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Discussion Paper
Human capital, aggregate shocks, and panel data estimation
This paper analyses how the wage and employment decisions of females are affected by past workforce participation and hours supplied. Our estimation methods exploit the fact that, when markets are complete, the Lagrange multiplier for an agents lifetime budget constraint always enters multiplicatively with the prices of (contingent claims to) consumption and leisure. Depending on the properties of the equilibrium price process, it is thus possible to predict the behavior of a wealthy agent by observing that of a poorer person living in a more prosperous world. This provides the key to ...
Working Paper
Household choices in equilibrium
This paper investigates the role of aggregate shocks on household consumption and labor supply. It posits, estimates and tests a model where the equilibrium behavior of agents sometimes leads them to locate on the boundary of their respective choices sets. The framework is rich enough to nest much previous empirical work on life cycle labor supply and consumption based asset pricing. It also yields a structural interpretation of wage regressions on unemployment. An important feature of our model is that markets are complete. Consequently, aggregate shocks only enter through two price ...
Working Paper
Time to build and aggregate fluctuations: some new evidence
This paper presents maximum likelihood estimates of a real business cycle model very similar to one Kydland and Prescott [1982] suggested. The results of the paper conflict with Kydland and Prescott?s. The model leaves unexplained much of the variance of two key investment series, namely, structures and equipment. Also, much of the variation in the differences of per capita hours can be generated assuming that past leisure choices do not affect current utility.