
On the existence and uniqueness of nonoptimal equilibria in dynamic stochastic economies

Abstract: The question of the existence and uniqueness of a stationary equilibrium for distorted versions of the standard neoclassical growth model is addressed in this paper. The conditions presented guaranteeing the existence and uniqueness of nontrivial equilibrium for the class of economies under study are simple and intuitively appealing, while the existence and uniqueness proof developed is elementary. Examples are presented illustrating that economies with distortional taxation, endogenous growth with externalities, and monopolistic competition can all fit into the framework developed.

Keywords: Econometric models;

Status: Published in Journal of Economic Theory (Vol. 65, n.2; April 1995, pp. 611-623)

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Bibliographic Information

Provider: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Part of Series: Staff Report

Publication Date: 1992

Number: 151