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Author:Torres, Luis 

Journal Article
WARN layoff notices signal easing Texas labor market

Even with Texas employment growing rapidly and jobless rates remaining low in 2023, mass layoffs may be heading higher, according to notices of pending workforce reductions filed with state officials.
Southwest Economy

Diversified San Antonio Confronts Economic Divide Among Youth

Dallas Fed President Lorie K. Logan met with San Antonio business and community leaders in mid-October in the third stop on her 360° in 365 Listening Tour.
Dallas Fed Economics

Mexico seeks to solidify rank as top U.S. trade partner, push further past China

Mexico's emergence followed fractious U.S. relations with China, which had moved past Canada to claim the top trading spot in 2014. The dynamic changed in 2018 when the U.S. imposed tariffs on China’s goods and with subsequent pandemic-era supply-chain disruptions that altered international trade and investment flows worldwide.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Around the Region: Texas Home Prices Rose at Record Pace in 2021

The buyer frenzy in Texas housing markets began in summer 2020, just months after COVID-19 shut down the economy in March and April.
Southwest Economy , Issue Second Quarter

Journal Article
Mexico awaits ‘nearshoring’ shift as China boosts its direct investment

When it comes to trading goods with the United States, Mexico would appear a logical sourcing alternative to China. Before the pandemic, increasing friction between the U.S. and China—the top supplier of goods imports to the U.S. in 2019—contributed to an anticipated “nearshoring” shift among companies dependent on Asia.
Southwest Economy

Journal Article
Looking Back: Harris County Five Years After Hurricane Harvey Hit

We look back five years, when then-Harris County Judge Ed Emmett went “On the Record” in Southwest Economy to discuss the response to Hurricane Harvey.
Southwest Economy , Issue Second Quarter

Economic outlook weakens as job growth, inflation slow

The Texas economy is continuing to slow during the fourth quarter, with labor demand and manufacturing output softening and wage and price pressures easing.
Dallas Fed Economics

Mexican peso strength noteworthy among emerging markets during Fed tightening

Many emerging-market currencies have depreciated modestly during the Federal Reserve’s tightening cycle that began in March 2022. The Mexican peso, however, outperformed the group during the period.
Dallas Fed Economics

El Paso Aims to End Brain Drain with Global Manufacturing, Higher-Paying Jobs

Dallas Fed President Lorie K. Logan met with El Paso business and community leaders in mid-October in the second of 12 stops on her 360° in 365 Listening Tour.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Spotlight: Texas Exports Reach New Record Despite Strong Dollar

Texas remains the nation’s top exporter, setting records each month despite the recent appreciation of the dollar. A strong dollar can be bad for business because it makes U.S. goods more expensive overseas.
Southwest Economy , Issue Third Quarter




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