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Author:Price, David A. 

Journal Article
Policy Update: Risk Retention Contention

Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 7-7

Journal Article
Book Review: Trillion Dollar Economists

Trillion Dollar Economists: How Economists and Their Ideas Have Transformed Business, by Robert E. Litan, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2014, 363 pages.
Econ Focus , Issue 4Q , Pages 35-35

Journal Article
INTERVIEW: James Poterba

Econ Focus , Issue 2Q , Pages 24-29

Journal Article
Book review: A capitalism for the people

Econ Focus , Volume 17 , Issue 1Q , Pages 39

Journal Article
Robots for the Long Haul

There are 1.8 million heavy truck and tractor-trailer drivers in the United States. Will self-driving trucks soon mean the end of many of those jobs?
Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 13-15

Journal Article
Book review: Cities growing apart

Review of Enrico Moretti's "The new geography of jobs" Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012, 252 pages.
Econ Focus , Volume 16 , Issue 2Q/3Q , Pages 43

Journal Article
Interview: Mark Gertler

Econ Focus , Issue 4Q , Pages 32-36

How Likely Is a Return to the Zero Lower Bound?

The likelihood of returning to near-zero interest rates is relevant to policymakers in considering the path of future interest rates. At the zero lower bound, the Fed can no longer lower rates and thus can respond to a contraction only through alternative policy measures, such as quantitative easing. Recent research at the Richmond Fed has used repeated simulations of the U.S. economy to estimate the probability of such an occurrence over the next ten years. The estimated probability of returning to the zero lower bound one or more times during this period is approximately one chance in four.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Issue September

Journal Article
Book review: Riches from respect

Review of Dierdre N. McClosky's "Bourgeois dignity: why economics can't explain the modern world," Chicago University Press, 2012.
Econ Focus , Volume 15 , Issue 1Q , Pages 39

Journal Article
Book Review - The Downfall of Money: Germany's Hyperinflation and the Destruction of the Middle Class

Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 35-35




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Journal Article 56 items

Briefing 25 items

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J4 1 items

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Financial institutions 6 items

Business cycles 5 items

Financial markets 5 items

Recessions 4 items

Books - Reviews 3 items

Monetary policy 3 items

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