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Author:Hill, John K. 

Working Paper
Immigrant decisions concerning length of stay and frequency of visit

Working Papers , Paper 8502

Journal Article
Demographics and the trade balance

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue Sep , Pages 1-11

Journal Article
Energy's contribution to the growth of employment in Texas, 1972-1982

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue May , Pages 11-18

Journal Article
The trade balance and the real exchange rate

John K. Hill examines how the trade balance and the real exchange rate interact after an economic disturbance. Hill explains how, for disturbances likely to have a significant effect on the trade balance, real exchange rate movements are more the result of a shift in the trade balance than the cause of it. The impetus for change in the trade balance is the disturbance itself. Exchange rate movements are accommodative and, by themselves, account for only part of the total change in the trade balance. Hill concludes that to ask "How far must the dollar fall to balance the trade account?" is ...
Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue Nov , Pages 1-15

Working Paper
The incidence of sanctions against U. S. employers of illegal aliens

Working Papers , Paper 8702

Journal Article
Effects of the lower dollar on U.S. manufacturing: industry and state comparisons

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue Mar , Pages 1-9

Working Paper
Prices vs. quantities in cartel theory with special reference to OPEC

Working Papers , Paper 8503

Working Paper
Demographics and the foreign indebtedness of the United States

Working Papers , Paper 9002

Journal Article
Enforcing sanctions against employers of illegal aliens

Economic and Financial Policy Review , Issue May , Pages 1-15

Working Paper
The incidence of sanctions against U.S. employers of illegal aliens

Working Papers , Paper 8811