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Author:Dewald, William G. 

Journal Article
Monetarism is dead; long live the quantity theory

Review , Issue Jul , Pages 3-18

Journal Article
Monetary growth, inflation, and unemployment: projections through 1983

Economic Review , Volume 63 , Issue Nov , Pages 3-17

Working Paper
Inflation, real interest tax wedges, and capital formation

Inflation magnifies the distorting effects of taxation when the tax treatment of interest income and expense is not fully indexed to inflation. The distortion involves a real interest tax wedge which is the difference between the real before tax interest rate that influences fully taxed investors and the real after tax interest rate that influences savers. Reducing the real tax wedge by eliminating inflation or indexing would stimulate private saving and non-residential investment, but decrease tax receipts and the tax deductions that subsidize home ownership.
Working Papers , Paper 1998-005

Journal Article
Replication and scientific standards in applied economics a decade after the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking project

Review , Issue Nov , Pages 79-83

Journal Article
CBO and OMB projections, adjusted for inflation, show federal budget deficit under control

Federal budget deficits continue to dominate discussions of the short-term economic future of the United States. This article by William G. Dewald stands in stark contrast to the aura of pessimism that pervades most such discussions. Dewalds optimism derives from the inflation adjustment factors he applies to the CBO and OMB deficit projections based on the 1986 Congressional Budget Resolution. He insists that pessimism about deficits stems from a tendency to focus on nominal rather than real (i.e., inflation-adjusted) deficits. Inflation mitigates the burden of a given nominal deficit in two ...
Economic Review , Volume 71 , Issue Nov , Pages 15-22

Journal Article
How fast could inflation be eliminated?

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Real budget deficit implications of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings

An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review , Volume 72 , Issue Mar , Pages 33-34

Working Paper
The effects of disinflationary policies on monetary velocity

A study of the effect of disinflation policies on monetary velocity, which shows a systematic relation between unexpected changes in the money-income relationship and changes in the trends of inflation rates, and which concludes that the failure to commit to a stable price policy tends to destabilize the economy.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 8901

Journal Article
Fast vs. gradual policies for controlling inflation

Economic Review , Volume 65 , Issue Jan , Pages 16-25

Conference Paper
How fast does inflation adjust to its underlying determinants?

Proceedings , Issue 5 , Pages 221-249