measure of the ability to repay a loan.
Dallas Fed Economics
Discussion Paper
“Flip This House”: Investor Speculation and the Housing Bubble
Tracy, Joseph; Lee, Donghoon; Haughwout, Andrew F.; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
The recent financial crisis—the worst in eighty years—had its origins in the enormous increase and subsequent collapse in housing prices during the 2000s. While the housing bubble has been the subject of intense public debate and research, no single answer has emerged to explain why prices rose so fast and fell so precipitously. In this post, we present new findings from our recent New York Fed study that uses unique data to suggest that real estate “investors”—borrowers who use financial leverage in the form of mortgage credit to purchase multiple residential properties—played a ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20111205
Discussion Paper
First Impressions Can Be Misleading: Revisions to House Price Changes
Peach, Richard; Tracy, Joseph; Abel, Joshua
An assiduous follower of the national house price charts that the New York Fed maintains on its web page may have noticed that we appear to be rewriting history as we update the charts every month. For example, last month we reported that the median twelve-month house price change across all counties for December 2012 was 3.68 percent. However, this month, we indicate that this same median change for December 2012 was instead 3.45 percent. Why the change? Was the earlier reported number a mistake that we simply corrected this month? If not, what explains the revision to the initial report?
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20130326
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 55 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 24 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
Staff Reports 27 items
Dallas Fed Economics 20 items
Liberty Street Economics 14 items
Working Papers 7 items
Economic Policy Review 6 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 4 items
Speech 4 items
Economic Commentary 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
Southwest Economy 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Report 27 items
Discussion Paper 14 items
Journal Article 14 items
Working Paper 9 items
Speech 4 items
Rich, Robert W. 28 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 13 items
Lee, Donghoon 12 items
Frame, W. Scott 11 items
Peach, Richard 8 items
Morris, Michael 7 items
Gyourko, Joseph 5 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 4 items
Howard, Sean 4 items
Vickery, James 4 items
Ferreira, Fernando 3 items
Fuster, Andreas 3 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 3 items
Mehran, Hamid 3 items
Wright, Joshua 3 items
Chan, Sewin 2 items
Clements, Michael 2 items
Dannels, Sam 2 items
Kahn, Matthew E. 2 items
Krohn, Mason 2 items
Mayer, Christopher J. 2 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 2 items
Naggert, Kristoph 2 items
Schneider, Henry 2 items
Sporn, John 2 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 2 items
Abel, Joshua 1 items
Aragon, Diego 1 items
Cramton, Peter 1 items
Cunningham, Chris 1 items
Dechario, Toni 1 items
Dill, Jessica 1 items
Gilbukh, Sonia 1 items
Huang, Junfeng 1 items
Jones, Aquil 1 items
Landau, Rebecca 1 items
Manning, Steven 1 items
Okah, Ebiere 1 items
Orr, James A. 1 items
Sexton, Daniel 1 items
Song, Joseph 1 items
Sutherland, Sarah 1 items
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G21 11 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Mortgages 16 items
Labor 13 items
Economic Conditions 13 items
COVID-19 9 items
first-time home buyers 9 items
Banking 7 items
Real Estate 7 items
Housing - Finance 6 items
Uncertainty 6 items
Credit 5 items
mortgage 5 items
density forecasts 5 items
point forecasts 5 items
Default (Finance) 4 items
Finance 4 items
Housing - Prices 4 items
Recessions 4 items
Subprime mortgage 4 items
Housing 4 items
Wages 4 items
financial crisis 4 items
Consumer Credit Panel 3 items
Fannie Mae 3 items
Freddie Mac 3 items
Home ownership 3 items
Inflation (Finance) 3 items
government intervention 3 items
housing finance 3 items
Inflation 3 items
Monetary policy 3 items
disagreement 3 items
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters 2 items
Equity 2 items
FHA mortgages 2 items
Federal Housing Administration 2 items
Federal Open Market Committee 2 items
Foreclosure 2 items
Foreign exchange rates 2 items
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MBS 2 items
Property tax 2 items
Saving and investment 2 items
Stocks 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
aggregation effects 2 items
composition effects 2 items
forecast accuracy 2 items
labor contracts 2 items
negative equity 2 items
pandemic 2 items
survey expectations 2 items
wage growth 2 items
wage-inflation Phillips curve 2 items
Economic forecasting 2 items
Financial stability 2 items
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Supply-side economics 1 items
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adjustable-rate mortgages 1 items
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cities 1 items
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data collection and modeling 1 items
data revisions 1 items
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real estate investments 1 items
seemingly related regression 1 items
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taxes 1 items
time series analysis 1 items
wage gaps 1 items
women employment 1 items
women wages 1 items
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