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Author:Quadrini, Vincenzo 

Conference Paper
Financial innovations and macroeconomic volatility

The volatility of US business cycles has declined during the last two decades. During the same period the financial structure of firms has become more volatile. In this paper we develop a model in which financial factors are central for generating economic fluctuations. Innovations in financial markets allow for greater financial flexibility and generate a lower volatility of output together with a higher volatility in the financial structure of firms.
Proceedings , Issue Nov

Journal Article
Understanding the U.S. distribution of wealth

This article describes the current state of economic theory intended to explain the unequal distribution of wealth among U.S. households. The models reviewed are heterogeneous agent versions of standard neoclassical growth models with uninsurable idiosyncratic shocks to earnings. The models endogenously generate differences in asset holdings as a result of the household's desire to smooth consumption while earnings fluctuate. Both of the dominant types of models--dynastic and life cycle models--reproduce the U.S. wealth distribution poorly. The article describes several features recently ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 21 , Issue Spr , Pages 22-36

Conference Paper
The costs of losing monetary independence: the case of Mexico


Journal Article
Updated facts on the U.S. distributions of earnings, income, and wealth

Quarterly Review , Volume 26 , Issue Sum , Pages 2-35

Working Paper
Financial globalization, inequality, and the raising of public debt

During the last three decades, the stock of government debt has increased in most developed countries. During the same period, we also observe a significant liberalization of international financial markets and an increase in income inequality in several industrialized countries. In this paper we propose a multicountry political economy model with incomplete markets and endogenous government borrowing and show that governments choose higher levels of public debt when financial markets become internationally integrated and inequality increases. We also conduct an empirical analysis using OECD ...
Working Papers , Paper 12-6

Discussion Paper
Entrepreneurship, saving and social mobility

This paper examines entrepreneurship in order to analyze, first, the degree to which the opportunity to start or own a business affects the household's saving behavior and the implication of this behavior for the distribution of wealth and, second, the relationship between the extent of entrepreneurship in the economy and socioeconomic mobility, that is, the movement of families across wealth classes over time. First, a number of stylized facts based on data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) and the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) are outlined. They show relevant differences ...
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics , Paper 116

Journal Article
Dimensions of inequality: facts on the U.S. distributions of earnings, income, and wealth

This article describes some facts about financial inequality in the United States that a good theory of inequality must be able to explain. These include the facts that labor earnings, income, and wealth are all unequally distributed among U.S. households, but the distributions are significantly different. Wealth is much more concentrated than the other two. Wealth is positively correlated with earnings and income, but not strongly. The movement of households up and down the economic scale is greater when measured by income than by earnings or wealth. Differences across the three variables ...
Quarterly Review , Volume 21 , Issue Spr , Pages 3-21

Journal Article
Financial frictions in macroeconomic fluctations

The key ideas for adding financial market frictions in general equilibrium models are not new in macroeconomics. However, it is only with the recent crisis that the profession has fully recognized the importance of financial markets for business cycle fluctuations. In this article I review some of the most popular ideas proposed in the literature and I show how the modeling of financial frictions helps us understand several dynamic features of the macroeconomy.
Economic Quarterly , Volume 97 , Issue 3Q , Pages 209-254

International recessions

The 2007?2009 crisis was characterized by an unprecedented degree of international synchronization as all major industrialized countries experienced large macroeconomic contractions around the date of Lehman bankruptcy. At the same time countries also experienced large and synchronized tightening of credit conditions. We present a two-country model with financial market frictions where a credit tightening can emerge as a self-fulfilling equilibrium caused by pessimistic but fully rational expectations. As a result of the credit tightening, countries experience large and endogenously ...
Staff Report , Paper 463